Memorandums submitted to CEC on Congress as well as Sh. Rahul Gandhi

Press Release



The Election Commission of India
Nirvachan Sadan
New Delhi

Subject: Complaint against the Indian National Congress as well as Sh. Rahul Gandhi, MP & Vice President, Indian National Congress for repeatedly violating the Model Code of Conduct, with a prayer for taking appropriate action against both of them for the same and withdrawal of the recognition of Indian National Congress as a National Party immediately.

Respectfully showeth:

  1. That the elections to the states of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Rajasthan and Delhi are currently being held. The Election Schedule for the same was announced by the Election Commission on 4-10-2013. Since then, the Model Code of Conduct came into effect.
  2. That Sh. Rahul Gandhi, MP & Vice President, Indian National Congress addressed rallies at Churu, Rajastan on 23-10-2013 and at Indore, Madhya Pradesh on 24-10-2013 as part of the campaigning by the Congress for the said elections. In these rallies, Sh. Gandhi made certain false and baseless allegations against the members of the Bharatiya Janata Party and also made communal utterances, inciting communal feelings amongst people of various communities.
  3. That on 28-10-2013, a delegation of the Bharatiya Janata Party led by Sh. Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, MP & Vice President, BJP and consisting of Sh. Prakash Javadekar, MP; Sh. Satya Pal Jain, Ex-MP; Smt. Meenakshi lekhi, Ms. Pinki Anand & Sh. Shrikant Sharma met the Commission and submitted a written complaint about the said violations of Model Code of Conduct by Sh. Rahul Gandhi. The issue was argued for about half an hour before all the 3 Hon’ble members of the Commission on that day and a prayer was made for taking action as per law for violation of the Model Code of Conduct against both, the Indian National Congress as well as Sh. Rahul Gandhi.

    Certain other complaints were also received by the Election Commission in this regard.
  4. That, after consideration of the complaints, the Commission issued notice to Sh. Rahul Gandhi and asked him to file his reply to the complaints by 11.30 AM on 4-11-2013, which was later on extended to 8-11-2013 by 11.30 AM on his request. However, the Election Commission, in its wisdom, did not issue notice to the Indian National Congress at that time.
  5. That on 7-11-2013, Sh. Satya Pal Jain, Chairman, BJP National Committee for Legal Affairs & Election Commission Issues, wrote to the Election Commission requesting that a copy of the reply to be filed by Sh. Rahul Gandhi be provided to the BJP and 2-3 days time be granted to the BJP to file its replication to the reply and argue the matter before the Commission.
  6. That Sh. Rahul Gandhi submitted his reply on 8-11-2013 to the Election Commission, where he did not deny making the statements but claimed that his statements do not violate the Model Code of Conduct.
  7. That, after considering the reply of Sh. Rahul Gandhi, the Commission conveyed its displeasure to him and advised him to be more circumspect in his public utterances during election campaigns vide its order dated 13-11-2013. The relevant portions of the Commission’s order are as follows:

"19. Whereas, while the commission acknowledges the underlying intention and spirit of your impugned speeches to foster and promote communal harmony, it takes exception to the tone, tenor and content of the impugned portions of your speeches (extracted in the commission's notice) which are part of your said speeches; and

20. Whereas, the Commission considers that the aforesaid portions of your speeches were not in consonance with the letter and spirit of the model code of conduct which prohibits any speeches or statements which may tend to aggravate differences between different religious communities and which also prohibits criticism of other political parties on the basis of unverified allegations; and

21. Whereas, having regard to the above, the Commission is not satisfied with the explanation furnished by you in reply to the Commission's above referred notice;

22. Now, therefore, having regard to the totality of facts and circumstances of the case and submissions and contentions made by you in your repry under reference, the Commission hereby convey its displeasure and advises you to be more circumspect in your public utterances during election campaigns."

8. That it is pertinent to mention here that the Indian National Congress, a recognised national party, did not disassociate itself from the statements made by its Vice President; neither before the passing of the order dated 13-11-2013 nor subsequent to the same. On the contrary, the Congress actively endorsed and defended all the statements made by Sh. Rahul Gandhi at all public platforms.

