Salient points of press conference : BJP National spokesperson Dr. Sambit Patra

Press Release



When the entire country was fighting the Corona pandemic, the Congress party was demanding debate in Parliament. And now when Parliament is in session, the Congress party is not allowing it to function and creating ruckus. People of the country have elected them and sent them to Parliament to do constructive debate. The Congress party is least interested in letting Parliament to discuss and debate the important issue of Corona, it only looks for baseless and redundant issues and create obstacles to not let Parliament function.


Rahul Gandhi is saying that a weapon has been implanted in his mobile phone. If a weapon has been implanted, then why he did not speak for so many days and kept mum? Has he filed any FIR on this issue?


For the Congress party and some other Opposition parties Pegasus has become a bigger issue than the Corona pandemic. When the entire country was unitedly fighting the Corona pandemic, the leaders of the Congress party and some other Opposition parties were hiding inside their homes. The meaning of Rahul Gandhi is being irresponsible and non-serious leader.


Rahul Gandhi is saying that the Opposition is united. Before the 2019 general elections a similar photo had some to light, but everyone knows what happened to the so called unity of the imaginary ' Mahaghatbandhan'.  The leaders and parties who formed the imaginary 'Mahaghatbandhan' are the ones who just think about their families. They have just one ambition, one goal and that is to save their own families.


Do you think that Akhilesh Yadav, Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi wants to take India to its golden era? Absolutely not. It's a myth, a big lie. All these leaders have just one ambition and that is to settle their children in politics. And on the other hand we have our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji whose only mission is to take our nation on the path of development, growth, progress and prosperity.


Recently on the festival of Eid the Kerala government gave some relaxation to the Covid protocols, on which the Supreme Court had raised serious concern and said that the instructions and directions which the Supreme Court gave on cancelling the Kanwar Yatra, similar norms should be followed by the Kerala government in the Eid celebrations . But unfortunately the politics of appeasement won in Kerala as the State government did not follow the instructions given by the Supreme Court for the Eid celebrations.


It is because of the highly callous and irresponsible behaviour of the Kerala government that today more than 50 per cent of the Corona cases are being reported from Kerala. Today 22,000 Corona cases have been reported from Kerala and it looks like that a new wave of the Corona pandemic has already begun in Kerala.


In the past four weeks the cases of Corona have been rising very rapidly in Kerala. After Maharashtra, Kerala is the most Corona infected state in the country today. In Kerala the Corona positivity rate today stands at 12.35 per cent . This is big issue of concern. Kerala government has done big mistakes and that is the reason the cases of Corona are rising very rapidly in the state.


To tackle Corona pandemic the governments of Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh cancelled the annual pilgrimage of Kanwar Yatra to curtail spread of Coronavirus. To save lives of people the governments of Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh took this important decision of cancelling the Kanwar Yatra. All the directions and advice of the Supreme Court were strictly followed.


Yesterday the Health Minister of Rajasthan Raghu Sharma celebrated his birthday in an indoor stadium where a large number of people gathered. All protocols related to Corona pandemic were grossly violated. Schools and colleges of Rajasthan are closed, but the Health Minister of Rajasthan celebrated his birthday by putting life of hundreds of people at risk.


During the second wave of the Corona pandemic the Opposition parties was demanding special session of Parliament be called, but now when the real session of Parliament is on the Opposition parties have failed to discuss Corona pandemic situation on a single day. Tearing of papers by the Opposition inside Parliament is highly irresponsible and deplorable act. Rahul Gandhi's followers are tearing papers inside Parliament . They are not letting Parliament to function and outside Parliament they are talking to the media.


(Mahendra Pandey)

Office Secretary


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