Salient points of the press conference of BJP National Spokesperson Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi

by Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi -
Press Release


Salient points of Bharatiya Janata Party National Spokesperson and MP Dr.  Sudhanshu Trivedi’s Press Conference


TMC Leader Sheikh Shahjahan, linked to the torture and exploitation of women in Sandeshkhali, is not in West Bengal Police custody but under their hospitality


Shahjahan Sheikh had previously received secular protection from the CM Mamata Bnereji’s government, and now he is being afforded legal protection


TMC leader Shahjahan Sheikh appears to have been handed over to the police as a gesture of hospitality, showing no signs of apprehension or fear on his face


Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi raised 4 questions:

1. Why wasn't Shahjahan Sheikh handed over to the Enforcement Directorate if he was arrested for an alleged attack on them?

2. Why weren't charges related to rape and harassment of women imposed against Shahjahan Sheikh?

3. What behavior can be expected from Shahjahan Sheikh inside the jail, considering his apparent arrogance towards the police in front of the camera?
4. What is the significance of Shahjahan Sheikh's victory sign?


As time progresses, the nation is increasingly recognizing the anti-national mindset among the constituent parties of the INDI Alliance


Usually, during a criminal's arrest, the police lead the way while the criminal follows in chains. However, in this instance, it seemed like the police were providing security to Shahjahan Sheikh


What does it signify when Shahjahan Sheikh displays the victory sign? Does it imply that oppression, exploitation, and the illegal seizure of women's land through rape constitute victory?


Congress leaders didn't consider Pakistan as an enemy, sought help from Pakistan to defeat Prime Minister Modi, and referred to Hafiz as "Saheb." Why so much love for Pakistan in the "Mohabbat Ki Dukaan"?


INDI Alliance parties build their vote bank by politicizing the oppression of women, Dalits, backward classes, and national security


Barack Obama revealed in his book that after the 26/11 attacks, the Indian Army was prepared to take action, but the Manmohan Singh government halted it for political reasons



A press conference was conducted at the Bharatiya Janata Party’s headquarters in New Delhi, by BJP National Spokesperson and Rajya Sabha MP Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi on Thursday. During the press conference, Dr. Trivedi raised concerns about Shahjahan Sheikh's arrest, questioning why he wasn't handed over to the Enforcement Directorate and why rape charges weren't imposed. Dr. Trivedi criticized the apparent hospitality shown to Shahjahan Sheikh by the police, questioning the significance of his victory sign. Dr. Trivedi also accused the INDI Alliance of promoting terrorism and favoring Pakistan over India. Additionally, he criticized the Tamil Nadu government's display of the Chinese flag on missiles.


BJP national spokesperson Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi stated that Shahjahan Sheikh, who had been evading arrest for 56 days, was apprehended today after the removal of the ED section. However, it's noteworthy that no charges related to rape or abetment of rape have been filed against him in connection with the Sandeshkhali case. On the other hand, it has also become clear that the arrest mentioned by the Mamata government had nothing to do with the crimes of Sandeshkhali, and a big question arises about their arrest. If he has been arrested in the Enforcement Directorate's action, then why isn't the Mamata government handing over Shahjahan Sheikh to the ED? Dr. Trivedi stated that these signs strongly suggest that Shahjahan Sheikh may be hiding with the protection of the Mamata government. Furthermore, to continue providing him protection, the West Bengal government has placed him in the custody of its police. Judging by Shahjahan Sheikh's demeanor during his supposed arrest and the behavior of the police present, it appears he has been handed over to the police as a gesture of hospitality. There was no sense of apprehension or fear evident on Shahjahan Sheikh's face.


Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi observed that typically during the arrest of a criminal, the police take the lead while the criminal follows in chains. However, in this case, it appeared as though the police were providing security to Shahjahan Sheikh. This sends a clear message about Sandeshkhali to all of India and society as a whole. Dr. Trivedi asserted that until now, Shahjahan Sheikh had received secular protection from the Mamata government, and now he's been provided legal protection.


Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi posed a question to both the Trinamool INC and the INDI Alliance regarding this so-called arrest. He asked- what does it signify when Shahjahan Sheikh displays the victory sign? Is he implying that oppression, exploitation, and the illegal seizure of women's land through rape constitute victory? Making atrocities and the oppression of women emblematic of victory reflects a medieval Mughal mentality. In the 21st century, the governance of Shahjahan Sheikh and Mamata Banerjee appears to be governed by such a mindset reminiscent of the Mughal era.

BJP National spokesperson raised three questions regarding the situation: First, if Shahjahan Sheikh was arrested for the alleged attack on the Enforcement Directorate, why was he not handed over to the ED? Second, why were charges related to rape and harassment of women not imposed against Shahjahan Sheikh? Third, given Shahjahan Sheikh's apparent arrogance when he was with the police in front of the camera, what kind of behavior can be expected from him inside the jail? Additionally, Dr. Trivedi expressed confusion regarding the significance of Shahjahan Sheikh's victory sign.


BJP Rajya Sabha MP and National Spokesperson Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi remarked that there has been a noticeable rise in envy and animosity towards Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi from the INDI Alliance at its lowest level. An example of this envy is evident in the recent statement by senior INC leader BK Hariprasad, who stated that Pakistan is the enemy of BJP, not INC. What is the intention behind making such statements? Neither BK Hariprasad nor any Congress leader has slipped such statements, and because former Cabinet Ministers Mani Shankar Aiyar and Salman Khurshid sought help from Pakistan to defeat Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi by visiting Pakistan. Rahul Gandhi's statement was used by Pakistan in the United Nations against India. Imran Khan, as Prime Minister, hinted towards Navjot Singh Sidhu, the immediate past Punjab Congress President, that relations with Pakistan won't be good as long as BJP is in power in India and relations will improve only if INC comes to power. INC leaders referred to Hafiz Saeed as "Sahab". On one hand, INC supports criminal and terrorist elements, and on the other hand, they are making open statements that clearly show that Rahul Gandhi and the INC alliance have more love for Pakistan in the shop of love than for India.


Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi mentioned that according to Former Prident of USA, Barack Obama's book "The Promised Land" in 2010, based on his discussions with the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during his visit to India, it was revealed that after the 2008, 26/11 attacks the Indian Army was prepared to retaliate and take action. However, the INC government refrained from doing so out of fear that the BJP would gain politically from taking action against Pakistan. The INC government prioritizes its vote bank by weighing the pain of hundreds of people and suffering women on the scales of politics and takes action based on that. INC even weighs the country's security and self-respect on the scales of politics.


BJP spokesperson Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi pointed out that the Tamil Nadu government has affixed the Chinese flag on the missile. Despite previous agreements and interactions with China, including the events in Doklam, it appears that the final step is now the visible display of the Chinese flag on missiles belonging to Indian coalition governments.The display of the Chinese flag has been observed exclusively in DMK events, and so far, the DMK government has neither apologized for nor refuted this occurrence, nor has it provided any clarification on the matter. Consequently, with time, the insensitivity and arrogance of the INDI Alliance towards India and Indian society are becoming increasingly evident.




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