Resolution on VAT

Political Resolution


Resolution adopted on VAT National Executive Meeting, Indore - April 4-5, 2003

BJP National Executive takes a serious note of business communities agitation against VAT.

BJP wishes it to make it crystal clear that VAT is not a partisan issue. The very concept of VAT was initiated during Congress regime and majority of all State Governments belonging to all political parties have accepted it voluntarily. It is blatantly wrong to suggest that Central Government or BJP has forced this legislation on State Governments.

VAT is a State legislation, replacing Sales Tax which is again primarily a State subject. State Government belonging to all political parties have legislated VAT without Union Government's coercion.

BJP is also aware of the fact that there is a wide spread resentment and misunderstanding in the minds of business community all over the country about implementation of VAT.

BJP Government in Gujarat has already entered into a dialogue with business community. BJP National Executive calls upon all other State Governments to enter into a dialogue with the business community so as to remove their misunderstandings and also make amendments in legislation if any.


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