Press release by BJYM

Press Release



Rajasthan govt. forced to roll back the controversial ‘Rajasthan Compulsory Registrations of Marriage Amendment Bill, 2021’ after strong deterrence from Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha


The Congress led Rajasthan government had tabled and passed the controversial 'Rajasthan Compulsory Registrations of Marriage Amendment Bill, 2021’ on 18th September 2021. This bill states that ‘The marriage between bride-groom who has not completed 21 years of age and bride who has not completed 18 years of age, could be registered by the parents or guardians within 30 days of the marriage’.


The BJYM accused the Congress of undermining the central law that prohibits child marriages. The government had tabled the bill in the state Assembly last month but BJYM opposed it and held numerous protests, thereby pressurizing the Rajasthan govt. to finally roll it back. The tireless efforts of BJYM karyakartas of Rajasthan forced the congress govt. to demolish this act, pushed on the 16th of August in the state assembly to amend Section 8 of the Rajasthan Compulsory Registration of Marriages Act, 2009 for greater good of the society. The BJYM team of Rajasthan showcased strong protests across Rajasthan in 30 districts to force the government to roll back this illogical law.


The BJYM called this act regressive and debated that it would make it easier for people to conduct child marriages, and make it even more difficult for women to come forward to seek dissolution as that would need a certificate of registration now. The BJYM also said that this was completely against women and ignores practical realities.


As a result of relentless protest and opposition by BJYM, the Rajasthan government has rolled back the Rajasthan Compulsory Registrations of Marriage Amendment Bill, 2021.


The National President of Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha, Shri Tejasvi Surya said, “This draconian act is a violation of law. It promotes exploitation of young minor girls and mocks the whole system of law. I admire the determined efforts of Rajasthan BJYM state team for their relentless protests and untiring efforts which forced the insensitive state government to ultimately roll back this Act.” He further said that, “ Rajasthan Congress Govt’s Compulsory Registration of Marriages (Amendment) Bill legitimists child marriages reflects the anti-girl child mindset of the Congress.”



Media Incharge, BJYM

Mob. 7837610001

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