BJP's 10-Point Freedom Charter

We'll do in 10 years what others couldn't in 50.
  • Freedom from Unemployment 
    • One crore new jobs a year for the next 10 years.
  • Freedom from Homelessness 
    • 20 lakh new houses a year for the next 10 years.
  • Freedom from Hunger 
    • Double food production by the year 2010. 
  • Freedom from Illiteracy
    • Full literacy by the year 2010. 
  • Freedom from Fear 
    • A riot-free and terrorism-free India. 
  • Freedom from Social Strife 
    • Harmony between all castes and communities. 
  • Freedom from Centre-States Discord 
    • More powers for States and local bodies.
  • Freedom for Women 
    • Free education upto graduation & 33% seats in Parliament. 
  • Freedom from Poor Infrastructure 
    • More power, better transport and modern communications. 
  • Freedom from Mental Slavery 
    • Make every Indian BELIEVE IN INDIA.