Political Resolution : Passed in BJP National Executive Meeting 2022 at Telangana, Hyderabad

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A nation brimming with self-confidence is moving rapidly towards the goals of ‘Ek Bharat, Sheshtha Bharat’. India's last eight years have been filled with incredible achievements, unimaginable transformation, and incredible performance at all levels. Today, India is imbued with a newfound confidence, making it emerge as a leading force globally. Whether it is the COVID-19 pandemic, any natural calamity or even war, India is always ready to extend help to countries in crisis. The way India helped other countries during the COVID-19 pandemic has been applauded and acknowledged all over the world.

The nation started treading on the path of good governance and development as the politics of performance gained legitimacy, resulting in huge mandates even in state elections across the country. The pledge towards building ‘Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat’ started showing results, and the mantra of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Prayas’ started inspiring everyone to contribute to the nation building process. A massive churning can be seen on the ground. The BJP-led NDA has got a mandate from election to election and people have given an even bigger mandate in 2019. A confident nation started taking huge strides towards its destiny.

As Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi committed his government to the welfare of the poor, oppressed, exploited, and deprived sections of society while focusing on the empowerment of women and youth, many innovative programmes were launched, transforming their lives in a major way. Rural life, agriculture, farmers and labourers became the core of these welfare programmes, aiming to make them valuable partners in the onward march of the nation. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana was launched, ensuring food security for the poorest of the poor while extending help to women, divyaangs, senior citizens, and migrant labourers.

One of the most notable achievements was to launch ‘Made in India’ vaccines and make them available to everyone for free, which helped in containing the pandemic in a big way. In the face of every challenge, India was able to find a solution under the strong and dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. From the welfare of the poorest of the poor to the emergence of a strong and confident India in every field – be it agriculture, renewable energy, climate change, start-ups, defence or space – India is making its presence felt everywhere. As the path for an ‘Aatmnirbhar Bharat’ is being paved, a ‘New India’ is emerging.

BJP getting huge support across the country

The huge support of the people across India has once again been reflected in the massive mandate that the people have given to the BJP in the recently held assembly elections. In the four out of five states that went to the polls, the BJP has not only emerged victorious but also scripted a history of its governments getting re-elected after successfully completing their terms. In Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Manipur, and Goa, people have re-elected full-majority BJP governments, ending an era of political instability in these states.

For the first time in decades in Uttar Pradesh, the same party government was reelected and a chief minister got a people’s positive mandate after completing the full term, that too with more than two-thirds majority. In Uttarakhand, people broke the trend of voting differently every five years and strongly supported the BJP for the second consecutive term. In Manipur, the BJP government was re-elected with a comfortable majority, and in Goa, the BJP has got the required numbers to form the government in the state.

From Panchayat to Parliament, from West to East and from North to South, the BJP is getting the blessings of the people everywhere. Just a few days ago, the BJP set a new record by winning all 26 seats in the Karbi Anglong Autonomous District Council of Assam. Similarly, the BJP-JJP alliance has won 25 seats out of 46 municipal corporation elections in Haryana. In the Tamil Nadu local body elections too, the BJP got an unexpected victory in 308 seats, winning 22 seats in municipal elections, 56 in municipalities, and 230 in district panchayats, and the BJP has become the third largest party in Tamil Nadu. People have given their blessings to the BJP in the Legislative Council elections of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra. In the recent Rajya Sabha elections also, the BJP has had more success than expected. Along with this, the BJP has had huge success in the Lok Sabha and Assembly by-elections as well.

The overwhelming blessings which the BJP continues to receive from the people under the dynamic and charismatic leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is a new phenomenon in Indian politics, defying the three decades of political instability in the country. The massive win in these four geographically and demographically distinct states shows that the politics of good governance, development, and performance has now created a lasting niche in the heart of Indian politics.

Historic decision of the Supreme Court

With the historic decision of the Supreme Court on the Gujarat riots, the dictum of 'Satyamev Jayate' has once again proven to be true. It is now fully established that attempts were made to maliciously target the then Chief Minister of the state, Shri Narendra Modi, in the Gujarat riots on the basis of a political conspiracy. As part of the vendetta politics of the Congress-led opposition, some so-called NGOs and 'intellectuals’ and even a section of the foreign-run media, forming a complete ‘ecosystem’ were the part of the conspiracy. While enduring false allegations, baseless charges and malicious propaganda for years, he never let his faith in the Indian Constitution, judicial process and judicial system of the country be shaken, and finally he came out unscathed from all kinds of ordeals. The way the Hon'ble Prime Minister has demonstrated political tolerance, maturity, large-heartedness and faith in democracy and the constitution for years is an example for Indian social life. For this, the BJP National Executive salutes him and extends its heartfelt greetings to him.