9. That on 16-11-2013, Sh. Rahul Gandhi addressed a public rally in Kharsia, Chattisgarh where he again made false and baseless allegations against the Bhartiya Janata Party as well as made utterances which can create hatred against the BJP in the minds of the people. Some of the statements made by him at the rally are as follows:


“छत्तीसगढ़ एक गरीब प्रदेश नहीं है … छत्तीसगढ़ एक अमीर प्रदेश है ... यहाँ धन कि कोई कमी नहीं है … लोगों में कोई कमी नहीं है … मगर जो लोगों का धन है … चाहे वो जंगल हो, चाहे वो जल हो, चाहे वो माइंस हो … जोजनताकाधनहैवोउनसेछीनाजारहाहैखुलेआमजनतासेचोरीकीजारहीहै।

xxx xxx xxx

उनके देहांत के बाद मैं उनके घर गया … और उनके परिवार से बात हो रही थी … जो आज आपके एमएलए बनने वाले हैं, जो चुनाव जीतने वाले हैं उनसे बात हो रही थी … और उन्होंने मुझे पुछा, उन्होंने मुझे कहा कि देखिये राहुल जी, आप मेरे भाई जैसे हो, मुझे अभी कुछ समझ नहीं आ रहा है, मैं अपनी नौकरी करता था, जोलोगछत्तीसगढ़किजनतासेचोरीकररहेहैं, उन्होंनेसिर्फमेरेपिताकोनहीं, उसकेसाथमेरेभाईकोभीमारदियाहै।

xxx xxx xxx

25 मई को नंदू पटेल को मारा गया और झीरम घाटी में मारा गया … आम आदमी के लिए, दलितों के लिए, आदिवासियों के लिए, इस प्रदेश में हर दिन 25 मई है और हर जगह झीरम घाटी है … और यह सिर्फ नंदू पटेल कि लड़ाई नहीं थी … जो महिलाओं पे अत्याचार होता है, वो दिन भी 25 मई होता है वो जगह भी झीरम घाटी होती है … जब किसी युवा के सामने से शिक्षा छीनी जाती है, वो दिन भी २५ मई है वो जगह भी झीरम घाटी है … आपके साथ हर रोज़ (inaudible) है, हर दिन अत्याचार हो रहा है, हर जगह अत्याचार हो रहा है … इसलिए मैं यहाँ आया हूँ … आपका धन है … आपकी शक्ति है … आपका भविष्य है … आप इसका प्रयोग करो … मुझे बहुत दुःख हुआ, क्यूंकि मैंने एक व्यक्ति ढूंढ के निकाला था … अब आपसे में एक चीज़ चाहता हूँ … नंदू पटेल के लड़के से एक चीज़ चाहता हूँ … मुझेएकनन्दकुमारपटेलनहींचाहिएमुझेपांचसौचाहिए, कमसेकमपांचसौनंदूकुमारपटेलचाहिएऔरमुझे, मैंइनकोदिल्लीसेनहींलाऊंगामुझेइसभीड़सेचाहिएजोयहाँखड़ेहोकेबीजेपीकोयहाँसेनिकले, इनचोरोंकोयहाँसेनिकलेतभीआपकाप्रदेशआगेजायेगाकरोगेयानहीं? … भूलोमतइसबातको ...”


