Press Release: Hon'ble Union Home Minister & Minister of Cooperation Shri Amit Shah's 10 questions on the unholy selfish alliance of Congress and National Conference in J&K

by Shri Amit Shah -
Press Release

Union Home and Cooperation Minister Shri Amit Shah's 10 Questions on the Unholy and Power-Hungry Alliance Between Congress and National Conference in Jammu & Kashmir


In its pursuit of power, Congress repeatedly compromises the unity and security of the country


Modi government abrogated Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir, ending discrimination against Dalits, Adivasis, Paharis, and backward classes, and also provided them with reservation rights


Does the Congress party support the National Conference's promise to give Jammu and Kashmir a 'separate flag'?


Are Congress and Rahul Gandhi in favor of reinstating Article 370 and 35A in Jammu and Kashmir?


Congress has allegedly conspired to push Jammu and Kashmir back into terrorism and separatism


Is Congress aiming to end the reservation for Dalits, Gujjars, Bakarwals, and Paharis?


Is Congress planning to reinstate government jobs for the family members of individuals involved in terrorism and stone-pelting?


Congress aims to erase the real identity of Jammu and Kashmir


Congress and the National Conference want to increase discrimination and separation between Jammu and the Valley


Union Home and Cooperation Minister Shri Amit Shah today sharply criticized the unholy, mismatched, and power-hungry alliance between Congress and National Conference in Jammu & Kashmir in light of the upcoming Assembly elections. He stated that the Congress party, which has repeatedly risked the nation’s unity and security to satiate its greed for power, has once again exposed its ulterior motives by allying with the Abdullah family's 'National Conference' in the Jammu and Kashmir elections. He stated that in alliance with Congress, the National Conference has made several promises in their manifesto that are not only anti-national but also a direct attack on the unity and integrity of the country. The great people of India are well aware of the unholy intentions and anti-national conspiracies of Congress and the National Conference, and they will never allow such plans to succeed. Union Home and Cooperation Minister Shri Amit Shah posed 10 pointed questions to the Congress party and Rahul Gandhi regarding the promises made in the National Conference's manifesto. His first direct question to Congress was: Does the Congress support the National Conference's promise of a separate flag for Jammu and Kashmir? On page 27 of the National Conference's manifesto, it is mentioned that if their government is formed in Jammu & Kashmir, the separate flag will be reinstated. Holding Congress accountable, Shri Shah asked the second question: Do Rahul Gandhi and the Congress party support the JKNC's decision to restore Article 370 and Article 35A, and thereby push Jammu and Kashmir back into an era of unrest and terrorism? On page 10 of the National Conference's manifesto, this intention is mentioned, and it is further reiterated on page 27. The National Conference has promised to reinstate Articles 370 and 35A, overturning the decision of Parliament, as stated in their manifesto. Despite this declaration, Congress has chosen to form an alliance with the National Conference.

Shri Amit Shah asked Congress a third question: Does the Congress support promoting separatism again by engaging in dialogue with Pakistan instead of Kashmir's youth? Page 10 of the National Conference's manifesto also includes this promise. It's widely known that Pakistan-sponsored terrorism and separatism have long kept Jammu & Kashmir in turmoil, yet Congress appears to be backing a return to that dark era of terror and division in the region. Union Home and Cooperation Minister posed the fourth question to Congress: Do the Congress party and Rahul Gandhi support the National Conference's decision to start 'LoC Trade' with Pakistan, thereby nurturing terrorism and its ecosystem across the border? The National Conference has mentioned this on page 23 of their manifesto.

Union Home and Cooperation Minister asked Congress the fifth question: Does Congress support reinstating relatives of those involved in terrorism and stone-pelting into government jobs, thereby bringing back terrorism, extremism, and the era of strikes? The National Conference mentions this on page 11 of their manifesto, which directly promotes separatism in the state. He noted that after the removal of Articles 370 and 35A, national laws were enforced in Jammu & Kashmir, providing constitutional rights to Dalits, Backwards, Gujjars, Bakarwals, and Pahadis. This has led to an improvement in their standard of living. In this context, Shri Amit Shah asked Congress the sixth question, pointing out that the mismatched alliance between Congress and the National Conference has once again exposed Congress's anti-reservation stance. The alliance has exposed the Congress party's anti-reservation stance. Does Congress support the JKNC's promise to end reservations for Dalits, Gujjars, Bakarwals, and Pahadi communities, thereby inflicting injustice upon them? The National Conference has expressed this intention on page 22 of their manifesto.

Shri Shah posed the seventh question to Congress: Does the Congress want 'Shankaracharya Hill' to be known as 'Takht-e-Suleiman' and 'Hari Hill' as 'Koh-e-Maran'? If we look at the manifesto of the National Conference, this is the impression we get, as the National Conference has clearly stated this on page 21 of its manifesto. It is well-known that the corruption in the governments of Congress, National Conference, and PDP has devastated Jammu and Kashmir. Referring to this, Shri Shah asked the eighth question to the Congress: Does the Congress support the politics of pushing Jammu and Kashmir's economy back into corruption and handing it over to selected Pakistan-supported families? This appears to be the intention of the National Conference. Congress, National Conference, and PDP have consistently discriminated between Jammu and the Valley and have incited the people of the Valley. However, the people of Jammu and the Valley have always thwarted their harmful plans. Asking the ninth question to Congress on this, Shri Shah asked: Does the Congress party support the JKNC's politics of discrimination between Jammu and the Valley? In the final and the tenth question, the Union Home and Cooperation Minister asked: Do the Congress party and Rahul Gandhi support the JKNC's divisive politics of granting autonomy to Kashmir? He stated that Congress should answer all these ten questions.



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