Salient points of the press conference of BJP National Spokesperson Shri Gaurav Bhatia

by Shri Gaurav Bhatia -
Press Release

Salient Points of Bharatiya Janata Party National Spokesperson Shri Gaurav Bhatia’s Media Address


Supreme Court granted conditional bail to "Kattar Beimaan" Arvind Kejriwal and thus the “Jail Wala CM” is now “Bail Wala CM


Arvind Kejriwal remained in jail for six months and, even with conditional bail today, is not resigning. It would not be incorrect to say, "Bhrashtachar Yukt, CM Abhiyukt"


Arvind Kejriwal, who once insisted that anyone facing allegations should resign, has now been granted conditional bail himself


A bench of two judges of the Hon'ble Supreme Court has stated that Arvind Kejriwal’s arrest is not illegal in any way but is in accordance with the law


The charges against Kejriwal have neither been dismissed nor has he been exonerated. There is no question of acquittal, as the trial will continue


BJP’s zero-tolerance policy on corruption led the West Bengal Chief Minister to consider resignation. Similarly, Arvind Kejriwal will also need to resign, as the people of Delhi will demand it


Does Delhi need a Chief Minister who is accused in corruption charges and is out on bail after posting a bond of 10 lakhs?


Corrupt DNA of the Aam Aadmi Party is evident. Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, former Deputy CM Manish Sisodia, and AAP MP Sanjay Singh are all out on bail in corruption cases


The Supreme Court has restricted Arvind Kejriwal from traveling abroad, mandated weekly reporting to the investigating officer, prohibited contact with witnesses, and barred tampering with evidence


What is left for a Chief Minister who is unable to sign any files or go to the CM’s office?

Arvind Kejriwal has tarnished the character of a Chief Minister


Ethical responsibility cannot be expected from 'Kattar Beiman' Arvind Kejriwal, which is why he did not resign even after the order


Bharatiya Janata Party National Spokesperson Shri Gaurav Bhatia addressed a press conference at the party's central office on Friday. During the conference, Shri Bhatia sharply criticized Arvind Kejriwal and commented on the Supreme Court's decision regarding Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's bail. He stated that Kejriwal has not been granted full relief but only conditional bail. Shri Bhatia questioned, "If a Chief Minister cannot sign files or attend the office, what is left for him to do?" He urged Arvind Kejriwal to resign from his position to uphold the dignity of the office and in the interest of Delhi's people.

Shri Gaurav Bhatia stated that the Hon'ble Supreme Court has once again shown a mirror to the Kattar Beimaan AAP convener, Arvind Kejriwal. The order passed by the Supreme Court has granted conditional bail to Kattar Beimaan Kejriwal. It wouldn't be wrong to say, "Jail Wala CM Ab Bail Wala CM Hogya." Following the order, the BJP has continued to raise the voice of the people of Delhi, demanding that Arvind Kejriwal immediately resign from his position. However, Arvind Kejriwal won’t resign because he has no shame or sense of morality left. Arvind Kejriwal, who used to say that any leader facing allegations should step down, has now received conditional bail, yet he hasn't resigned, even after six months.

Shri Bhatia stated that it wouldn’t be incorrect to say that "Bhrashtachar Yukt, CM Abhiyukt." He has entered the ranks of the accused. Initially, Arvind Kejriwal argued in the Supreme Court that his arrest was not lawful, but today, the two-judge bench of the Supreme Court clarified that the appellant's arrest does not suffer from any illegality. His arrest was constitutional and in accordance with the law. The propaganda that Kejriwal and his corruption-tainted party had been spreading has now been put to an end by the Supreme Court.

Shri Gaurav Bhatia stated that Arvind Kejriwal is an accused, and as such, he has the constitutional right to approach the court to request the quashing of all charges against him. This authority lies with the Hon'ble Supreme Court and the High Court. Corrupt Arvind Kejriwal never received any such relief from either the Supreme Court or the High Court, and the charges against him were never quashed. This indicates that there is evidence, proof, and substance to the case, which is why, prima facie, the trial must proceed. After this, another relief in the form of discharge could be sought, but when the trial proceeds, the court would decide acquittal. There was no quashing, no discharge, and the question of acquittal doesn't arise yet, as the trial will continue.

