Salient points of speech of Hon'ble BJP National President Shri J.P. Nadda While addressing 'Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam' seminar in Gayatrikunj, Haridwar (Uttarakhand)

by Shri Jagat Prakash Nadda -
Press Release




The sentiment of "Vasudev Kutumbakam" is etched in our mind and soul. It is the basic pillar of our great culture and heritage. It is over philosophy and our lifestyle. Our thinking is welfare of everyone, welfare of world , welfare of entire mankind. Our philosophy is -- we are in everyone and everyone is within us.


It is a matter of great happiness that our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji has named the touchdown point of Chandrayan III in moon as "Shiv Shakti". From the spiritual point of view it is amalgamation of Shiv Shakti, it is amalgamation of north and south. By landing on the south pole of the moon India has made history.


Under the leadership of our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji, India is holding the presidency of the G20 , where the basic philosophy is "Vasudev Kutumbakam" , which means -- "One Earth, One Family, One Future". We are all citizens of India who are tirelessly working for the development and growth of our country, but we and our philosophy, our achievements and our thoughts are for the entire world.


Western nations stress on exploitation of nature, but we focus on sustenance of nature . We do not believe in exploitation, but we believe in utilisation as per our need. Their terminology focuses on exploitation, this is mine- this is yours; whereas our philosophy is "sabka saath - sabka vikas".


The word "bazar" promotes competition whereas "parivar " word denotes a feeling of bonding and unity. When the word "bazar' is used it promotes mindless competition to gain something, but when we use "vasudev kutumbakam" it promotes the feeling of family and motivate us to give something.


Colonialism has also promoted one strong nation suppressing other nation. It gave birth to imperialism. India has never attacked other nation. We always believe and work for welfare and happiness of others . That is why we have this strong feeling of "Vasudev Kutumbakam".


We have never ever tried to suppress any other nation. In our philosophy, our first point of contact is our mother, then the mother Earth, then Ganga Maa (the holy Ganga river) and then Bharat Maa (our nation). We have always considered nature as our mother. We have always have close bonding with all the living creatures on the Earth.


If capitalism, market forces, open competition work properly then there is balanced development. Till the time globalisation and global market are working for humanity, till then everything will be fine. But when it leads to cutthroat competition,  then its utility fades away.


The people of Indian origin who are living abroad they have deep faith and affection for India and our philosophy, and it is because they have taken this Indian philosophy with them wherever they are living and it has strongly stayed with them. Wherever they are living and working, they are contributing immensely in the growth and development of that country.


It is a matter of great pride and happiness that Rishi Sunak is the Prime Minister of Britain and he is working hard for the growth and development of Britain. Similarly the Vice President of the US is also of Indian origin and is serving America. It is a matter of great pride for us that through them our basic philosophy is being propagated world over.


The philosophy of the western world is education is corporate. But in our culture education is the foundation head of culture . Education refines our life and teaches us the meaning of life.


For the first time in our country a National Education Policy has been implemented which is linked to the basic soul our country, it gives us the feeling of Indianness. Similarly the Narendra Modi Government has implemented the new Health Policy which has adopted the philosophy of preventive, promotive and curative health care. The focus is also on adopting Ayurveda and natural medicine which have their basis in the traditional Indian health and healing systems.


Our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji has done exceptional work in the preservation and conservation of our environment. We are highly committed towards our world and also environment conservation and we are taking all steps in this direction.


When our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji took the concept of Yoga to the United Nations he never said Yoga is only ours or it belongs only to India, he said Yoga is the gift from Indian to the entire world, to entire mankind. He proposed to have an International Yoga Day so that the entire world could understand it's importance. This is the basic philosophy of "Vasudev Kutumbakam".


With the similar feeling of "Vasudev Kutumbakam " the world is observing the International Year of Millets . Its proposal was also kept by our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji. He emphasised on the importance of using wholegrains in improving our health and today the entire world has understood and accepted its importance.


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