Resolution passed in NDA Meeting

Press Release


An alliance of diversity with an agenda of development.


A meeting was held by the leaders of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) parties today, 21st May 2019 at New Delhi. The following resolution was adopted at the NDA meeting.


The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) is a true representative of India’s diversity and dynamism. It is the alliance that manifests the dreams and aspirations of 130 crore Indians. This ethos of the NDA has been continuously seen in the working of the NDA government led by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Today, the NDA has become the principle pole in Indian politics.


In May 2014, the NDA government took office at a time when the entire nation was plagued by corruption, policy paralysis, crony capitalism and economic stagnation. Public confidence in the then government was at an all-time low. From the palpable gloom at that time, during the last five years of the NDA government under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, India rapidly transformed into a land of opportunity, hope, growth and good governance.


The NDA family congratulates PM Modi and the Council of Ministers for successfully running a development oriented, pro-people and inclusive Government that has taken historic decisions in public and national interest.


The NDA family takes great pride in the fact that the Central Government under PM Modi has worked at an unparalleled speed and scale to empower crores of Indians. Today, it is globally recognised that India is mitigating poverty faster than ever before. The NDA Government has corrected historical wrongs that should have been rectified years ago. In the last five years, every Indian has got a bank account thanks to the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana. This landmark drive led to numerous other benefits such as social security and pension schemes to directly reach the intended beneficiaries.


India is now home to the world’s largest healthcare programme in the form of Ayushman Bharat that is serving 50 crore Indians. Nearly 2.5 crore homes have been sanctioned in the last 5 years. Over 7 crore free LPG connections and 2.5 crore free electricity connections have been given. Programmes like Digital India, Make in India, Start-Up and Stand-Up India have been transformational and have empowered the people.


We are delighted to see many steps being taken for the welfare of the hardworking farmers. This includes structural changes as well as monetary incentives. The Centre’s focus on irrigation, soil health, crop insurance, expanding markets has started yielding results. We commend PM Modi for systematically working towards doubling farmer incomes by 2022.


Over the last five years, India’s prestige at the global stage has been enhanced significantly. India has influenced global discourse on key matters such as combatting terrorism, money laundering and fighting climate change. The creation of a strong International Solar Alliance has been a successful effort in both diplomacy and environmental conservation.


The NDA Government has been uncompromising when it comes to India’s national security. The recurrence of terror attacks during opposition rule and the inaction of the then political leadership is now history. If there is an attack, the perpetrators are given a befitting reply. Our armed forces now have full freedom to take any step to protect the safety of all Indians and the nation’s security and integrity. The Modi government’s diplomatic efforts led to the declaration of Masood Azhar as a global terrorist. Similarly, the global community has supported India’s action against terror and the anti-satellite missile test earlier this year.


Politically, due to the hardwork of countless political workers, the NDA has expanded its imprint across India. The Alliance is gaining significant popularity all over India including the Eastern parts of India and the North-East. These regions also are an active beneficiary of the national development journey now. PM Modi rightly points out that the NDA is more than a political alliance. It is an article of faith that carries with it regional aspirations along with a larger national picture of growth and prosperity.


NDA stands as a tall bulwark against the vote bank politics and old school political thinking of the opposition, whose twentieth century politics has not cut ice with the young voters of the twenty-first century.


We also strongly condemn the culture of political violence in West Bengal and Kerala. We are equally concerned with the systematic assault by the opposition on institutions ranging from the CAG, Election Commission and Judiciary to the Police and Armed Forces.


Today, we stand at a pivotal moment in history when the world looks to India to show the way in the future. In the 2019 Lok Sabha polls, the millennium's children have voted for the first time, to shape the India of their future. The work of the NDA government in the last five years shows that, with a strong determination and right effort, the impossible can become possible. The last five years were about fulfilling the basic needs of the people; now is the time to further increase the pace of progress and meet the aspirations of the people.


Under the leadership of PM Modi, the NDA Government has future-proofed India, which means the creation of next-generation roads, railways, highways, i-ways and ports infrastructure that caters to the needs of the present and coming generations.


In the years to come, we plan capital investment of Rs. 100 lakh crore in the infrastructure sector and Rs. 25 lakh crore which will be devoted to the farm and rural sectors. We want India to become the largest start-up ecosystem in the world with modern and adequate infrastructure to support rapid growth. With these steps, India is poised to become a 5 trillion dollar economy.


Based on our track record and vision, the NDA family is sure that the people of India will once again bless PM Modi to lead the nation, which he fully deserves.


We resolve that, once again under the leadership of PM Modi, by 2022 when India marks 75 years of freedom, it is our endeavour to fulfil the dreams of our great freedom fighters and give shape to the strong, prosperous, developed and inclusive India that they dreamt of.

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