Statement issued by BJP Senior Leader, Shri L.K. Advaniji on terrorist attack in J&K on 15 Feb 2019

Press Release

Statement by Shri LKAdvani

Member of Parliament

February 15, 2019


The barbaric terrorist attack yesterday on a CRPF convoy in Pulwama in Jammu & Kashmir, in which nearly 40 jawans became martyrs, is an attack on India and a crime against humanity. I join all my countrymen in this time of outrage, condemnation and mourning.


My heart goes to the families of the bereaved jawans. And I pray for the recovery of all those injured in this attack.


Terrorists and their sponsors should know that India can neither be divided nor deterred by their evil designs. The entire nation should stand united in firm support of whatever way the Government of India decides to respond to this attack.

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