Salient points of press conference : Senior BJP Leader Shir Manjinder Singh Sirsa

Press Release



Salient points of the press conference of senior BJP leader Shri Manjinder Singh Sirsa



·        Be it Punjab or Delhi, why is it that the Aam Aadmi Party convenor Arvind Kejriwal makes a "criminal and corrupt" a minister and gives tickets to them ? Arvind Kejriwal is Chief Minister of Delhi , but he runs the Punjab government through remote control and does not allow police administration to work on improving law and order situation in Punjab.


·        This is the same Balbir Singh who was sentenced to 3 year jail term for assaulting a woman. In Delhi also the Aam Aadmi Party has done only politics in the name of providing safety and security to women and has done nothing on the ground. After the Nirbhaya episode in 2013 the Aam Aadmi Party took votes in the name of women security, but it is highly ironical that it is the same Arvind Kejriwal who is making those ministers those who are responsible for committing atrocities against women.


·        Arvind Kejriwal used to make tall promises that after he comes to power his government would provide safety and security to women, will remove all corrupt from power and will not allow corrupt to contest elections.


·        But after coming to power Arvind Kejriwal has set new benchmarks where Aam Aadmi Party will make those ministers, MPs and MLAs who are corrupt and criminals, who extort money and do scams.


·        Arvind Kejriwal has just one criteria -- " bring money and become minister" and "bring money and get ticket". Arvind Kejriwal is a fraud and he just loves money.


·        Arvind Kejriwal's party fought elections in Punjab on the issue of ending corruption and won 92 seats to form Bhagwant Singh Maan government. But soon after forming the government the Aam Aadmi Party government health minister Vijay Singla was nabbed for corruption. Within 10 months of forming the government, another Aam Aadmi Party minister Fauji Singh Sarari has to resign, and his audio of corruption is there in public domain.


·        The truth is that the Aam Aadmi Party are now either in jail or are out on bail. To save his skin and to be seen as honest Arvind Kejriwal and the Aam Aadmi Party government took resignation of Fauja Singh Sarari, but there has been no change in their original character. The basic criteria of Aam Aadmi Party is very clear that if you are corrupt and criminal, you can become a minister.



On behalf of the people of the country the Bharatiya Janata Party wants to ask Arvind Kejriwal certain questions with the hope that he will reply soon --


·        How much money did you take from Balbir Singh, who was sentenced for beating a woman, to make him a minister in Punjab government?


·        Fauja Singh Sararia was collecting money on whose behest?


·        Whom did the health minister in Aam Aadmi Party government in Punjab Vijay Singla, who is accused of corruption, used to give the bribe money ?


·        Minister in the Arvind Kejriwal government, Satyender Jain, who is in jail now, is still extorting money for whom ?


·        Accused in the Delhi liquor scam and Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia is collecting money for whom?


·        Minister in the Arvind Kejriwal Government, Kailash Gehlot, committed scam in DTC bus purchase. Whom did he give the scam money?

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