Salient points of the press conference : Hon'ble Union Minister & Senior BJP Leader Shri Sarbananda Sonowal

by Shri Sarbananda Sonowal -
Press Release

Salient points of Press Conference of Union Minister & Senior BJP leader Shri Sarbananda Sonowal’s

During 60 years of Congress rule, the North East faced terrorism, violence, kidnappings, and extortion. Weak law and order hindered people from freely walking on the streets. The Congress government compelled all citizens to lead an uncertain life.

Citizens in the North Eastern states wondered who would provide them security, power, and the right to live with self-respect. The NDA government studied the region's dignity and history, remaining committed to delivering security, progress, and peace.


Congress engaged in misgovernance and scams, leading to inadequate implementation of law and order in the northeastern states. The Congress government forced citizens to live uncertain lives.

The government adopted new policies, formulated programs, directed all ministries to focus on the North East, and implemented them promptly for the region's development.

 Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi personally undertook 64 visits to the North-Eastern states, a record unmatched by any Prime Minister in the country's history.


Shri Narendra Modi has undertaken the task of showcasing the resources, culture, and civilization of the North Eastern states to the world.


The commitment made by Shri Narendra Modi, amounting to a grant of Rs 5 lakh crore over 9 years, has been fulfilled with unwavering dedication and sincerity.


The North Eastern states were consistently overlooked during the tenure of Congress. He noted that it was widely recognized that people from various parts of the country used to be hesitant to visit the North Eastern states, perceiving them as unsafe.


An investment of Rs 47,279 crore has been allocated to the National Waterways and Highways sector in the North East. Simultaneously, the railway sector has received budgetary assistance exceeding 100 times.


Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi remarked that the North East is not an ordinary region; rather, it is the Ashtalakshmi of the country, symbolizing a powerhouse for Indian development.


A press conference was held at 23 Safdarjung Road, New Delhi, where Union Minister Shri Sarbananda Sonowal addressed the Press Conference. He mentioned that India has become the world's fifth-largest economy and over the last nine years, under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, every state is progressing swiftly on the path of development. Criticizing the  60 years of Congress rule, he highlighted that nine years ago, the conditions in the northeastern states were widely recognized—rampant terrorist activities, violence, kidnappings, and extortion incidents prevailed. The weak law and order system restricted people's movement, making it unsafe to walk freely in the mornings and evenings.

Shri Sarbananda Sonowal stated that during its 60 years of tenure, Congress engaged in misgovernance and scams, leading to inadequate implementation of law and order in the northeastern states. Consequently, every citizen lived in insecurity and uncertainty, questioning their right to live with security, empowerment, opportunity, and self-respect. He emphasized that the Congress government forced citizens to live uncertain lives.

Shri Sarbananda Sonowal praised the efficiency of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and stated that after the formation of the NDA government in 2014, the honourable Prime Minister has paid special attention to the North Eastern states. The NDA government has conducted a proper study and research on the dignity and history of the North East, and after this, the government remained committed to providing security, progress, and peace to these states. The government has adopted new policies for the development of North Eastern states, formulated programs, directed every ministry to pay special attention to the North East, and implemented the programs at the right time. Additionally, senior officials were directed to visit the North East. India is a country with a population of 140 crores. The people of the North East, along with different states, are committed to the development of this country. This represents a very special step for the unity, integrity, and national integration of our country.

Shri Sarbananda Sonowal mentioned that Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi had accorded special attention to the North East, elevating morale and implementing successful measures to showcase the region's power, potential, and wealth. Shri Sarbananda Sonowal conveyed that Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi personally undertook 64 visits to the North-Eastern states, a record unmatched by any Prime Minister in the country's history. Presenting the statistics to journalists, he highlighted that over the past two years, Union Ministers collectively made 362 visits to the North-Eastern States. This indicates a cumulative total of over 800 visits throughout the entire 9-year tenure, emphasizing the government's sustained engagement with the region. Efforts were made to execute diverse programs of each department through decisive measures. Today, the North East stands revitalized due to the guidance of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and the collective endeavours of all Union Ministers.