It should be noted that the Hon'ble Prime Minister previously came out clean from all levels of court judgments—from district to high court and now Supreme Court. This decision of the Hon’ble Supreme Court has also exposed a large political conspiracy against the Hon'ble Prime Minister, as the Hon’ble Supreme Court has ordered strict legal action against these conspirators. The Bharatiya Janata Party wholeheartedly welcomes this decision of the Supreme Court and supports strict legal action against the guilty. Simultaneously, this executive strongly condemns such conspiratorial vendetta politics and demands that Congress and its allies immediately apologise to the entire nation for their complicity in this heinous conspiracy.

Negative politics of Congress led Opposition

It is extremely unfortunate that the parties that were in power for years are today not playing the role of a constructive opposition as envisaged under the Constitution of India and are continuously violating democratic norms. To serve its politically vested interests, it is resorting to the politics of lies and deception. It seems that it neither has faith in the Constitution of India, nor has faith in the people of the country, nor does it have faith in democratic values. The Congress and its allies are deeply immersed in the politics of dynasty, casteism, and regionalism and are victims of ideological, opportunistic, and corrupt political culture. They want to stop the pace of development of the country by opposing every constructive step of Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, blocking the laws passed by Parliament whilebacking the politics of mob rule on the streets. This is the reason why the Congress led opposition is continuously losing the trust of the people.

While the nation was unitedly facing the challenges of the pandemic, some opposition parties were busy scoring political points through false propaganda and baseless campaigns. The nation will never forget the way the Congress and other opposition parties tried to break the morale of the nation by instilling fear, suspicion, and negativity in the hearts of people by questioning the nation’s capability and by maligning "Made in India" vaccines. Whenever there was any crisis in the country or any action taken in the national interest, the Congress and its allies raised questions. Whether it was the surgical strike by the army, air strike or any moment of bravery and valour of the Indian army on the border, Congress and its allies are always seen standing on opposite poles. Today, when the Congress President and its former President are questioned by the investigating agencies, the entire Congress opposes it by taking to the streets, but if there is any issue of national interest, the Congress party is seen opposing the nation itself. Due to dynastic politics, Congress has become synonymous with unprincipled, opportunistic, and corrupt politics in the country. There is no doubt that a party that does not practise internal democracy can never understand the real meaning of democracy. In desperation, Congress is pushing itself to its own destruction. The Congress today stands with the 'tukde-tukde gang' by collaborating with the divisive elements in the country and wants to spread confusion in the country. While Pakistan takes recourse to Congress leaders' statements in its statements against India, Congress leaders do not shy away from referring to Kashmir as a matter of the United Nations. Many of his statements provoke other countries to interfere in India's internal affairs and raise questions about India's sovereignty.

It is extremely unfortunate that in many opposition-ruled states the 'perpetually pessimistic' opposition has been opposing implementation of welfare schemes of the Central Government like Ayushman Yojana, thus depriving the citizenry of the country of the benefits accruing to them. Today, dynastic politics has become a threat to the parties functioning on principles and high ideals. It is highly unfortunate that many political parties of the country have also surrendered to the anti-democratic dynastic politics, casteism and regionalism.

Empowerment and Representation: Nomination for the Office of the President of the Republic of India

With the nomination of Shri Ram Nath Kovind for the post of President in the year 2017 and now with the nomination of Smt. Draupadi Murmu, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has proved that the BJP is concerned about political representation and empowerment of all weaker and backward communities, including Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the country.

The BJP-led NDA alliance has honoured the entire women and tribal community of the country by announcing Smt. Draupadi Murmu’s candidature for the top post of the country and has strengthened the principle of all-inclusive politics in the country. While discharging many responsibilities in public life, Smt. Draupadi Murmu, who had to struggle against poverty and adversity in her life, by serving the poor, deprived, oppressed, and neglected, represents an excellent example to be emulated in society. She is not only a symbol of women power, but also represents the oppressed of this country. Her administrative experience, sensitivity, and efficiency will surely adorn the President's post.

This National Executive of the Bharatiya Janata Party appeals to all the political parties of the country, all the members of the electoral college of the Presidential elections, to vote unitedly in favour of Smt. Draupadi Murmu and support the country's first woman from the Scheduled Tribes community to be elected as the President of India. This is a historic occasion when all of us are getting the privilege of electing a woman President from the tribal community of the country for the first time. It is a proud moment for the entire nation. Let everyone come forward to make an important contribution in this yagya.

