Salient points of the press conference of Hon'ble Union Minister Shri Rajeev Chandrashekhar

by Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar -
Press Release


Salient Points of Press Conference addressed by Union Minister Shri Rajeev Chandrashekhar


Hon'ble Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi’s visit to Japan, Papua New Guinea and Australia:

Historic & Highly Successful


The visit saw many gestures by world leaders showing how they revere and value PM Modi’s global leadership and contribution.


PM Modi is world’s most popular leader (Global leader approval ratings – 77% )


The visit was marked with unprecedented honours for India


PM’s actions led to a great push to Indian culture, values and ethos


The visit was marked with over 40 engagements for PM, more than a dozen bilateral meetings as well as 3 summits


PM conversed with industry captains, scientists, academicians on various issues


India is today at an Inflection point – we are living in the most exciting period in the history of modern India.



This recent visit of Hon'ble PM Sh. Narendra Modi ji to Japan, Australia and Papua New Guinea is a strong example of how the world’s view of India and its respect for Indian values, Indian Governance and PM Modi’s leadership has risen and grown in the last 9 years, said Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Union Minister, Govt. of India and leader of Bhartiya Janta Party. Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar addressed the press conference at BJP headquarters today.   


Gestures of Warmth, Adulation & Respect


·        This trip was peppered with instances that exemplify the enormous respect and goodwill for India amongst the world leaders.


·        Imagine the enormity of the moment when President Biden asks for PM Modi’s autograph, after complaining to him about the deluge of requests to attend the dinner when he visits USA.


·        Imagine the significance of Prime Minister of PNG James Marape touching PM Modi’s as a mark of respect after welcoming him at the airport.


·        Imagine the importance of PM Albanese calling PM Modi ‘The Boss’ and lighting up Sydney Opera House in Tricolour,


·        Imagine the goodwill shown by PM Chris Hipkins of New Zealand by flying to Australia to specially meet with PM Modi


·        These are not moments one sees often in history. These are rare events which are outcomes of huge hard-work and efforts made to help others.


·        All these countries may not agree with each other or with India on everything.


·        But there is consensus among all when it comes to the importance of PM Modi.


Unprecedented Honours for India


·   Papua New Guinea & Fiji conferred their highest awards to PM Modi.


·   Papua New Guinea conferred the Companion of the order of Logohu to PM Modi for championing the cause of unity of Pacific Island countries and spearheading the cause of Global South. Very few nonresidents of PNG have received this award. For Eg Bill Clinton.


·   PM Modi was conferred the highest honour of Fiji by the PM of Fiji: Companion of the Order of Fiji in recognition of his global leadership. Only a handful of Non-Fijians have received this honour till date.


·        Renaming of Harris Park in Sydney to Little India was another honour bestowed on India during PM Modi’s visit.


·        Australian PM walked hand in hand with PM Modi at the community reception showcasing the importance of India and Indian diaspora. He was also accompanied by the Leader of Opposition, the Foreign Minister, Former Prime Minister and many other ministers.


·        Papua New Guinea PM Marape calling PM Modi ‘leader of the global south’ was another epoch making moment and showed how seriously the world is looking at India.


·   This is yet another reaffirmation of PM Modi’s global leadership and increasing global stature.


Great push to Indian culture, values and ethos


·        What also stood out during this visit was how effectively PM Modi used global forums as a stage to share Indian culture, values and ethos.


·        There cannot be a more befitting spot for Mahatma Gandhi than Hiroshima and by unveiling Gandhi’s bust there, PM Modi has ensured that Gandhi’s message of non-violence will be heard when anyone goes to Hiroshima. This is one of the many Gandhi statues and busts PM Modi has inaugurated across the world.


·        Launch of Tamil classic “Thirukkaral” in Tok Pisin language to connect Papua New Guinean youth to Indian values and culture.


·        Wearing of recycled material at the G7 & FIPIC Summit as a mark of India’s commitment to values of sustainability and PM’s message of LIFE at G20.


