Salient points of press conference of BJP National Spokesperson Dr. Sambit Patra

by Shri Sambit Patra -
Press Release




The manner in which the Chiefs of our three armed forces have explained the benefits of the Agnipath scheme in detail, no one should have a doubt about the revolutionary scheme announced by the Narendra Modi Government fir betterment of the youth of our country.


It is a matter of deep concern and pain that the opposition parties are doing politics on  such sensitive issues which should not be touched. The opposition parties are stopping too low to gain political mileage. So much so that our senior most officers have to come forward to explain things to our youth and request them to refrain from violent protests.


Army is not a platform for politics. Our armed forces have one motto -- to defend our nation. The entire nation today stands United in favour of our army.


Without Reform, Perform and Transform India cannot become 'great' nation. Our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji is taking nation ahead by adopting the policy of Reform, Perform and Transform. Unfortunately some of our opposition parties are unable to understand this.


The main aim of the Agnipath scheme is to bring our youth forward. This issue is being debated since 1989 . Post war in Sri Lanka and Kargil our review committees had also given similar recommendations. After implantation of the Agnipath scheme the average age of our armed forces will come down from 32 years to 26 years. 


The only motive if the so called satyagrah of the Congress party led by Priyanka Vadra is to disturb the Narendra Modi Government and create roadblocks in decisions which are good for the nation. The Congress party has just one work -- to mislead and fool the innocent youth of the country.


Priyanka Vadra ji you just want to topple the democratically elected Narendra Modi Government . But our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji has one mission -- to take India a strong and self reliant country, to make  future of our youth successful and brightb, to strengthen and secure our country.


They are the same people who had raised doubts over the surgical strike. Our top army people had to come out to explain the valour of our soldiers. During Doklam controversy Rahul Gandhi was found inside the Chinese embassy. This is the true character of the Congress party and its leaders.


On the issues of army, national security and Poor's welfare no party should do politics. We all need to stand together as one on these important issues.


The Congress party government in its 10 years weakened our armed forces and stalled all defence projects. When we brought Rafael the Congress party played dirty politics. The Congress government's Defence Minister AK Antony had one rule --  No Work, No Headache.


During its Government the Congress party did no procurement for air force, army and navy. Now when our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji is modernising our armed forces and improving it's capabilities the Congress party is again doing its dirty politics.


In four years the 75% Agniveers who will come out the kind of schemes that the Home Ministry, Defence Ministry and other ministries and BJP state governments are announcing which shows the commitment the Bharatiya Janata Party and our Governments under the leadership of Honourable Prime Minister have for our youth.


The Congress party leaders have always done irresponsible politics and have given dangerous statements. For instance Congress party leader Digvijay Singh is talking about 'shoot to kill' while it's leader in Rajasthan is saying youth will become Naxals. Similarly a Congress MLA from Jharkhand Irfan Ansari is talking about bloodshed on roads. The Congress party does not trust our youth, its leaders does not trust our armed forces. Why does the Congress party and its leaders hate our youth?


Our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji and our armed forces have so much trust and faith on our youth that they have decided to hand over the safety and security of our nation to them through the Agnipath scheme. The Congress party should understand that our youth were never Naxals and never become one.


Similarly the Congress party had played dirty politics on JAM -- Jan Dhan , Aadhar and Mobile   -- and instigated people. They did same on the Covid vaccine issues.


(Mahendra Kumar)

Office Secretary

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