Salient points of the press conference of BJP National Spokesperson Shri Gaurav Bhatia

by Shri Gaurav Bhatia -
Press Release


Salient Points of BJP National Spokesperson Shri Gaurav Bhatia’s Press Conference


It has become clear from Swati Maliwal's interview that she was assaulted at the Chief Minister's residence under Arvind Kejriwal's direction and in his presence.


Arvind Kejriwal's silence clearly indicates that his priority is not to ensure justice for Swati Maliwal but to shield Bibhav Kumar

In the scales of the Aam Aadmi Party, a woman's dignity is weighed in such a manner that it is only deemed violated if her clothes are torn

Delhi Chief Minister and AAP National Convenor, Arvind Kejriwal, is anti-women, rigidly dishonest, hypocritical and cowardly

To hide his anti-women stance, Arvind Kejriwal tampered with CCTV cameras and had Bibhav Kumar's phone formatted

The public is questioning whether Sanjay Singh was right on May 14th or Atishi Marlena on May 17th

Arvind Kejriwal should present the complete 7-8 minute video made on Bibhav Kumar's mobile phone to the public



Bhartiya Janata Party National Spokesperson Shri Gaurav Bhatia convened a press conference at the party's central office on Friday. Shri Bhatia criticized Delhi Chief Minister and AAP national convener Arvind Kejriwal and the party extensively, while highlighting Swati Maliwal's interview, pointing out the AAP’s anti-women stance.


Shri Bhatia stated that Swati Maliwal gave an interview yesterday that brought many facts to light, prompting the public to ask Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal a few questions. Why has Kejriwal not said anything about the incidents that happened in his house? Swati Maliwal said that she was abused and slapped multiple times. All of this happened in front of Arvind Kejriwal, who is known for his staunch anti-women stance. Can he be trusted to stand up for the women of the country? As Delhi heads into the Lok Sabha elections tomorrow, BJP leaders have been interacting with the public, who have expressed their outrage against the anti-women and corrupt AAP.


The Bharatiya Janata Party posed questions to Kejriwal and the Aam Aadmi Party, expecting answers, as the people of the country, including Delhi, seek clarity on the following:


        How did the CCTV footage from the Chief Minister's residence go missing?


        Why was Bibhav Kumar's phone formatted?

Swati Maliwal has stated that Bibhav filmed a video after the assault incident, which lasted 8 to 10 minutes, containing the complete truth.


        Why is the Aam Aadmi Party convener and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal perceived as anti-women?


        Does the Aam Aadmi Party measure a woman's dignity solely by the condition of her clothes, implying that only torn clothes constitute a violation of her identity?


        Which statement is accurate: Sanjay Singh's statement on May 14th or Atishi Marlena's statement on May 17th?


        How could a woman be subjected to assault and abuse at the Chief Minister's residence?


        What kind of Chief Minister is Arvind Kejriwal, remaining silent on this matter?


Bharatiya Janata Party National Spokesperson, Shri Bhatia, highlighted that Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, who holds a constitutional post and is known for questioning others, has remained silent on an assault incident involving a woman MP in his own house. During the interview, Swati Maliwal revealed that she was slapped 7-8 times by Arvind Kejriwal’s PA and his associates, who also used vulgar language, all in the presence of CM Arvind Kejriwal. The incident happened on May 13th, and even after 12 days, CM Kejriwal has not uttered a word about it. How can Kejriwal claim to fight for women's rights and dignity if he cannot stand up for a woman in his own house? Shri Bhatia emphasized that it is the duty of the Chief Minister to stand with the victim, regardless of political affiliations, and to ensure that the culprit is punished.


Shri Bhatia stated that silence speaks a thousand words, and Arvind Kejriwal's silence reveals his true character. CCTV footage of the CM's residence has vanished. Swati Maliwal stated that Bibhav Kumar was recording a video of 8-10 minutes duration on his phone when she was being assaulted. The biggest question is whether CCTV footage was deleted and even Bibhav Kumar's phone data has been formatted. The 8-10-minute video on Bibhav Kumar’s phone has the reality about the incident; however, Kejriwal got scared because his anti-women mindset would be exposed if anyone found that video.


