Salient points of press conference : BJP National Spokesperson Dr. Sambit Patra.

by Shri Sambit Patra -
Press Release





The real meaning of INC (Indian National Congress) is  ‘I Need Commission. Its leaders do nothing without commission. And this trend in the Congress party has been going on. continues even today. Since the formation of the Congress party it has remained the saga of' I Need Commission'. Jeep purchase scam, Bofors scam, Airbus scam, Submarine scam,. Helicopter scam, Tetra truck scam --  wherever their is commission/scam, there is Congress party.


The latest expose by the French portal Media part has again proved that during the Congress party rule under Sonia Gandhi - Manmohan Singh massive corruption took place in Rafael deal between 2007 and 2012. Rahul Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi have broken all records of corruption and have made world record of taking commission.


During the Congress party rule, not a single defence deal was done without taking massive commission. During the United Progressive Alliance ( UPA) government led by the Congress party there used to be deal within deal, and even after that deal would not materialize.


Who says there is no address of corruption. In India the address of corruption is -- 10 Janpath. Ever since the Bharatiya Janata Party has come to power, corruption has lost its address and the Gandhi family has become very desperate.


The Congress party did thousands of corruption and the amount of corruption crossed thousands of crores of rupees. The amount of corruption that the Congress party did in its rule has broken several world records.


And now it is known to the world that the Rafael deal could not materialize for 10 years as the Congress party failed to reach the deal on commission. What is startling is the fact that even after taking the commission of Rs 65 crores the Congress party was still negotiating on more commission. And the deal could not come through as 'one family' was not satisfied with the commission in the deal.


During the Congress party rule we did not see any 'agreement for purchase', but the country did see on 'agreement of commission'. In the Congress party government there was not just conspiracy to take commission, the fact is that the commission was taken in the deal.


The expose has also revealed that commission was taken in the Rafael deal between 2007 and 2012, and the name of the middleman was Sushen Gupta. This same person was also involved in the Augusta Westland deal, an investigation in the case is still going on.


Rahul Gandhi should answer why he and his party lied to the people of the country for so many years, and why they tried to mislead and create confusion over the Rafael deal and massive corruption involved in it?


Under the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government led by the Congress party India did not have good fighter planes. For 10 long years the Congress party government failed to do any deal and kept all the defence deals which were crucial for India in abeyance. And all this was done by the Congress party to satisfy their greed for commission. The deal for good fighter planes was not meant for the country, it was infact conceived by the Congress party to get good commission and indulge in massive corruption. It is a perfect case of the pot calling the kettle black.


(Mahendra Pandey)

Office Secretary


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