Inclusive Governance and Welfare of the poor

As BJP Karyakartas observed, ‘Samajik Nyay Pakhwada’, the resolve to serve the poorest of the poor, deprived, exploited, and marginalised sections of society got reinforced through various programmes across the nation. The BJP has always been committed to the principles of ‘Antyodaya’ and believes that in the upliftment of the last man in society lies the development of the entire nation. A large number of innovative schemes under the visionary and charismatic leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi are transforming the lives of the poorest of the poor, opening new avenues of opportunities for the marginalised and deprived, making life easier for women, youth, tribals and scheduled caste people while assuring a life of dignity and equity for every section of society.

The last eight years have seen a huge jump in electricity access, sanitation access, access to drinking water, clean cooking fuel, bank accounts and mobile phones, enhancing the ‘Ease of Living’ of the masses. The reduction of extreme poverty in the nation, even amid the pandemic, speaks volumes about the pro-poor policies of the Modi government. A large number of schemes like Ujjwala, PM Jan Dhan Yojana, Ayushman Bharat Yojana, PM Kisan Samman Nidhi, Crop Insurance Scheme, MSP 1.5 time of the investment, record procurement under MSP, bringing new crops under MSP, Soil Health Card, Neem Coated Urea, Garib Kalyan Yojana, PM Awas, and Jal Jeevan Mission are transforming the lives of the poorest of the poor, bringing huge relief to SC, ST, OBCs, women, youth, and the deprived sections of the society.

If these achievements are seen in the context of the two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to an unprecedented global crisis at various levels, then these achievements appear to be extraordinary and amazing. It was a challenge that appeared insurmountable in India, but under the strong and determined leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the nation not only tried to convert these challenges into opportunities but also led from the front in helping many needy countries across the world. The entire world witnessed India’s firm resolve to fight the crisis when, for the first time, "Made in India" vaccines were produced in large quantities in India itself within a record time. It resulted in the success of the world’s largest and fastest vaccination programme, which was able to provide more than 95% of India’s huge population with at least one dose of vaccine within months. The opposition, which claimed that it would take 15 years to vaccinate everyone in India, is now speechless after 200 doses have been administered in less than a year and a half. Not only this, these "Made in India" vaccines were made available to other needy countries, making India a leading country in the fight against the pandemic. The free ration, various assistance to the vulnerable section of the society, the Seva-Hi-Sangathanprogramme by millions of dedicated BJP karyakartas, the selfless commitment of doctors, nurses, paramedics, administrative staff, and Corona warriors, and the call of "Aatmnirbhar Bharat" by the PM, launching innumerable initiatives during the COVID-19 pandemic, has further strengthened the faith of people in the indefatigable leadership of PM Shri Narendra Modi and the selfless commitment of the BJP karyakartas. The people of India are not only proud of these achievements, but they are also confident of meeting any challenges that come their way as they strive for a brighter future.

India emerges on the world forum

The recent visit of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to Germany, Denmark, France, Japan, and UAE; participation in the Indo-Nordic Summit, QUAD, and G-7 has not only broken new ground but also shows India’s willingness to proactively forge partnerships in new areas. The new dynamism currently seen in India’s foreign policy reflects its commitment to shouldering responsibilities on global issues while creating partnerships with various countries at different levels. It represents an India booming with newfound confidence under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi as it has come out of cold war hangovers by engaging with every country without reservations. The partnership with these European nations is set to boost India’s prospects in various fields in the coming days while meeting the requirements of these partnering countries.

In the last two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, India has emerged as a major global leader. It not only successfully faced the challenges of the pandemic but actively helped other needy countries in their time of crisis by providing medicines, PPE kits, oxygen, vaccines, and medical equipment. The manner in which different countries appealed to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to take the initiative in resolving the crisis due to the Russia-Ukraine war and the way Russia-Ukraine gave a window during the war so as to facilitate the evacuation of Indians from the war zones shows the growing stature of India at the global level. Apart from helping other countries in their time of crisis, whether be it the COVID-19 pandemic or any natural calamity, India has made five commitments at COP 26 on climate change and is working actively to fulfil those commitments. India’s initiative to establish an ‘International Solar Alliance’ is winning accolades all over the world. Today, India, under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, is sharing global responsibilities and emerging as a new hope for the world. The foreign visits made by Shri Narendra Modi ji have strengthened the global standing of India and have acted as a catalyst amongst the Indian diaspora. There is a sense of reignited pride amongst the Indian community and they feel further attached to the chord of "Indianness" that binds us all. There is no doubt that the agreements signed with these nations will further build an enduring partnership with Europe while opening new areas of opportunity for all the partnering countries.

