Salient points of the press conference of BJP National Spokesperson Shri Gaurav Bhaita

by Shri Gaurav Bhatia -
Press Release


Salient Points of BJP National Spokesperson Shri Gaurav Bhatia’s Press Conference


Bibhav Kumar's misconduct with Swati Maliwal has occurred under the protection of Arvind Kejriwal


Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal's silence on the misconduct involving a female MP clearly indicates that women's dignity holds no significance for him.

Kejriwal instructed his PA, Bibhav Kumar, to assault and verbally abuse the female MP from their own party.

Arvind Kejriwal has neither denied the incident nor promised any action if it did occur.

Despite Swati Maliwal being from an opposition party, the BJP has raised this issue and is fighting for her justice, sending a powerful message: when it comes to respecting women, the BJP transcends party politics.

Kejriwal became a Corrupt “Jail CM” turned “Bail CM," and will become a "Fail CM" yet again, on June 4th

In the police general diary, it is recorded that Swati Maliwal stated in her phone call that Arvind Kejriwal instructed his PA, Bibhav Kumar, to brutally assault and abuse her.

While Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is dedicated to empowering and connecting women to the mainstream, leaders of the Ghamandia alliance, such as Arvind Kejriwal and Akhilesh Yadav, have refused to address the issue of women's respect.

Arvind Kejriwal must address this issue, and if he fails to do so, he should resign as Chief Minister

On June 4th, the NDA will win over 400 seats, the Bharatiya Janata Party will win over 370 seats, and all 80 seats in Uttar Pradesh will be won by the BJP.


Bhartiya Janata Party National Spokesperson Shri Gaurav Bhatia convened a press conference at the party's central office on Thursday, during which he accused Arvind Kejriwal and Akhilesh Yadav of disregarding the dignity of women by refusing to address the issue of misconduct involving Swati Maliwal. He highlighted Arvind Kejriwal's failure to address the issue promptly, describing it as a setback for women's dignity. He emphasized that despite being in the opposition, the Bharatiya Janata Party is actively advocating for justice for Swati Maliwal. He underscored that the BJP is committed to upholding the dignity of women and never hesitates to participate in national politics for this cause.


Presenting a factual picture, Mr. Bhatia said that the accused of misbehavior, was seen roaming with Arvind Kejriwal under his protection and was also spotted at the Samajwadi Party headquarters. On behalf of the people of the country, the Bharatiya Janata Party asks questions to Arvind Kejriwal and expect answers:


·      What is Arvind Kejriwal's stance on the crime being committed in Sheesh Mahal (CM House)?


·      Why is the person on whom Kejriwal was supposed to take action roaming with him like a twin brother? Arvind Kejriwal has made it clear that he has no regard for women's respect and no commitment to take action.


·      Has Swati Maliwal been forcibly kept somewhere under pressure?


·      Was Swati Maliwal assaulted and abused at the Delhi Chief Minister's residence at the behest of Arvind Kejriwal?


Shri Bhatia labeled Kejriwal as the "corrupt Jail CM turned Bail CM," predicting that he will become a Failed CM once again on June 4th. Shri Bhatia emphasized that while Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is dedicated to respecting and empowering women, as evidenced by constitutional amendments to grant reservations and connect women to the mainstream, leaders of the Ghamandia alliance, such as Arvind Kejriwal and Akhilesh Yadav, held a press conference and refused to address the issue of women's respect. Shri Bhatia criticized this stance, labeling it as a poisonous mindset that tarnishes women's dignity.


BJP National Spokesperson Shri Bhatia stated that Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, a leader of corruption, extremism, dishonesty, and sin, has degraded the dignity of women, turning it into alcohol and serving it along with Akhilesh Yadav in Lucknow. The Bharatiya Janata Party, which has consistently not only spoken but also taken action on women empowerment issues, finds it imperative to uphold the dignity of women in this situation. The Ghamandia Alliance is so cowardly that they don't disclose their own seats and only talk about the Bharatiya Janata Party and the NDA.


On June 4th, the NDA will win over 400 seats, the Bharatiya Janata Party will win over 370 seats, and all 80 seats in Uttar Pradesh.


Shri Gaurav Bhatia stated that there has been a despicable incident involving Aam Aadmi Party's MP, Swati Maliwal. According to media reports, it is reported as a case of physical assault. Corrupt AAP leader Sanjay Singh, who is out on bail, has himself admitted that a condemnable incident occurred when Swati Maliwal visited Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's residence. However, it's been three days now, and despite the expectation that, even with his corruption and staunch dishonesty, Arvind Kejriwal would not compromise on women's dignity, there has been no action. It was expected that if there was misconduct, physical assault, or verbal abuse against a leader of his own party, perhaps Arvind Kejriwal's humanity would awaken and he would take immediate action against his PA, Bibhav Kumar. But surprisingly, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal has shown no regret and expressed no remorse, let alone taken any action.


Shri Bhatia stated that Arvind Kejriwal was seen with Bibhav Kumar, against whom the allegations have been made. This implies that the accused Bibhav Kumar is moving around under the protection of Arvind Kejriwal and has been seen together at the Samajwadi Party headquarters. Now the question arises, what does Arvind Kejriwal have to say about these sins being committed at the CM's residence where sometimes the Chief Secretary is assaulted and sometimes Parliamentarians are assaulted? The individual against whom action was required is roaming around with Arvind Kejriwal, involved in crime alongside him. It is very disappointing that Arvind Kejriwal has made it clear that he has no place for, nor accountability towards, women's dignity or taking action.


Shri Gaurav Bhatia pointed out that when the media asked Arvind Kejriwal about the incident involving Swati Maliwal, Arvind Kejriwal appeared nervous and unsure of how to respond. Instead of assuring justice and immediate action, Sanjay Singh quickly took the microphone and began speaking vaguely, failing to mention any concrete steps such as suspending the accused, filing a complaint by AAP, or initiating an FIR.


Shri Gaurav Bhatia raised questions, asking if Swati Maliwal is being forcibly pressured and whether Bibhav Kumar assaulted and abused her on Arvind Kejriwal's orders. He criticized Kejriwal for not even denying the incident or promising action if it did occur.


Shri Bhatia pointed out that both Arvind Kejriwal and Akhilesh Yadav failed to address whether Swati Maliwal would receive justice or even offer an apology to the women of our nation regarding this issue. He emphasized that despite Swati Maliwal being an opposition party leader, the BJP has raised this issue and is fighting for women's respect. Shri Bhatia stated that this sends a significant message to the entire nation: when it comes to respecting women, the BJP rises above party politics.


Shri Bhatia highlighted that in the police general diary, which keeps records of phone calls, it is documented that when Swati Maliwal called from her mobile phone, it was noted that "the lady caller says that I am at the CM’s residence and he (Arvind Kejriwal) has brutally assaulted me through his PA Bibhav Kumar." It's significant to note that Swati Maliwal has implicated Kejriwal, as Bibhav Kumar is his PA.


BJP National Spokesperson Shri Gaurav Bhatia emphasized that Arvind Kejriwal should have addressed this issue, given his oath to uphold the constitution and respect women. Shri Bhatia stressed the importance of the issue, stating that regardless of Swati Maliwal's political affiliation, she deserves justice. He asserted that Kejriwal must speak on this issue, and if he fails to do so, he should resign from the post of Chief Minister.






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