Brief points made by Shri Arun Jaitley on the political resolution

  Brief points made by Shri Arun Jaitley on the political resolution


UPA II has shown governance at its worst. Traditionally India has shown a great sense of resilience to emerge a stronger from every class. However the present crisis of governance and lack of credibility has shaken our National confidence.  There is a sense of despair and helplessness. UPA II marks a   new low in political management and economic decision making; infact there is no economic management or political direction.


There is crisis of leadership. The head of the government is not the natural leader of either the party or the nation. The lack of leadership is responsible for the directionless and the absence of decision making.


An Economic crisis has engulfed us. Rupee is the worst performing currency in the region. There is a huge flight of capital & investment. Inflation has been uncontrolled for years. Agricultural surplus and shortage are both creating a crisis of mismanagement. Success stories like Telecom, Highways, Real Estate etc. are being converted into scandals. No nation can afford to destroy success. All this has depleted economic activity and will result in job losses and a loss of revenue.


The Political Management of the UPA is equally disastrous for the nation. The allies of the UPA are a discontent lot. However they are willing to proclaim but unwilling to strike. Parties like the BSP and the SP are pushed to submissiveness due to pressures on them by the CBI. Maoism continues to spread unabated. The government has no game plan to deal with it. Rather than work for a fuller constitutional integration of Jammu & Kashmir with India, the Interlocutor’s report has set a reverse process into motion.


Arrogance is the hallmark of UPA governance. Misuse of CBI, lack of consultation with the opposition or even allies, assault on federalism, discrimination against non-congress governments are regular features. The allegation of corruption continues unabated against this government.


This situation presents a challenge and an opportunity for the BJP.


  • The BJP must now be ready with a plan and direction to restore the national economy.

  • The national mood of anti-congressim must be exploited and the NDA expanded.

  • The third front experiment of governance has been tried repeated. It has failed and con not be replicated.

  • We must prepare the BJP to be a Cohesive and the ethical party prepared to give direction to the nation.

  • We must avoid any kind of contradictory voices emerging from within.

  • We have provided good governance at the centre (1998-2004) and in the states. Our agenda for good governance must be strengthened.


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