Salient points of press conference of BJP National Spokesperson Dr. Sambit Patra.

Press Release



Salient points of press conference of BJP National Spokesperson Dr Sambit Patra


  • In today's newspapers, one important news regarding the portal 'Newsclick' has come to light how illegal foreign funding worth crores came to India through the portal with the aim to defame and destabilize the Indian government. It was a well hatched conspiracy of some foreign forces which wanted to create unrest in the society and defame the Indian government.


  • Today all the facts which have come to light in the 'Newsclick' case once again prove that it is not just some Indian political parties which are trying to destabilize the nation and the government through the toolkit but some foreign forces are also hand in glove with anti national forces which are part of the toolkit conspiracy.


  • 'Newsclick' which is owned by  PPK Newsclick Studio Pvt Ltd got FDI worth Rs 9.59 crores primarily from three main foreign entities. The company also got Rs 30 crores from various foreign agencies. All these dubious foreign transactions are now being investigated by the Enforcement Directorate.


  • Those who are involved in the 'Newsclick' FDI case include one Neville Roy Singham a businessman of Sri Lankan - Cuban descent whose dealings have always been under the scanner. The ongoing investigation has revealed that out of the money which was given to 'Newsclick' Rs 21 lakhs was later routed to Gautam Naulakha who is prime accused in the Bhima Koregaon violence case. Similarly, CPM member Bappaditya Sinha also got around Rs 52 lakhs who looks after Twitter handles of several Left leaders. Moreover, a ninth standard pass electrician Joseph Raj was also given Rs 1.5  crore from the foreign funding.


  • All the revelations in the Newsclick FDI case clearly indicate that the entire operations of the portal was in foreign hands and they were controlling it. The persons running 'Newsclick'  were completely sold out to their foreign funders. The ED investigation has also revealed that the funding was secured from America's Justice and Education fund Inc, GSPAN LLC and Tricontinental Ltd Inc USA companies . All these US companies are registered in one address.  All this clearly reveals that those running 'Newsclick' were not only running a campaign to defame and destabilize the Narendra Modi Government but also conspiracy against India and trying to create unrest and disturb harmony.


  • Newsclick is a simple news web portal whose per share value should not be more than Rs.10. But its share value was highly inflated and shown as Rs 11,510. One interesting fact has come to light during the investigation which shows that the amount which PPK Newsclick Studio Pvt Ltd got was in fact given for maintenance of some other portal and the transaction was named as 'service export'. During interrogation none of the accused could answer on this point.


  • In India today there are some leaders and some activists active today who are operating under the garb of so-called journalists by running a portal with the aim to destabilize the Narendra Modi Government and create an atmosphere of fear and anarchy in the country. Similar thing has happened in the 'Newsclick' case where foreign funds were used to conspire against the country and create unrest and disturb peace and growth.


  • There is a price tag for those creating confusion in the country, and there is a separate price tag for those disturbing peace and causing anarchy, then there is a separate price tag for hatching conspiracy against the Narendra Modi Government and defaming the government. There are separate price tags for creating fake farmers movements and to create unrest among the farming community, while there is a separate price tag for creating unrest in the name of the CAA movement and creating unrest in the society! Yes, there are separate tags for creating anti - India sentiments. All anti India forces along with foreign players came together and hatched a conspiracy against the government and India.


  • But in the end India will emerge victorious and all conspiracies of anti national elements will be defeated. Despite all efforts by anti national forces, all propaganda and plotting against India by use of foreign funding will fall flat.


Mahendra Pandey

(Office Secretary)


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