Salient points of speech : Hon'ble BJP National President Shri J.P. Nadda while interacting with Ex-servicemen & Honoured them at Nand Residency, Bansi Bazar, Gazipur (Uttar Pradesh).

by Shri Jagat Prakash Nadda -
Press Release





India's army is one of the world's strongest armies. Our brave soldiers have always showed their valour whenever there is any emergency and have always protected our borders. Our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji has taken big, bold and quick decisions to ensure safety and security of our country.


Today Pakistan is totally isolated because the world knows that it is the laboratory and sanctuary of terrorists and how India has been fighting a decisive battle against terrorism. Our Honourable Prime Minister has shown the world that India neither supports any kind of terrorism nor it will tolerate any kind of terrorist activities against our country.


During the Congress led UPA government there was a Defence Minister AK Antony who gave a statement in Parliament that their government was against development and progress of border areas because it will keep our country safe. What kind of logic and policy is this? It is the way to run out nation?


By keeping your eyes closed would not let our enemy close his eyes. China was improving in roads and making new roads in border areas to carry out infiltration in India. But it is the foresight and efficient planning of our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji that it foiled all nefarious plans of China. Today our border areas are on the fast track of growth and development. This is all due to effective planning and policies of the Narendra Modi Government.


Our brothers in the army were in trouble and distress but the Congress led UPA government did nothing for them. During the Congress led UPA government no defence deal was done, as a result our army could not purchase essential items and ammunition. Whatever defence deals took place during the Congress led UPA government, corruption and scams took place in all of them.


During the Congress party government there was corruption in submarine deal, scam took place in helicopter deal and in purchase of fighter jets. And it is not all, corruption and scam took place even in purchase of bullet proof jackets meant for our brave soldiers.


The Bharatiya Janata Party government under the leadership of our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji has made our army stronger by providing all the necessary items it required. Squadron of Rafael has already reached India, new combat helicopters were purchased. Mega development schemes related to our defence were planned and executed. Today India is manufacturing and exporting defence equipment across the world.


Our defence exports has increased 8 times under the Narendra Modi Government. In 2014 our defence exports was just worth Rs 1941 crores but today it is over Rs 12000 crores. In 2020-21 the defence exports saw a jump of over 54 per cent.


Today a major portion of our defence budget is being spent in defence procurement so that it facilitates our defence production. Under the Narendra Modi Government over 300 defence items will be produced in our country. By cutting down on defence exports we will gradually end our dependency on defence imports.


Till last year our Naval flag had the cross of Saint George, but now it has been changed to the stamp of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Our National War Memorial could not be built as no previous governments paid attention to this important issue. Our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji constructed the National War Memorial. It is big tribute to all our war heroes and soldiers.


A mega Defence Corridor is being built in Uttar Pradesh. It will not be just a defence corridor, but it will be a powerhouse of the development and growth of Uttar Pradesh. When the Bundelkhand Defence Corridor will be joined by it , it will bring massive change in the entire region.


Our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji celebrates Diwali with our soldiers at our borders every year. This gives a message that our brave soldiers guarding our borders are not alone, our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji is with them and so is the 130 crore people of India. Our Honourable Prime Minister believes that when our army is strong, our nation also becomes strong and our nation's security and safety becomes impregnable.


During the Congress party government numerous terror incidents used to place and the government used to do nothing. But our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji responded to cowardly terror attacks with surgical strikes and air strikes , this giving the message to the entire world that India can go to any extent to protect its borders. No one can challenge our integrity.


What was the situation of terrorism in the country earlier, everyone knows that. Blasts used to take place in Kacheri in Kashi and Sankat Mochan temple. Today the Narendra Modi Government has brought terrorism under control and strong action has been taken against terrorists. Our government has zero tolerance policy towards terrorism.


I want to request to all of you that please beware of these opportunist people who are seen only during elections. When the Congress party was going to be thrown out of power it kept mere Rs 500 crores for the 'One rank , one pension ' scheme for retired army personnel. Were they not aware that Rs 500 crores were highly insufficient for the scheme?


Our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji has given Rs 35,000 crores directly into the accounts of our ex servicemen for the 'One rank, one pension: scheme giving much needed relief to our retired armymen. The pension budget for the defence sector has been increased from Rs 44000 crores to Rs 1.12 lakh crores. Similarly the 'One rank, one pension' scheme budget has been increased by 40 per cent. The Narendra Modi Government has also hiked the salaries of serving armymen by 55 per cent. The Bharatiya Janata Party government under the leadership of our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji is highly committed to address all the issues and demands of our defence sector and our brave soldiers.


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