Political Resolution passed in BJP National Executive Meeting at Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh)

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 Bharatiya Janata Party
National Executive Meeting
12-13 June 2016, Allahabad

Political Resolution
Two Years’ Achievements of the BJP-led NDA Government

This National Executive of the Bharatiya Janata Party congratulates our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and the Central Government on achieving incredible success and fulfilling public aspiration within the first two years in power. Bharatiya Janata Party deeply acknowledges Prime Minister Shri Narendra ModiJi’s steps towards the provision of an accountable and transparent governance environment and the timely initiation and completion of schemes. The Central Government, keeping in mind the interests of all the classes of society has, through aims for inclusive progress and objectives of national interest increased the respect for the social and cultural symbol of the values of an Indian life. It is due to this that the Nation is progressing towards a qualitative change.

The Central Government, for the progress of the Nation, has set new procedures and new dimensions for transparent functioning in its two years. The Government has been able to fully implement its policy aims in given timeframe and has converted its aims of achieving success into a mission mode. The government has made its place in political, economic and social life. Sanitation, women empowerment, rural development and economic development among the poor, betterment of the youth and such subjects of government initiatives have been accepted by society as social movement. Our Party has laid the foundations of a historic and futuristic India through good governance, innovations and a reformist vision.

New Avenues of Opportunities and Progress for the Poor

The Central Government has converted the economic empowerment of the poor into its mission. After Independence, it is for the first time that the poor of our country has got banking facilities on such a large scale with a total 21.81 crore bank accounts opened. In 2015-16, fund transfers worth 61,000 crore was done through DBT to over 30 crore beneficiaries. This includes over 25,000 crore in MGNREGS and over 21,000 crore in PAHAL (for cooking gas). In MUDRA scheme, 3.48 crore people have benefitted with a distribution of one lakh thirty seven thousand and 44 crore rupees. This reflects the new work culture of the government. With such initiatives, the government has been able to save around thirty six thousand and five hundred crore rupees.

By bringing in the ‘Aadhar’ law to bring the poor into the economic mainstream of the country and to empower them, we have crossed a major barrier in the direction of economic equity and democracy. Through this law, on one hand, the corruption of fake beneficiaries and leakage has been stopped and on the other hand, the people with a right to their portion have successfully received their right. In the flow of progress MNREGA and ADHAR have been strengthened to improve social security.

It the light of such inclusive progress the protests by the Congress have been unfortunate. Diverse political ideologies and views should help in strengthening of the country and in the evolution of new and better policies but the Opposition has not been able to get above petty political issues and vies which is affecting the country’s development and better and just distribution of its resources. Congress Party has not honored the decisive mandate of the people of this country and the Left is also propagating negative policies along with the Congress Party.

Prosperous Villages – Developed India

The Central Government has made several attempts to bring about a qualitative change in the life of farmers in these two years. In the past two years of low monsoons, the Government supplemented the farmers with security and trust. For the welfare of both agriculture and farmers, an allocation of 35,984 crore rupees, a distribution of 1.84 crore soil health cards, an expansion of irrigation requirements, provision of social security at a minimum possible premium via the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, and through the provision of instant relief to those who are affected by drought and hailstorms, the Government has given priority to the interests of farmers in situations of distress and hard times.

In rural India, as compared to a daily construction of 73.5 kilometers of roads in 2011-2014, 100 kilometers of roads have been constructed in 2015-16. There have been positive attempts to provide electricity and thereby change the way of life in those villages that have been in darkness even after the Independence. In 2015-16, 7789 villages were provided with electricity, which exceeded the previous three years by 37%. Under the Deen Dayal Kaushal Yojana 3.56 lakh youngsters have been provided with training. Under the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikaas Yojana 19.35 lakh youngsters have been trained in various progressive curriculum that makes one capable. The government has come to the aid of the farmers by developing national farmer markets in the whole country. Farmers are provided with Neem-coated Urea for their crops. This is for the first time that the country did not see any protests for the demand of urea, which shows this government’s commitment towards the farmers.


