Bharatiya Janata Party
National Executive Meeting
6-7 January, 2017
NDMC, Convention Centre, New Delhi
Transformative Governance – Value based Politics
The National Executive of the BJP conveys best wishes to the people of India and the world on the occasion of the New Year 2017. It promises the countrymen a new year that would bring about more prosperity and progress in the country.
The NE congratulates HPM and his colleagues in the Cabinet for the transformative initiatives of the government in the just concluded year of 2016 that have ushered in a new light in the lives of the poor and the downtrodden while at the same time benefitting the rest of the country by setting the basics of the economy right.
Surgical Strikes – Zero Tolerance to Terrorism:
The surgical strikes executed with utmost precision by our armed forces have shown to the world that India is led by a government today that is committed to securing its borders and interests with determination and will power. The NE congratulates the prime Minister and his other concerned ministerial colleagues for the bold decision of responding appropriately to the terror tactics of our recalcitrant neighbour. We salute our brave soldiers for valiantly fighting and laying down their to secure our borders and honour.That the strikes have had the required effect on our neighbour can be gauged from the fact that there is near normal silence on the Indo-Pak border in the last few weeks and also the initiative taken by Pakistan to call for DGMO level talks between the two countries.
India has always demonstrated its urge and desire for peaceful and friendly relations with all its neighbours including Pakistan. PM Modi’s motto – ‘Together We Grow’ – envisions a combined and integrated future of all the Indian Ocean neighbours. It is in the interest of Pakistan and also the bilateral relations between our two countries that the Nawaz Sheriff government takes concrete and credible steps to end terror factories on its soil and the clandestine support extended to them by Pakistan’s official agencies like the ISI.
Terrorism is today seen by the democratic and civilised world as a scourge whereas Pakistan continues to use it as state policy. It continues to push terrorists into India and other countries in the worldand engages in terror attacks and promotes violent insurgent and separatist movement in J&K. The surgical strikes ordered by the Prime Minister and the total rejection of the separatist agenda by the people and governments of J&K and the Centre are a categorical assertion to Pakistan that its ulterior designs shall never succeed and the government led by PM Modi will continue to demonstrate zero tolerance for terrorism; and it reserves every right to respond to such threats in an appropriate and out-of-the-box manner in future also.
We are celebrating the Birth Centenary of Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay, the ideological mentor of the nationalist movement, this year.Inspired by his Antyodaya vision the Modi government has taken up countless initiatives for the welfare and wellbeing of the poor, downtrodden, farmers, daily wage earners, workers and senior citizens. Icing on the cake is the PM’s New Year eve address in which he has offered several incentives for urban and rural poor, farmers, pregnant women, small and medium industries and senior citizens etc. These new incentives are going to not only benefit the poor and marginalised but also various other segments of the society by kick-starting the economy in a big way. Housing sector is going to get a major boost that will help grow jobs and industry.
We are here not merely for reform. Reform is good, but it is largely about tinkering the existing system. PM Modi’s vision is transformative. All the above mentioned schemes and programs are intended to bring about a fundamental course correction and transformation at the grassroots. A new culture of honesty, discipline, commitment and patriotism is the end goal of these measures by our government. The NE lauds the PM’s relentless efforts in leading from the front to usher in a new work culture and ethics where honesty is respected and rewarded and dishonest are shown the path of reform.
The just concluded year has seen Prime Minister’s popularity soaring. He has been named as one of the top ten most popular leaders in the world by the prestigious Time magazine recently. The NE has no hesitation to conclude that the unmatched popularity of the Prime Minister is a reflection of the endorsement of the people of the country for his transformative policies and programs.
Electoral Victories:
The year 2016 has been a very successful year for the BJP as a party too. In the electoral arena, the year began with the BJP entering the North East with a bang by winning Assam Assembly elections with two-thirds majority in alliance with its partners. The year has ended on another happy note with 33 MLAs from the PPA in Arunachal Pradesh, including the Chief Minister, opting to join the BJP. The NE welcomes the new BJP CM Pema Khandu into the BJP Parivar. Arunachal Pradesh became the 10th state ruled by BJP and the 14th ruled by BJP alliance.