Pledge of a 'New India'

The nation still remembers the misrule of Congress led UPA government at the centre when corruption, loot and scam had become the order of the day. The term, ‘policy paralysis’ was in vogue, with a directionless governance and a leaderless government at the helm of affairs. The scenario throughout the country was filled with pessimism and hopelessness. Amid such a scenario, the nation gave a powerful mandate to the BJP with Shri Narendra Modi as prime minister of the country. Today, after eight years, the nation under the charismatic and visionary leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is scaling new heights every day.

It is due to the untiring efforts of the Prime Minister that today, through programmes like 'Pragati', various ongoing projects in the country are being reviewed and speeded up, and projects that have been pending for years are being completed. Unlike the working style of the previous governments, many projects have been completed before their scheduled time. We can see the result of this in the speedy execution of projects like Bogibeel Bridge, Eastern and Western Peripheral Expressway, and Atal Tunnel, which have been completed under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. The concept of 'Cooperative Federalism' has been realised by establishing continuous dialogue with all the chief ministers so that development and good governance in the country become accessible to the people. Its most effective result can be seen in the success achieved in controlling the corona pandemic across the country. Even the Padma awards have been completely democratised, and the hidden talents and those doing unique work in the interest of the country have been recognised and honoured all over the country.

The result of the new work culture of 'New India' was that the nation adopted a major tax reform like GST. By coordinating between different states, today the GST Council is setting an example of healthy democratic tradition in the whole world by taking every decision unanimously. Today, GST has been fully adopted by the people of the country, the result of which we can see in the record tax collection every month. This has strengthened the country's economy, freed the people from the mess of many types of taxes, and facilitated the smoothening of inter-state trade. Under this, the compensation amount of GST to the states has been continuously paid by the centre even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Along with the removal of Article 370, the enactment of the Citizenship Amendment Act, making stringent laws on triple talaq, implementation of ‘One Rank-One Pension’, establishment of the National War Memorial and National Police Memorial, Bodo and Bru-Reang Pactand many other historic decisions; the Prime Minister Gatishakti, PLI, Green Hydrogen, Promotion of Organic Farming, Improvement in work culture, Digital India Mission, Khelo India to give special encouragement to sports and Agneepath are paving the way for a 'New India'.

Call to the Nation

As a confident India rises on the strength of its own and with the resolve to realise the dream of an ‘Aatmnirbhar Bharat’, a change with a rare kind of dynamism can be seen everywhere. An India that can face the COVID-19 pandemic for two long years without faltering even once while extending a helping hand to other countries is certainly a new phenomenon. An India that can manufacture vaccines, an India that can turn all challenges into opportunities by launching various reforms during a crisis, an India that can provide free rations to 800 million people, care for vulnerable sections of society during a pandemic, and provide free vaccines to all seems impossible to those who witnessed the UPA’s misrule just eight years ago.It has been possible under the dynamic and visionary leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, who has inspired millions of committed BJP karyakartas and selfless people across the country through his tireless efforts. The result is that a new India has emerged, which no longer languishes behind but completes the target before the appointed time. As India realises its inner strength, the goals of ‘Aatmnirbhar Bharat’ are now not difficult to achieve.

For the development of Maharashtra and the welfare of the people of the state, the Bharatiya Janata Party has supported Shri Eknath Shinde as Chief Minister and Shri Devendra Nath Fadnavis has taken oath as Deputy Chief Minister from the BJP. Due to the opportunistic and unprincipled alliance of 'Maha Vikas Aghadi' in the state, the development of Maharashtra was stopped and the people were facing massive corruption and misgovernance. This step has once again proven that the BJP never craves power but believes in serving the people selflessly and working for their welfare. With the goal of serving the people of Maharashtra under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, we will again take the state forward on the path of development and good governance.

After independence, the BJP emerged as the only party that demanded and supported many reforms in the interest of democracy and implemented them whenever given a chance in the government so that the democratic systems of the country could be strengthened even more. As a political party that draws inspiration from the country's glorious past, the BJP is determined to create a 21st century India with strong infrastructure, providing immense opportunities for youth and development of every sector through futuristic policies. Today, the country is moving forward with the positive politics of the Bharatiya Janata Party while defeating the negative politics of the Congress led opposition election after election. The Bharatiya Janata Party calls upon the people of the country to completely defeat the divisive, opportunistic, unprincipled, and corrupt politics of dynasty, casteism, and regionalism and promote development, good governance, and 'politics of performance' even more. Strengthen and unite in favour of an all-inclusive politics of welfare for the poor.


Bharat Mata ki Jai!


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