The Central Government has made successful attempts in bringing about structural changes in the Government’s mode of conduct. We have to bring about change in the people’s thought towards the Government and Government mode of conduct. We have begun implementation-based policies. Our Government has made existing schemes in the social sector more effective and given importance to the empowerment of all classes of society. For this purpose there have been attempts to bring the Government closer to the common people. The ‘leakage’ that happens in between the two has been stymied.

Central Government has strengthened Federalism in the spirit of Indian Constitution by increasing the allocation of the States by 10 percent. It has contributed to Progressive Federalism by provisioning 5 percent for the Panchayati Raj Institutions and taking measures to make the Disaster Funds more effective.

The Government has been successful in inspiring new initiatives in the minds of the people necessary for progress. Prime Minister Shri Narendra ModiJi in his ‘Mann Ki Baat’ programme appealed to people all over the Nation to voluntarily give up the subsidy and in the blink of eye more than one crore citizens gave up their gas subsidies. It is the belief of the common people in our Government, policies and vision that through this initiative about 14000 crore rupees have been saved. The Government has decided that the funds thus saved reaches the poor households particularly, in the rural sector to 5 crore households in the form of free kitchen gas under the Ujjwala Scheme.

For the first time, the Government has brought in special policies for the people with special abilities - ‘Divyangs’, to increase their opportunities and social participation.

Our Government has moved towards Welfare State with minimum pension for labors, Unique Provident Fund Number, Changes in the Bonus Act and Social Security Scheme. The Government has initiated ‘Stand-up’ scheme to encourage entrepreneurship among the SCs and STs, under which every bank branch is provisioned to provide loans to at least one SC and ST and at least one-woman from 10 lakh to 1 crore for new enterprises. These will to promote entrepreneurship will encourage a sentiment of development in all classes of the society.

The Government has declared 26thNovember as ‘Constitution Day’ on the 125thBirth Anniversary of Dr. Baba Sahab Ambedkar. It has decided to develop five places related to Dr. Ambedkar’s life vision of equitable society. This will contribute to New Change in the coming times.

The Government in its two years in the Parliament has tried to make progress in women equality and make women an important part of the development of the economy through various initiatives and attempts at women empowerment. Such efforts include ‘Beti Bachao – Beti Padhao’ program to change the mindset against the girl child, ‘Prime Minster Ujjawala Scheme’ to provide a better ‘smoke-free’ life to the home makers, opening more than ninety one lakh accounts under the ‘Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme’ which now have more than 6150 crore rupees. In 2015-16, for the first time, maximum 55 percent of MNREGA beneficiaries are women.

Other innovative efforts of the Government like Simplified MSME Registration, decreasing the number of documents required for export-import firms from seven to three, Single Window Online Portal, etc have increased the confidence of entrepreneurs in the country. Today, India is at its highest level of ‘Ease of Doing Business’ index of The World Bank and has improved by 12 positions in 2016.

It for the first time, that the Government has started ‘Start-Up’ scheme to promote entrepreneurship and innovation among the youth. It includes regulations based on self-certification, registration and legal help through mobile application, relaxation in public procurements and income tax holiday for the first three years. Our Government has done away with the interview part of the selection process in the group B, C and D category of government services, which will help in curtailing nepotism and corruption in the process. It has also allowed self-certification of documents during the process of selection in government jobs, which also has helped the youth.

‘Digital India’ mission is helping in the efforts of making the country ‘digital’ and ‘transparent’ in its processes. The government has controlled corruption through ‘e-tendering’, which is the reason that this Government has not faced corruption charges till now whereas the last government had faced a continuous onslaught of corruption cases and ‘scams’. The Government has earned 3.44 lakh crore of revenue through transparent auctions. All these efforts are generating and promoting a confident business environment in the country.

Cleanliness - a Social Initiative

The Central Government has worked hard to achieve its goal of Clean India by taking cleanliness forward from being a mere program or scheme to a Mission. After the commencement of the ‘Swach Bharat Abhiyan’ on 2nd October 2014 the mind set of people regarding cleanliness has significantly changed. In rural areas, the ratio of cleanliness has increased from 42% to 52%. Clean India and Clean Schools initiative has provided great support to girl child education. Clean Railways and Clean India Initiative is also booming up and has sent the message of change into the lives of the Country’s poor population.