10. That it is pertinent to point out that this speech was made in the same constituency where the son of Late Sh. Nand Kumar Patel is contesting on a Congress ticket. The entire tone & tenor of Sh. Rahul Gandhi’s speech was to incite the feelings of the people and create hatred towards the BJP. A bare reading of the statements makes it clear that they were aimed at putting a false & baseless notion in the minds of the people that the BJP is responsible for the killing of Sh. Nand Kumar Patel, who was infact killed by Naxalites in an attack on his convoy on 25-5-2013. The intention of Sh. Rahul Gandhi in his speech was to incite the feelings of the people of this constituency as well as the state by portraying the BJP to be responsible for his death.
11. That the statement of Sh. Rahul Gandhi describing the BJP and its members as ‘chor’ (thieves) is disgraceful, condemnable, baseless and utter violation of the Model Code of Conduct as well as established democratic practices. It is an attempt to mislead the people of the country by character assassination of the BJP as well as its members, based on completely false & baseless allegations.
12. That, not only this, on 17-11-2013 Sh. Rahul Gandhi addressed a rally at Madangir in New Delhi, where he again made false and baseless allegations against the Bharatiya Janata Party, with the motive of obtaining maximum number of votes for his party. In this case as well, the intention is to show the BJP in bad light on the basis of false, baseless and unverified claims & allegations. The statements are also aimed at creating mutual hatred between different communities. An extract from his speech is reproduced hereinafter:

“सब को हम एक साथ देखते हैं … हमारे लिए दिल्ली में हर एक व्यक्ति, एक जैसा है … चाहेवोहिन्दूहोमुसलमानहोसिखहोईसाईहोकिसीभीजातकाहोकहींकाभीहोआपजाइये, बीजेपीकेराजमेंजाइयेकर्नाटकामेंमहाराष्ट्रामेंऔरवहाँ, वोटेंशनक्रिएटकरतेहैं यूपी से लोग जाते हैं महाराष्ट्रा में … और शिवसेना के लोग उन्हें भगाते हैं … हमारे यहाँ प्यार है भाईचारा है और हम सब को एक साथ ले जाना चाहते हैं।”

13. That the allegations and utterances of Sh. Gandhi against the BJP are not only absolutely false and baseless but also highly inflammatory, inciting and likely to induce feelings of hatred amongst different communities. A conscious attempt has been made by Sh. Gandhi to mislead the public by trying to discredit the BJP by making absolutely false, baseless, unfounded allegations against the BJP and its leaders, which is also against the very spirit of the Model Code of Conduct as well as healthy democratic practices.
14. That Paragraphs 1 (1) to (3) of the Model Code of Conduct is as follows:

"1. General Conduct

(1) No party or candidate shall indulge in any activity which may aggravate existing differences or create mutual hatred or cause tension between different castes and communities, religions or linguistic.

(2) Criticism of other political parties, when made, shall be confined to their policies and programmes, past record and work. Parties and candidates shall refrain from criticism of all aspect of private life, not connected with the public activities of the leaders or workers of other parties. Criticism of other parties or their worker based on unverified allegations or distortion shall be avoided.

(3) There shall be no appeal to caste or communal feelings for securing votes. Mosques, Churches, Temples or other places of worship shall not be used as forum for election propaganda."

15. That the allegations and utterances in the said speeches in Chattisgarh and Delhi have not been withdrawn by Mr. Gandhi till date. The false & misleading statements as well as inflammatory statements inciting feelings of hatred amongst the people are in clear violation of the Model Code of Conduct and, accordingly, Sh. Gandhi is liable to be proceeded against for the same. His actions are also a brazen violation of the order dated 13-11-2013 vide which the Commission had advised him to be circumspect in his speeches. These actions are also a challenge to the authority of the Election Commission of India.
16. That Paragraph 16A of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment Order), 1968 is as follows:

“16A. Power of Commission to suspend or withdraw recognition of a recognised political party for its failure to observe Model Code of Conduct or follow lawful directions and instructions of the Commission.— Notwithstanding anything in this Order, if the Commission is satisfied on information in its possession that a political party, recognised either as a National Party or as a State Party under the provisions of this order, has failed or has refused or is refusing or has shown or is showing defiance by its conduct or otherwise (a) to observe the provisions of the Model Code of Conduct for Guidance of Political parties and “Candidates” as issued by the Commission in January, 1991 or as amended by it from time to time, or (b) follow or carry out the lawful directions and instructions of the Commission given from time to time with a view to furthering the conduct of free, fair and peaceful elections or safeguarding the interests of the general public and the electorate in particular, the Commission may, after taking into account all the available facts and circumstances of the case and after giving the party a reasonable opportunity of showing cause in relation to the action proposed to be taken against it, either suspend, subject to such terms as the Commission may deem appropriate, or withdraw the recognition of such party as the National party or, as the case may be, the State party.”

