Salient points of press conference of BJP National Spokesperson Syed Zafar Islam

by Shri Syed Zafar Islam -
Press Release


Salient points of Press Conference of BJP National Spokesperson Syed Zafar Islam


       The Narendra Modi Government has successfully faced several challenges in the past nine and a half years and has converted challenges into opportunities. The manner in which he has secured our nation and also given a fillip to our economy, the entire world is awestruck and appreciates the efforts of our Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji.


       Today two topics are being hotly debated across the world, one is the successful landing of Chandrayan III and second is the fast growth of the Indian economy. Today India is the brightest spot in the global economy. There are 50 such indicators which signifies India's economic strength in the global arena today.


       Our Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji has taken several decisive and visionary steps to strengthen our economy, to speed up growth and development and key initiatives in the social welfare sector -- which is being referred to as Modinomics. Our Hon'ble Prime Minister has always worked towards growth and development of our country while giving special focus on increasing the income of common citizens.


       The health of an economy is being defined by its growth momentum, micro and macro stability, and investment and inflation. By analysing all these factors it is said that today India has the most stable and strongest economy in the world.


       Today the world economy is in crisis and the GDP of major economies is declining. While on the other hand Indian economy has emerged stronger and more resilient due to the impact of Modinomics. As per a research from SBI, in the last nine years the per capita income in the country has almost doubled.


       In the current financial year our Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI) is around 21 billion dollars while FDI is around 18 billion dollars. Both have seen a rapid increase. The Narendra Modi Government has started successfully keeping inflation and price rise under check.


       While on one hand our Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji is taking the entire nation together by following the philosophy of "Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas Sabka Prayas", on the other hand we have the "ghamandiya gathbandhan" (arrogant coalition) where the opposition parties and its leaders who want to fulfill their personal ambitions by becoming PM l. The people of India will give a befitting reply to such opportunistic parties.


       In 2013 Indian economy was kept in the category of "Fragile Five", but today under the leadership of our Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji it comes under "Top Five". Before 2014 the country was reeling under policy paralysis, and the government of the day was called the government of frauds and scams.


       Between 1947 and 2006 the bank loans in the country were around Rs 18 lakh crores, whereas between 2006 and 2012 under the Congress party led UPA government the bank loans touched a whopping Rs 52 lakh crores. These were majorly non performing loans which literally paralysed our banks. But under the Narendra Modi Government banks were strengthened and today our banks are in good financial condition.


       Our Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji in the past nine and a half years has introduced 313 public welfare schemes and programmes which has empowered our poor and needy people across the country. Under his leadership the Bharatiya Janata Party government is fully dedicated for the welfare of the people. The Narendra Modi Government considers people as its strength and its priority.


       Our Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji has given a big gift to our sisters and mother's in Onam and Raksha Bandhan by announcing an additional Rs 200 subsidy in gas cylinders. It will benefit around 33 crore people. It will give a relief of Rs 400 per cylinder to all the Ujjwala scheme beneficiaries.


       All the top international agencies and organisations including the IMF have said that the world's GDP growth rate has slowed down from 3.5 per cent to 2.7 per cent, and now it has slightly improved to 2.9 per cent. Whereas the growth of the Indian economy has remained consistently above 6 per cent under the leadership of our Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji.


       It is believed that when PMI is above 50 then economic activities speed up and it is good for the economy. Today India's PMI is 57 , which symbolises the strength and excellent shape of our economy. Whereas China's PMI is below 50 which means that China's economic growth is declining.


       Today India's capital utilisation is 66.3 . When capital utilisation is around 70 then it leads to growth in private investments. So it is very obvious when our capital utilisation, bank loans, capital investment, demand - supply, all are in excellent condition, our per capita income will rise and our economy will register healthy growth. And all this has become possible by the vision of our Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji.



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