The BJP has registered convincing victories in the by-elections held to the Lok Sabha and different Vidhan Sabhas in states like Assam, Madhya Pradesh and Arunachal Pradesh. Its showing in the Left-dominated Tripura, where it is slowly but surely emerging as the credible alternative to the Left Front pushing back parties like Congress and TMC, can’t be overlooked. In Bengal too, the Party has weathered the brute politics of the ruling party and emerged as a strong runner up in recent by-polls.
The Party has registered thumping victory in the local body elections held in states like Maharashtra, Chattisgarh, Gujarat and Rajasthan. BJP’s landslide victory in the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation elections needs special mention where it has almost swept the polls winning 21 out of 26 seats. It needs to be remembered that most of these elections were held after the announcement of demonetisation scheme by PM Modiji. It is not an overstatement to claim that the results are a vindication of the unqualified popular support to the demonetisation program.
Party has concluded training programs in most of the states and preparing to reach out to the people under the banner of Deendayal Upadhyay Birth Centenary celebrations.
Anti-people and Anti-democracy Opposition:
The NE takes this opportunity to strongly censure anti-people and anti-democracy acts and deeds of the Opposition parties. The behaviour of the parties led by the Congress Party in stalling the entire session of the Parliament betrays their scant respect for democratic institutions. Obstruction and obfuscation has become the hallmark of the Opposition politics in the country.
In states like Bengal normal functioning of the political activity has become difficult under the draconian TMC rule. Attacks on political workers of the BJP have increased in Bengal and Kerala. The recent attacks on BJP headquarters in Kolkata and scores of other places in Bengal point to the extreme and violent form of political intolerance practised by the ruling TMC. Dozens of Karyakartas were injured in these attacks.The red terror in Kerala continues to rob the lives of dedicated Karyakartas, the latest victim being Sri Radhakrishnan. It is a sad commentary on the bureaucracy and law and order machinery that they too seem to have become mute spectators while lawlessness and crime perpetrates.
Extreme appeasement politics of the governments in the states have led to sever communal tension and strife in these states. Government machinery has been misused to allow the perpetrators of communal violence go scot-free if not clandestinely support them. The failure of the TMC government in Bengal in safeguarding the majority law-abiding community is most glaring in the recent Dhulagarh riots where the rioters went about torching houses and shouting slogans like Pakistan Zindabad while the state police had looked the other way.
The NE bemoans the silence of the larger public institutions like media and intelligentsia over the Fascist oppression of fundamental political rights in these states. Their silence is baffling even when their own colleagues are being subjected to violation of their fundamental rights like free speech etc. The NE wishes remind the so-called torchbearers of human rights and civil liberties that in such matters their silence tantamount to complicity only.
The NE expresses sympathy for the people affected by communal and political violence in these states.In its history of several decades the BJP has faced such political vandalism several times before and knows how to tackle it in a democratic manner. The NE warns that it would intensify democratic protest programs to awaken people to the misrule of the governments in Bengal and Kerala.
Electoral Reforms:
The NE extends its full support to PM’s another path-breaking initiative in the electoral reforms arena by calling for simultaneous polls to central and state legislatures. The NE opines that such a move together with several other important reforms would pave way for cleaner and healthier electoral practises in the country. The NE calls for a wider debate on PM’s call among the political parties, intelligentsia and the voters at large.
Deen Dayal Upadhyay Birth Centenary and other events:
The NE calls upon the Party cadres to use the Centenary Celebrations of the ideological mentor Pt. Upadhyay to reach out to far and wide and carry his message of clean public life and Antyodaya. The NE also appeals to the cadres to actively participate in the events associated with the 350thPrakashotsav of Shri Guru Gobind Singhji and Centenary of Sri Nanaji Deshmukh.
Elections to States:
Five states will go to polls in the next couple of months. BJP is in power in Goa and Punjab out of these five states. In UP and Uttarakhand it had been a ruling party earlier. Manipur is the only state where our party has never been in power. The BJP views the forthcoming Assembly elections as an opportunity to retain or regain power in all the states including Manipur. People of the country are yearning to follow PM Modiji’s development politics. The BJP appeals to the Karyakartas in the poll-bound states to work hard so that we can secure the mandate of the people and form governments in all the five states.
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