Shri Sarbananda Sonowal conveyed that Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has expressed that the North East is the Ashtalakshmi of the country. He highlighted that the assurances made by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi over the past 9 years have been successfully implemented, resulting in the North Eastern states showcasing their strength and achievements today. He conveyed that Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi had remarked that the North East is not an ordinary region; rather, it is the Ashtalakshmi of the country, symbolizing a powerhouse for Indian development. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has surpassed the commitments he made, delivering more than what was initially promised. Shri Sarbananda Sonowal stated that the commitment made by Shri Narendra Modi, amounting to a grant of Rs 5 lakh crore over the course of 9 years, has been fulfilled with unwavering dedication and sincerity. He remarked that the successful implementation of various schemes in the North Eastern states has elevated the region to a dignified position, not only within the country but also on the world map. He attributed full credit for this achievement to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.

Shri Sarbananda Sonowal mentioned that the North Eastern states have been effectively represented in the G20. With G20 meetings taking place at 12 different locations in Arunachal Pradesh, these gatherings served as platforms to showcase the heritage, self-respect, and culture of Northeast India to the world. Shri Narendra Modi has undertaken the task of showcasing the resources, culture, and civilization of the North Eastern states to the world. He expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi for his efforts, which have resulted in the North Eastern states securing a place in the heart of India. The North Eastern states were consistently overlooked during the tenure of Congress. He noted that it was widely recognized that people from various parts of the country used to be hesitant to visit the North Eastern states, perceiving them as unsafe. However, in the past 9 years, initiatives such as improved connectivity and communication have adorned the North Eastern states. As a result, today, the North East has emerged as a significant tourist destination not only within the country but globally.

Shri Sarbananda Sonowal mentioned that when discussing law and order, the measures implemented by the BJP government in the North East over the last 9 years have transformed the region into a peaceful place. He remarked that the current atmosphere of peace in the North East is a direct result of the resolute decisions, principles, and strong measures implemented by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. In recent days, programs addressing these issues have been conducted, leading to the surrender of over 8000 terrorists. The withdrawal of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) has contributed to the current peaceful environment, resulting in the surrender of terrorists from various regions of the country. People have now initiated investments in the North East, and Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is credited for these positive developments. He stated that there has been a substantial improvement in the infrastructure connectivity of the North East across various sectors, including roads, railways, aviation, and waterways. An investment of Rs 47,279 crore has been allocated to the National Waterways and Highways sector in the North East. Simultaneously, the railway sector has received budgetary assistance exceeding 100 times. Initially, the North East had 9 airports, but under the leadership of Shri Narendra Modi, the construction of 17 additional airports has been successfully undertaken.

Shri Sarbananda Sonowal expressed gratitude, stating that the people of the North East are thankful to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi for the developmental efforts undertaken by the BJP. Due to the encouragement provided by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, there is peace and progress in the North Eastern states, and the concept of “Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat '' is being fulfilled.

Shri Sarbananda Sonowal, alluding to the Congress, remarked that under Congress rule, whenever a representative from the North East visited Delhi, they had to stay in a hotel for 2 to 3 months without getting the necessary attention. The people of the North East will not forget the injustices committed by the Congress against the region. Roads were not constructed during the 60 years of Congress rule; to reach Arunachal Pradesh, one had to go through Assam. The development of the Dhola Sadiya Bridge was neglected for 20 years. However, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has taken decisive steps for the development of Northeast India.  Previously, completing any task in the North-Eastern states required agitation, yet Congress failed to fulfil the people's needs. Congress, in essence, exploited the North East and failed to contribute to its progress. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, not only the North Eastern states but also all the states of India have witnessed development. He stated that our country aims to achieve ‘Atma Nirbharta’ by 2047, and the North East is expected to make a valuable contribution to this endeavour. Efforts have been made to establish connectivity through airways, railways, highways, and waterways, linking all the states of the North-East. As a result, the North-East has emerged as a crucial transportation hub not only for the country but for the entire South-East Asia. He mentioned that the BJP Government, under the leadership of Shri Narendra Modi, constructed Myanmar's Sittwe Port and connected the North East to the India-Myanmar-Thailand Highway. Presently, in the last 9 years, the North East has the capability to engage in trade with all neighbouring countries.




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