Salient points of press conference of BJP National Spokesperson Shri Gaurav Bhatia

by Shri Gaurav Bhatia -
Press Release

Salient points of Press Conference of BJP National Spokesperson Shri Gaurav Bhatia


The BJP National Spokesperson Shri Gaurav Bhatia today held a press conference in the party headquarters today where he attacked the Congress party over the startling revelations made by senior Pakistani journalist Nusrat Mirza regarding involvement of Hamid Ansari ji in various anti national activities. Shri Bhatia charged the Congress party with promoting and patronizing such people by making them sit on high constitutional positions who are known for their anti India activities. He said the Congress party has now become infamous and notorious for aligning with anti national people who try to sabotage the country and always work against our country.


Key points of the Press Conference


     Pakistani journalist Nusrat Mirza has made serious revelations in an interview where he has said that he visited India 5 times between 2005 and 2012 on the invitation of the former Vice President Hamid Ansari ji. He also said Hamid Ansari ji had given him some very sensitive and highly confidential information about India which he had later shared with Pakistani intelligence agency ISI.


     When the entire nation and our armed forces are fighting a tough battle against terrorism,  the people of the country wants to know what kind of policy the Congress party was following to fight terrorism and to put such person on high constitutional position.


     If the Congress party president Sonia Gandhi ji, party's former president Rahul Gandhi ji and former Vice President Hamid Ansari ji remain silent on these serious issues then it will be considered that Sonia Gandhi ji, Rahul Gandhi ji and Hamid Ansari ji, all were involved in these anti national acts, and that is why they have remained mum and have not answered these highly sensitive issues.


     The people of India gave so much honour and respect to Hamid Ansari ji and honoured him with the position of Vice President. But did he give it to the nation in return? The Congress party needs to answer this to the entire nation - Why did this happen?


     Is this some kind of job that those who are behind spreading terrorism in the country will tell us how to fight terrorism and extremism. What is this obnoxious and venomous attitude of the Congress party? Is this the mentality of the Congress party to fight terrorism in the country?


     One of the important point to note is that in a big seminar on terrorism organised in 2010 Hamid Ansari ji had invited the Pakistani journalist Nusrat Mirza and Hamid Ansari ji had even asked the Pakistani journalist to give sermons to India on how to fight terrorism. Entire world knows that Pakistan is sponsoring and promoting terrorism, Pakistani is the sanctuary of terrorism, and Pakistan is the synonym of 'Atankistan'.


     It has now become public that during the Congress party rule a person sitting in a high constitutional position used to invite a Pakistani journalist to India who was spying for the Pakistani intelligence agency ISI. Pakistani journalists used to be given classified and highly sensitive information about India which he used to pass it on to ISI. The Congress government used to treat and greet this Pakistani journalist. After such a startling revelation the Congress party and other opposition parties have kept mum which is a matter of big concern. The people of the country have the right to know and the Bharatiya Janata Party as the ruling party has the responsibility to ask that how the Congress led UPA Government compromised with the safety and security of the country and how they put under threat India's internal security.


     The people of India have certain questions which should be answered by Sonia Gandhi ji, Rahul Gandhi ji and Hamid Ansari ji.


     First Question: Sonia Gandhi ji and Rahul Gandhi ji should tell the nation that why was the Pakistani journalist invited to India? They should share with all the people of the country the travel and programme details of the Pakistani journalist sponsored by the Congress party led UPA government.


     Second Question: Is it true that this Pakistani journalist who was working for ISI was invited to India 5 times? Though the Congress party is in opposition today, the people of the country are confident that whosoever is given a constitutional position, who will be part of the government he will have a single goal and mission -- safety and security of the nation and welfare of all Indians. Did the Congress led UPA government violated this sacrosanct policy and ideology? Sonia Gandhi ji and Rahul Gandhi ji should definitely answer this question to the people of the nation.


     Third Question: Whatever sensitive and classified information the Congress party and Hamid Ansari ji shared with the Pakistani journalist, it should all be shared with the present Government. This will prove that you are committed towards the safety and security of the nation and our citizens. Sonia Gandhi ji, Rahul Gandhi ji and Hamid Ansari ji should tell the nation what all classified and non classified, official and non official information they shared with the Pakistani journalist Nusrat Mirza which he passed on to ISI.


     Fourth Question: Sonia Gandhi ji, Rahul Gandhi ji and Hamid Ansari ji will have to tell the nation that were the Indian intelligence agencies informed about the visit of the Pakistani journalist Nusrat Mirza to India that too on 5 occasions? Did they knew that the Pakistani journalist Nusrat Mirza who was given all classified and sensitive information was sharing all the information with Pakistani intelligence agency ISI? Are they aware of any information or incident related to the travel of the Pakistani journalist which could threaten our safety and security and weaken our internal security? All this should be immediately clarified by Sonia Gandhi ji, Rahul Gandhi ji and Hamid Ansari ji.


     Fifth Question: Hamid Ansari ji, we all know that in the Congress party serving the nation is not the top priority, rather serving the Family is the utmost priority of all Congress party workers. But when you take oath of a Constitutional position, you take a pledge to protect our Constitution. Therefore it is a very pertinent and important question. You took the pledge to serve the Family or the nation? Despite sitting on a Constitutional position, were you taking orders from Sonia Gandhi ji and Rahul Gandhi ji; were you working on their instructions? Were you inviting the Pakistani journalist again and again on their instructions? The entire country is asking this question and even the Bharatiya Janata Party wants to know because this has been the real character of the Congress party.


     While our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji is highly committed to totally end terrorism, the Congress party has always weakened India's fight against terrorism and anti national forces. When this fact was highlighted by the Pakistani journalist Nusrat Mirza then it is not just the Bharatiya Janata Party which should be worried, but every political party in our country and every Indian should worry about this dangerous trend.


     Pakistani journalist Nusrat Mirza says normally VISA is given to visit 3 cities but he got VISA to visit 7 cities in India. The people of the country want to know why so much relaxation and favour were given to those who provide information to Pakistan's intelligence agency ISI ? Was it because this journalist could visit 7 cities in India and provide sensitive information to ISI and put India's security and safety in danger?


     Hamid Ansari ji has previously also remained in several important positions. He has also been Indian Ambassador to Iran. He was supposed to serve India, but despite being an Indian Ambassador he was compromising with India's security and sovereignty. While being in the foreign service he compromised with India's safety and security, there are already several media reports regarding this. All this is already available in the public domain and several retired RAW officers have also spoken openly about it in the past.


     The Congress party can stoop to any level in playing its dirty and petty politics. It can even play with the security and integrity of our nation. There is one nation which does not have good intentions for our country and which also spreads and promotes terrorism in our country and across the world, the person sitting on high constitutional office provided classified and highly sensitive material to the intelligence agency of that nation, it is a highly serious and very unfortunate incident.



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