Salient points of the press conference of BJP National Spokesperson Syed Zafar Islam

by Shri Syed Zafar Islam -
Press Release


Salient Points of BJP National Spokesperson Dr. Syed Zafar Islam’s Press Conference


According to major banks, India has the lowest inflation rate and ranks first in generating employment opportunities. As per the RBI report, around 5 crore people were employed during the financial year 2023-24


Manmohan Singh himself was an economist, yet during his tenure, only 2.9 crore job opportunities were generated


Under Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji’s leadership, numerous important and substantial decisions have been made for the welfare of the nation, resulting in the creation of 12.5 crore employment opportunities during his 10-year term

Rahul Gandhi insulted Hindu Dharm on the floor of the Parliament and has now begun to adopt the religion of lying


While other countries are struggling for growth, India is steadfastly advancing on the path of continuous growth, poised to become the world's third-largest economy by 2027


When Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji initiated the PLI scheme, the opposition objected to it. However, the Hon’ble Prime Minister was confident that the scheme was in the nation's interest, would boost employment opportunities and make the country ‘Atma Nirbhar’


During Congress rule, India produced only 5 crore mobile phones, but today India manufactures 33 crore mobile phones and exports 5 crore of them


Before 2014, India relied entirely on foreign exports for defence equipments, but under the leadership Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji, India has achieved self-reliance in the defence sector


In comparison to the rest of the world, India's inflation management is exemplary. Despite challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic and disruptions in the supply chain due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, India's average inflation rate has remained around 5% over the last decade, owing to the effective governance of the Modi government


Rahul Gandhi and his allies frequently make false claims about inflation and job creation, but their lies have been exposed through published data



Bharatiya Janata Party National Spokesperson Dr. Syed Zafar Islam addressed a press conference at the party’s headquarters in New Delhi, on Thursday. During the conference, Dr. Zafar Islam highlighted that while the opposition tries to mislead the public on employment issues, the Modi government has created 12.5 crore jobs, which starkly refutes their false claims. He also pointed out that during the Modi government's 10-year tenure, India maintained an average inflation rate of around 5%. This is contrasted to the UPA government's nearly 9% rate, which even reached up to 10% between 2009 and 2014.


Dr. Islam stated that the primary aim of this press conference is to expose the lies and deception propagated by opposition leaders, particularly Rahul Gandhi and others, who mislead the people. Rahul Gandhi has not only disrespected the Hindu Dharm in Parliament but the manner in which he tells falsehoods suggests he has embraced a religion of lying.


BJP National Spokesperson Dr. Islam stated that often major banks, which have no direct connection with India, base their assessments solely on data and their experience. According to them, inflation is under control in India and the nation is number one in job creation. Dr. Islam highlighted that as per the RBI report, approximately 5 crore jobs were created in the fiscal year 2023-24. The total workforce has increased from 57.9 crore to 64.3 crore, marking a significant rise of about 5 crore jobs in just one year. These figures are from the RBI. Over the past 10 years, 12.5 crore jobs have been created, which is a record in itself, making India the most successful country in the world in terms of job creation.


Dr. Islam congratulated the people of India for consistently choosing a stable government that has made significant decisions benefiting the nation. Such decisions require strong political will and leadership, as demonstrated under Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji's guidance. Whether through structural or policy reforms, the economy has seen improvement and the country is moving forward under Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji’s leadership.


BJP National Spokesperson Dr. Islam mentioned that under the leadership of Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, 12.5 crore jobs have been generated in India. While many countries are struggling for growth, in India, whether it's the data from PMI, services, or manufacturing PMI, both sets of data illustrate economic activities and the nation's growth. Dr. Islam highlighted that from 2004 to 2014, the government was led by an economist, the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. However, during his tenure, only 2.9 crore jobs were created in ten years, whereas the Modi government has created 12.5 crore jobs in ten years.