Women Empowerment

One of the biggest social concerns of the society is to change the mindset of people regarding the female population of the Country. The Central Government has heralded social programs such as ‘Beti Padhao – Beti Bachao’ and ‘Sukanya Samridhi Yojana’ for envisaging financial security for girl child and for uplifting the status of girl child. To increase the enrolment of girls into schools, almost two lakh and sixty one thousand schools have being equipped with four lakh and seventeen thousand toilets. Under the ‘Mudra Yojana’, 79 percent women have gained significant economic benefits and this would also benefit them socially.

India Towards the Future

Under the two-year term of the Central Government, a quality based setup for a modern, developed and future oriented India has been given momentum. The development-oriented perpective of our respected Prime Minister has worked as a roadmap for this setup. In 2014, among the major energy producing plants, one third had less than seven days stock of coal. But now none of the major electricity production plants worry about the stock condition and rather the reserved stock can last for more than 25 days. The power grid has started a 30,300 crore worth transmission projects. In 2015-2016 about 39 percent of Annual increase has been observed.

India has become the capital for Clean Energy worldwide. 2015-2016 also witnessed a 3018.80 MW increase in solar energy production in India which is 116 percent higher than the set goal of production. The year also observed an increase in the establishment of solar pumps to about 31,472 pumps, which is far ahead than the total number of pumps established since the beginning of the program in 1991.

Railway security and infrastructure has seen tremendous change with a record-breaking investment of about five lakh crores. 2020 aims for linking all capital cities of the North East with the broad gauge. A special railway security fund of one lakh crore has been established.

2015-2016 was the year when construction of 6029 kilometers of highways got completed. 2012 -2014 had a mere 8.5 kilometers per day construction of highways as compared to 2015-2016, which observed 12 kilometers per day construction.

Under the ‘Sagar Mala’ program for the development of Ports in the Country, more than 150 projects have been identified, which will receive more than four lakh crores investments for development of their infrastructure. ‘Rainbow’ framework is the biggest reform in the banking sector, particularly in the public sector banks, after the Nationalization of banks in the country. Bank Board Bureau has been established to stop any political or private interference in the Bank’s working. The government has also passed the Bankruptcy Law, which, in turn will motivate entrepreneurship and innovation in the Country. The ‘Ease of Doing Business’ and credit markets would also be benefitted under this setup.

The government has strengthened transparent governance setup in India by transparent auctions of spectrum, coal-blocks, minerals and private MF channels.

Under the guiding eyes of our reverend Prime Minister, a responsive administration and timely implementation of progressive work portal has been given a push. For establishing Good Governance, web portals such as Mygov.in have been introduced, which will incorporate governance ideas provided by the citizens of the country into the working of the Government.

‘Indian Postal Payments’ will we set up in the areas which doesn’t have access to banking services by the 2017 and every Post Office will have a Micro-ATM.

New work culture, novel thinking, and purposeful schemes are the achievements of our Government. Self-respect, development, and innovations are the driving forces behind this BJP-led NDA Government and under the enlightening guidance of our Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, a new, prosperous and powerful India is taking a new shape.

Our Prime Minister has instilled a force and respect in the Country’s image and respect in the outside World through his visits. Our Prime Minister’s policies regarding the World and his addresses across countries have raised World’s respect towards Indian thoughts and cultural symbols in last two year. It is worth mentionable that our Prime Minster has also presented the human values of Dr. Ambedkar during his speeches in the United Nations and the American Congress. It has also strengthened internal and external security of the Country. The poor, the laborer and the farmer of the Country is now getting a sense of security and of being in the mainstream of the development of the Country. The youth of the Country is now getting more confident of standing up on his own feet. The Central Government has earned itself an image of a decisive, sensitive and transparent government. Definitely, all this is two years, is a great success of this Government and of our Prime Minister.

This National Executive appeals to all the State Governments to work as Team India under the leadership of our Prime Minister in implementing pro-poor policies of the Central Government more effectively. We appeal to everyone who constantly thinks about the development and prosperity of our Country, and particularly, the BJP karykartas and supports, to take these achievements of our Government to each and every household of the country and make people aware of the achievements of this Government. We also request all to give their feedback and new ideas of work to the Government to help it taking the Country new heights of prosperity and development.


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