Salient points of the press conference : BJP National Spokesperson Dr. Sambit Patra (M.P.)

by Shri Sambit Patra -
Press Release


Salient Points of BJP National Spokesperson and Lok Sabha MP Dr. Shri Sambit Patra’s Press Conference


Rahul Gandhi previously questioned the caste of journalists, administrative officers at the Halwa Ceremony, judges and soldiers. Yet, when someone asks about his own caste, he feels insulted

Why is it offensive to question Rahul Gandhi's caste when he openly asks the caste of others? Why was it not deemed offensive when Rahul Gandhi inquired about the castes of those present at the Halwa Ceremony?

Shri Anurag Thakur’s statement did not name anyone, yet a single person’s offence sparked a full-scale ruckus from the Opposition. Opposition members, including Gaurav Gogoi, were seen tearing and throwing Parliament documents on the Chair of the Speaker

If questioning someone's caste within the House is deemed wrong, how will a caste census be conducted? During election campaigns, Rahul Gandhi questioned the caste of the Hon’ble Prime Minister and spread rumours


If Rahul Gandhi has the audacity to question the caste of the army, judges and officers present with Union Finance Minister Smt Nirmala Sitharaman, then every common citizen has every right to question Rahul Gandhi's caste

Rahul Gandhi’s sense of entitlement is astonishing. His body language and conduct in the House reflect his arrogance

Since the start of the 18th Lok Sabha session, the “number 99” and the game of arrogance have been prevalent. Rahul Gandhi's behaviour and the conduct of his party members are disheartening and shameful for the House

There are clear rules in the House that every MP must follow, including prohibitions against showing printed photographs. Despite repeated warnings, Rahul Gandhi persistently breaks these rules and continuously insults the Chair



Bharatiya Janata Party National Spokesperson and Lok Sabha MP Shri Sambit Patra addressed a press conference at the party’s headquarters in New Delhi on Wednesday. During the conference, Dr. Patra criticized Congress MP Rahul Gandhi and opposition MPs for causing a ruckus in Parliament over Shri Anurag Thakur’s questioning of Rahul Gandhi’s caste. He highlighted the irony that while Congress advocates for a caste census, they are offended when asked about their own caste.


Dr. Patra stated that yesterday, as a first-time parliamentarian, he was carefully monitoring the events in Parliament. Since the 18th Lok Sabha session began, he has observed that the arrogance and the number '99' have been persistent. Rahul Gandhi's behaviour and the resultant conduct of his party members are disheartening and shameful for the House. The Parliament which is the ‘Temple of Democracy’, has been witnessing the contentious chaos and arrogance of Congress MP Rahul Gandhi.  There was a ruckus created by the opposition regarding Shri Anurag Thakur’s caste remark.


BJP National Spokesperson Dr. Patra clarified that Shri Anurag Thakur did not name anyone in his statement. Despite this, only one individual was offended and on his direction, Congress MPs created a ruckus in Parliament. Members were seen tearing up Parliament documents, with Gaurav Gogoi tearing and throwing papers at the Hon’ble Speaker’s Chair. Why asking about Rahul Gandhi's caste is considered offensive when Rahul Gandhi himself inquired about the caste of others. There was no objection when Rahul Gandhi asked about the castes of people at the Halwa Ceremony and also mentioned the castes of judges and soldiers. Rahul Gandhi can ask anyone’s caste but when someone inquires about his caste, it is deemed offensive.


Dr. Patra criticized the opposition for creating a ruckus, stating that if asking about someone’s caste is considered unacceptable in Parliament, it is ironic that they advocate for a caste census. Shri Patra questioned how one can conduct a caste census if asking about caste is deemed offensive. Rahul Gandhi tried to mislead and disrespect Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi regarding his caste. Shri Patra expressed astonishment at Rahul Gandhi's sense of entitlement. He criticized Rahul Gandhi's casual approach and body language in Parliament, describing them as indicative of arrogance.


BJP National Spokesperson Dr. Patra remarked that Rahul Gandhi's presentation of pictures during his speech violated the rules and regulations of the House, which apply to all MPs, including the Hon’ble Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition. Despite the Speaker's direction to adhere to the rules, Rahul Gandhi disregarded the Speaker and displayed the pictures, demonstrating a disregard for parliamentary rules and regulations and insulting the Hon'ble Speaker. Dr.Patra highlighted Rahul Gandhi's sitting posture in Parliament, comparing it to sitting casually in a drawing-room. Such behaviour shows a lack of respect for the ‘temple of democracy’, contrasting it with the dignity maintained by Hon’ble PM Shri Narendra Modi Ji and other Prime Ministers.


Dr. Patra stated that during the Gujarat elections, Rahul Gandhi visited the Somnath temple after being advised that it would be good for his image. A media report claimed that Rahul Gandhi had his name registered in the Non-Hindu register at the temple. The BJP then held a press conference on the matter. A few days later, the Congress also held a press conference, asserting that Rahul Gandhi is a 'Janeudhari Brahmin.' Only Rahul Gandhi could become a 'Janeudhari Brahmin' after having his name registered in the Non-Hindu register.


BJP National Spokesperson Dr. Patra stated that if Rahul Gandhi has the audacity to question and ask about the caste of the army, judges and officers present with Union Finance Minister Smt Nirmala Sitharaman, then every common citizen has every right to question Rahul Gandhi's caste. Rahul Gandhi exhibits childish behaviour in Parliament by flashing posters during his speeches and then complaining when the camera shifts focus away from him. He must stop such acts, as showing images in the Parliament is against the rules and it is natural for Lok Sabha TV to shift its focus when such rules are violated. There is a rule prohibiting the naming of individuals who are not members of the house, yet Rahul Gandhi did so. In contrast, Union Finance Minister Smt Nirmala Sitharaman delivered her speech without naming anyone except two individuals to whom she paid respect, including a member who continued to serve the country even after his father's demise. Despite this, Rahul Gandhi asked for their caste. Dr. Patra asked Rahul Gandhi to tell how many SC-ST and OBCs are there in the governing body of Rajiv Gandhi Foundation?


Dr. Patra mentioned that Rahul Gandhi used acronyms A1 and A2 in his speech in parliament. However, Accused No. 1 and Accused No. 2, (A1 and A2) respectively are Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi in the context of the National Herald case in the Supreme Court. These designations are already assigned and that Rahul Gandhi cannot alter or add anyone else to this acronym.


BJP National Spokesperson Dr. Patra addressed the Agniveer matter and highlighted that Rahul Gandhi alleged that the Hon’ble Prime Minister has created a division in the Army, with one section being poor, Dalits and Adivasis being made Agniveers, while another section consists of individuals from rich and influential families. Dr. Patra claimed that Rahul Gandhi's statements aimed to incite discord within the army on the directions of George Soros. Rahul Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi went to China, signed a MoU.




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