Dr. Islam informed that the labour force participation rate has risen to 57.9% in 2022-2023, with a work participation rate of 56%. The unemployment rate, which stood at 6% in 2017, has now dropped to 3.2%. These indicators reflect India's strong economic growth and positive job creation trends. Enrollment numbers in EPFO have reached record highs, signaling the highest-ever enrollment. This success is attributed to Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji's PLI Scheme. Despite opposition campaigns against the PLI scheme, the Hon’ble Prime Minister recognized its benefits for the nation and its citizens, foreseeing that it would create numerous job opportunities and contribute significantly to making the country ‘Atma Nirbhar’.


BJP National Spokesperson Dr. Islam pointed out that with the introduction of the PLI scheme in the telecommunications sector, a notable transformation occurred. Prior to 2014, India produced 5 crore mobile phones and imported 21 crore. Today, because of the implementation of the PLI scheme and the country's leadership's futuristic vision, India manufactures 33 crore phones and exports 5 crore. This serves as an example and similar successful instances can be found across various sectors. Dr. Islam stated that previously, India was heavily reliant on foreign countries in the defence sector. However, due to Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji's policies and initiatives, India has now achieved ‘Atma-Nirbharta’ in the defence sector and has also made exports worth nearly ₹22,000 crore.


Syed Islam noted that headline inflation in India is currently around 4.75%, with core inflation at 3.33%. The Modi government has done the best inflation management globally. Over the past ten years of the NDA's tenure, inflation has averaged 5%, contrasting sharply with the UPA government's nearly double rate of around 9%. From 2009 to 2014, the UPA government experienced an average inflation rate of approximately 10%. Despite challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the impacts of the Russia-Ukraine crisis, India has maintained an average inflation rate of 5%.


Dr. Islam stated that, during the UPA's tenure, inflation increased and the economy was poorly managed, resulting in a dire situation for banks. However, today, banks have been recapitalized and NPAs have been managed and recovered effectively. As a result, banks are now strong by all standards and are in a position to provide more credit to the public. Now, loans are given only to deserving people based on a thorough credit evaluation process. This has resulted in the current healthy state of banks. The fact that banks are performing well, indicates that there will be private investments in the coming days and banks are now in a position to extend credit.


BJP National Spokesperson Dr. Islam stated that the opposition lies about job creation, but the data shows that 12.5 crore jobs have been created in the last five years and the unemployment rate is 3.8%. The workforce participation rate has also increased and this year, the unemployment rate is 3.2%. During the UPA's 10-year tenure, only 2.9 crore jobs were created and the economy was in a dire state. However, during its tenure, the BJP improved the struggling economy and elevated India from the 11th position to the 5th largest economy in the world.  


Syed Islam stated that observing the economic growth, it seems that by 2027, India's economy will become the third-largest in the world, fulfilling the dream of a 'Viksit Bharat' envisioned by Hon'ble PM Shri Narendra Modi Ji. Given the way India's economy is growing and China's economy is declining, there is hope that soon India will match the stature of America and China. However, preparing the foundation for this milestone is the responsibility of today's leadership. That is why, in the past 10 years, Hon'ble PM Shri Narendra Modi Ji has made tough decisions and implemented reforms such as GST. These actions have improved tax collection and strengthened the condition of banks.


Dr. Islam stated that earlier we used to talk about the balance of payment problem, but today we have an 11-month BoP. There are very few countries that have such a large reserve of foreign currencies, allowing them to have an 11-month foreign currency available for balance of payments. Current account deficit, which had reached up to 8% during the UPA's tenure and generally remained at 2-2.5%, has now reduced to 0.7% under the BJP's governance. This is a very positive indicator of how well the economy is performing. The impact of the 0.7% current account deficit is that there is not much volatility in the currency. This is because it has been managed well and the economy is performing efficiently. Exports have been increasing and improving the economy in every possible way.


BJP National Spokesperson Dr. Islam stated that the current rainfall and sowing are setting records and it is estimated that this year could be the best in terms of rainfall in this century. If that happens, the contribution could increase from 3% to 5%, benefiting GDP growth. This could potentially surpass the estimated growth rate of 7%. Rahul Gandhi often spreads falsehoods about the country and opposition leaders do the same regarding job creation. They claim that there is unemployment and a recession and that the economy is not in good shape. However, their lies have been exposed through published data, which consistently refutes their false claims.



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