Shri Bhatia stated that the corrupt and immoral AAP must explain why Arvind Kejriwal is not resigning. The Bharatiya Janata Party upholds a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption, which is why the Chief Minister of West Bengal had to yield and consider resignation. Similarly, the day will come when the corrupt Arvind Kejriwal will bow down and the public will demand his resignation.

Shri Gaurav Bhatia stated that while the full judgment is yet to be delivered, parts of the judgment read during the hearing and reported in the media make it clear "Jail Wala CM, Bail Wala CM Hogya," as Arvind Kejriwal has posted a bail bond of ₹10 lakh to come out of jail. A Chief Minister sitting in a constitutional position, out on bail, is an accused facing trial. Is this the kind of Chief Minister Delhi deserving? This is the same AAP, tainted with corruption, whose DNA and every drop of blood are filled with dishonesty. The Chief Minister is on bail, the former Deputy CM Manish Sisodia is on bail, and party leader Sanjay Singh is also on bail. What kind of party is this, with no moral fiber left?

Shri Bhatia stated that the conditions imposed by the Supreme Court on the bail order of other accused, like Manish Sisodia, will also apply to Arvind Kejriwal. In Sisodia's case, the condition was that the appellant shall submit his passport with the special court. This means Arvind Kejriwal's passport will remain with the court, and he cannot travel abroad. Additionally, the appellant shall report to the Investigating Officer every Monday and Thursday between 10 to 11 AM.

Shri Gaurav Bhatia remarked that there remains no influence of a corrupt Chief Minister, who would have to stand before the Investigating Officer every Monday and Thursday from 10 to 11 a.m. The citizens of Delhi would not tolerate this and the citizenry deserve a better chief minister, rather than someone who is the epitome of corruption like Arvind Kejriwal.

Shri Bhatia mentioned that there was another bail condition which stated that no one should attempt to influence the witnesses or tamper with the evidence. Typically, when someone holds a constitutional position, everyone trusts them blindly. However, Kejriwal had brought Indian politics to such a low level that the Supreme Court had to issue a directive, emphasizing that while granting conditional bail, witnesses should not be influenced and evidence should not be destroyed. This was necessary because it was widely known how mobile phones and other evidence were being tampered with, in the case.

BJP National Spokesperson Shri Gaurav Bhatia highlighted that there were two cases ongoing, one by the CBI and the other by the ED. The bail order for the CBI case has come today and the bail order for the ED case has come on July 12, 2024. There are some important conditions in the ED bail order as well. In condition B, it is mentioned that 'He shall not visit the office of the Chief Minister and the Delhi Secretariat.' This means that Arvind Kejriwal is such a ‘Kattar’ corrupt Chief Minister that he won't even be able to go to the CM's office in Delhi. Shri Bhatia urged that both orders need to be read together, as this is very important information.

Shri Gaurav Bhatia questioned, what kind of Chief Minister is this, who cannot even go to the CM office? Arvind Kejriwal has brought such a low level in Indian politics and he has tarnished the character that a Chief Minister should possess. There is also a condition that "Arvind Kejriwal shall be bound by the statement made on his behalf, and he shall not sign official files unless it is required and necessary for obtaining clearance or approval from the Delhi Lieutenant Governor."  Shri Bhatia conveyed that another condition is that "He will not make any comment regarding his role in the present case. He will not interact with any of the witnesses or have access to any official files connected with the case."

Shri Bhatia remarked that the illegal gains from the Delhi excise policy are being misused and further corruption is being facilitated. He noted that a question was presented to the Supreme Court about whether a Chief Minister holding a constitutional position, who faces such severe corruption allegations, can remain in office. The Supreme Court replied, "While we do not give any directions  since we are doubtful whether the court can direct an elected leader to step down or not, we leave it to Arvind Kejriwal to take a call."

Shri Gaurav Bhatia emphasized that the Court had hoped that someone in a constitutional position should possess enough morality and integrity to resign in the interest of Delhi’s citizens. However, given Arvind Kejriwal’s apparent lack of moral character, it cannot be anticipated that he would resign. Despite the Court’s guidance, he did not step down, and thus the jailed Chief Minister has now become a bailed Chief Minister. Shri Bhatia expressed that Arvind Kejriwal should resign immediately in response to the public issues that have been raised.


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