·        The lunch hosted by PM for FIPIC leaders had Indian cuisine and millet based items.


·        His gifts, highlighting Indian culture and specially tribal culture to world leaders are a significant effort.


Important conversations for India’s future


·        PM Modi met industry captains for conversations and a business round-table & continued his bit to make India the most preferred investment destination in the world.


·        He also met scientists, academicians, artists and cultural icons. Amongst the many who met him in Australia included Nobel Laureate in Physics Brian Paul Schmidt who said “PM Modi is one of the most visible leaders that India has had in my lifetime. He takes an interest in whoever he talks to, whether its President of USA or someone he meets for first time from society. India’s ability to do world class science has become an order of magnitude higher”.


·        Prof Toby Walsh Professor of “Artificial Intellgence” said that India is absolutely worlds most extraordinary democracy. UPI is a wonderful example of how India can do things itself”


Diplomacy and Diaspora


·   PM Modi participate in 3 Summits- Quad, FIPIC and G7.


·   It was a hectic visit for the PM with over 40 engagements lined up.


·   PM interacted with over 2 dozen world leaders in summits as well as through bilateral meetings.


·   Around 20 thousand people attended the Community event in Sydney. Unlike other leaders who blame others or badmouth the country, PM’s speech focused solely on the India story.


·   Be it Japan or PNG or Australia, the newspaper front pages inevitably were filled with news about PM Modi.


Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar said that this achievement and transformation of India’s image and the respect for India’s PM is a consequence of much hard work and the transformation as a result of that hard work, of the Indian Economy. As a world leader who was born poor PM Narendra Modi is am inspiration and leader for those nations and peoples of the world that continue to struggle. India’s performance during Covid and the role that India is playing in shaping a peaceful future for all the worlds people especially those who continue to be in poverty in nations of the Global South.


India’s democracy, India’s transformed governance as worlds largest democracy and its rise as a peaceful but rapidly expanding Economy is being recognized & lauded by the world’s people and leaders.


The rise of India from 5th largest Economy to top 3 in the world is inevitable and will be rapid. The transformation of India from a poor developing nation to a developed nation will be in the coming decades.


Unlike with some other nations, India’s rise under PM Narendra Modiji will be one where peace, opportunity, development, sustainability are the benefits for all people of the world. The world recognizes it and celebrates it. People of India recognize it and celebrate it.


It has become a shameless habit for our opposition politicians like Rahul Gandhi to use abuse and lies to not just insult our PM and our Government but also our nation, our democracy and our institutions including Press and Judiciary. These are same opposition who abused the handling of our Economy during Pandemic, created fear about Indian Vaccines and pushed for Foreign Vaccines , opposed helping other countries with our Vaccines, created all around panic including amongst our vulnerable shramiks, have on various occasions blamed EVMs, Judiciary, Press as their reason for repeated loss in Democratic Elections, have travelled abroad to vilify our democracy, nation and people. There is a silence on these after recent Karnataka elections.


Regrettably, Rahul Gandhi's remarks have served to undermine the image of India, a nation that has made significant strides in various sectors. By belittling India's remarkable achievements and downplaying its progress, he is trying to create a misleading narrative that fails to acknowledge the country's tremendous growth and potential.


In a global world where nations are vying for recognition and respect, it is crucial to project a positive and accurate image of India's advancements. India's global standing is built on the foundation of its diverse culture, vibrant democracy, and rapid economic growth. Prime Minister Sh.Narendra Modi's leadership and diplomatic efforts have played a significant role in strengthening the country's international relations and garnering admiration from world leaders, attracting investments and expanding our economy. His proactive approach, charisma, and vision have resonated positively, enabling India to emerge as a global player that is both respected and admired.


It would be good if Indian opposition politicians stop insulting and berating India and become part of this effort to take India forward and forward and celebrate India’s progress and not insult our growth and development or create hurdles or attempt to reverse our PMs mission and his goal of creating a developed India with SabkaSaathSabka Vikas Sabkas Vishwas and SabkaPrayas.




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