Note on amendments to the party constitution as passed by the National Executive meeting of BJP at Raipur

Political Resolution


1. The amendment has clarified the position about term of a member as president of the party. Earlier the constitution has mentioned, "a member can hold the post of president for the period of three years". This was interpreted as that a member can become president for three years only once in his/her lifetime.

The confusion is now clarified by inserting the word "consecutive two terms". This explains that a member can hold a post of president, for more than one term but not consecutively.

2. As more and more people are joining the party and more and more members want to actively contribute in the party working, the constitution now makes provision for more representation at all levels.

- One post of Vice President, General Secretary, and a Secretary would be increased at all levels in the organization. This means from mandal level to national level these posts would be added to the present organizational structure.

- The number of members in executive council of each morcha (front) would also increase substantially. The number of members in executive council would go up from 20 to 30 from 30 to 40 and from 40 to 50 at various levels and the number of office bearers of all the morchas will also increased.

3. As the participation of women workers is increasing day by day, it was felt that women members should get more berths in the party infrastructure at all levels. The number of women representation is increased by amendments from 1 to 2, from 2 to 4, from 4 to 5, from 5 to 8 and from 10 to 12 at various levels in the party hierarchy.

4. The procedure for taking action against the indiscipline is now made more precise and time bound. The member concern will have to reply within ten days of getting the notice for explanation. The state Disciplinary Action Committee will submit their report within 15 days after getting the explanation from the member concerned. The National president is empowered now that he can take action against any member, which will be ratified, by state Disciplinary Action Committee.


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