BJP National Spokesperson, Shri Bhatia, stated that Arvind Kejriwal's PA, Bibhav Kumar, made a video containing facts that not only the people of Delhi but the whole nation want to know, exposing that the CM is anti-women. If Kejriwal wished, he could have instructed Bibhav Kumar to hand over the phone and video to the police, but he decided against it to safeguard Bibhav Kumar. Shri Bhatia quoted, "This circumstantial evidence leads to only one conclusion: 'Prima Facie' or 'Subject to trial.' When the CCTV was destroyed, it clearly revealed that a heinous crime had been committed, and Arvind Kejriwal is trying his best to destroy the evidence. The evidence is proof of the culpability of Arvind Kejriwal and Bibhav Kumar. The second piece of circumstantial evidence is the formatting of Bibhav Kumar’s phone."


Shri Bhatia stated that if there was nothing incriminating in the video to reveal the truth and expose Arvind Kejriwal as the mastermind, then why did Bibhav Kumar format his mobile phone? Bibhav Kumar could have simply handed it over to the police, and the truth would have come out. Arvind Kejriwal's silence further clarifies his stance that he is not supporting the victimized woman but standing with the accused. Kejriwal is fully focused on protecting Bibhav Kumar. Ensuring justice for the female leader, a member of parliament and AAP member, is not Kejriwal's priority; rather, his priority is to shield Bibhav Kumar. The only reason for this is that if Bibhav Kumar gets caught and confesses the truth, the entire country will know that the real culprit behind this incident is Arvind Kejriwal. This is why such measures are being taken.


BJP National Spokesperson, Shri Bhatia, stated that the incident happened on May 13th, and on May 14th, Sanjay Singh, who is out on bail himself, said that what happened to Swati Maliwal was condemnable. On May 16th, what compulsion did Arvind Kejriwal have to be accompanying a criminal? Shri Bhatia presented a passenger list of a chartered flight where the first name was Arvind Kejriwal, the second was Sanjay Singh, and the third was Bibhav Kumar. It's likely that Sanjay Singh's press conference, where he stated that what happened to Swati was very wrong and that she deserves justice, was held with Kejriwal's approval. On May 16th, AAP Sanjay Singh was also with Arvind Kejriwal. Then, on May 17th, there was a U-turn when Atishi Marlena held a press conference and conveyed that since Swati Maliwal's clothes were not torn, nothing wrong happened. A woman's dignity is measured by AAP in such a way that if her clothes are torn, then her dignity is violated. Now, the public questions Arvind Kejriwal's continued silence and is seeking answers whether Sanjay Singh or Atishi Marlena is correct.


Shri Bhatia stated that tomorrow's vote will deal a blow so severe that the ‘Paapi AAP’ will be dismantled. Arvind Kejriwal will have nowhere to hide. Arvind Kejriwal still has a few hours left; he should release the full 8-10 minute video that Swati Maliwal mentioned. If the footage is made public, everyone will know the truth. When Swati Maliwal's interview was aired yesterday, it brought tears to the eyes of every citizen. The tears were because such mistreatment of a woman could occur at the Chief Minister's residence. What kind of despicable Chief Minister is this who hasn't spoken a word about such an incident?


BJP National Spokesperson, Shri Bhatia, expressed that if Arvind Kejriwal thinks he can intimidate women by mistreating them, he is wrong. Swati Maliwal revealed that she was threatened, being told that if she filed a complaint, it would not end well for her and the entire AAP would stand against her. Destroying evidence is a crime and threatening someone to prevent them from filing a complaint after a serious crime is also a crime. During his interim bail, Arvind Kejriwal has either orchestrated or committed several crimes, which is very concerning. In modern politics, there has not been a leader as vile as Arvind Kejriwal. People are calling Bibhav Kumar ‘Dusashan’, but they also recognize that the real ‘Duryodhan’ is Arvind Kejriwal. Just as Duryodhan orchestrated the ‘Cheer Haran’ of Draupadi, the mistreatment and assault of Swati have been carried out under Arvind Kejriwal's direction. The people of India, especially women, will not forgive Kejriwal.





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