17. The Congress has neither disassociated itself from the earlier statements of Sh. Rahul Gandhi nor from his later statements. On the contrary, the Congress has actively endorsed all his above speeches by publishing them on its official website and social web pages. The Congress is actively defending and propagating each and every such statement made by Sh. Rahul Gandhi at all public platforms. Therefore, it has also further violated the Model Code of Conduct and, therefore, is also liable to be proceeded against under Para 16A of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968 and its recognition as a National Party is liable to be withdrawn immediately.
18. That, as also brought to the notice of the Commission in the earlier complaint, senior leaders of the Congress have repeatedly violated the various provisions of the Model Code of Conduct during various elections and the instances of such violations are not only increasing but are also getting more serious in nature. The violations in question comes only 3 days after the Commission’s order on the earlier violations by Sh. Rahul Gandhi and just one day after its order cautioning a Congress Minister at the Centre for violation of the Model Code of Conduct. A few recent instances are mentioned here:
a. On 9-1-2012, Sh. Salman Khurshid, Congress Leader & then Law Minister violated the Model Code of Conduct during the Uttar Pradesh elections, for which he was censured by the Election Commission vide its order dated 9-2-201.
b. On 15-2-2012, during the same elections, Sh. Beni Prasad Verma, Congress leader & Union Steel Minister violated the Model Code of Conduct by making as appeal on communal lines in his speech at Kayamganj. Upon notice by the Election Commission, he tendered his apology and the proceedings were dropped by the Election Commission hoping that he shall be careful in future.

c. In Feb-March, 2012, Sh. Rajarapu Prathap, Congress Candidate, along with Congress MPs Sh. Siricilla Rajaiah and Sh. Balaram Naik, made an appeal on the basis of religion during the Andhra Pradesh elections, for which he was reprimanded by the Election Commission vide its order dated 15-3-2012.

d. On 21-10-2012, Sh. Kadir Pirzada, Member Core Committee, Gujrat Unit of Indian National Congress made inflammatory speech inciting communal hatred during the Gujrat Elections, for which he was cautioned by the Election Commission vide its order dated 6-11-2012.

e. On 31-10-2012, during the same elections, Sh. Shankarsinh Vaghela, Congress Leader & Union Minister made inflammatory utterances inciting communal hatred, for which he was cautioned by the Election Commission vide its order dated 23-11-2012.

f. On 23-10-2013 & 24-10-2013, during the current elections, Sh. Rahul Gandhi made certain false and baseless allegations against the BJP and communal utterances, inciting the communal feelings between different communities, for which the Commission conveyed its displeasure and asked him to be more circumspect in his public speeches vide its order dated 13-11-2013.

g. On 16-10-2013, during the current elections, Sh. Porika Balram Naik, Congress MP & Minister of State announced a financial grant in Bhopal in utter violation of the Model Code of Conduct, for which he was cautioned by the Election Commission vide its order dated 15-11-2013.

19. That the Indian National Congress and its leaders are flouting the code with impunity time and again. The present violations are the 4th & 5thinstance of violations of Model Code of Conduct by senior Congress leaders during current elections, 4 of them coming from Sh. Rahul Gandhi. Therefore, it is high time that strict action is initiated against Sh. Rahul Gandhi as well as the Indian National Congress for repeatedly violating the Model Code of Conduct and challenging as well as undermining the instructions as well as authority of the Election Commission.

It is, therefore, respectfully prayed that appropriate action may kindly be taken against the Indian National Congress as well as Sh. Rahul Gandhi, MP & Vice President, Indian National Congress for violating the Model Code of Conduct and the recognition of Indian National Congress as a National Party may kindly be withdrawn immediately.

Thanking you,


With Regards,


Yours Sincerely,

(Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi) (Dharmendra Pradhan)

(Prakash Javedekar)


(Satya Pal Jain)
(Rama Krishana)

(Smt. Meenkshi Lekhi)


(Smt. Pinki Anand)    

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