Salient points of the press conference : Hon'ble Union Minister & Senior BJP Leader Shri Anurag Thakur and Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar

by Shri Anurag Thakur -
Press Release




The "ghamandiya" (arrogant) coalition, its leaders and those being supported by this coalition are always on the lookout and work to weaken our country, how to jeopardize India's interests and how to create roadblocks in the growth and progress of our country. These forces are always feeding anti India movements and instigating people to campaign against our country. They cannot think and work for the interests of our country.




The Congress party, China and Newsclick, they all are connected with anti India  umbilical cord. Through Newsclick the propaganda and agenda of the Communist Party of China is being played out. They all have been orchestrating the break India campaign. They all have Chinese goods with them and they respect and honour only China.




Rahul Gandhi's shop of fake love and amity is exposed. Their love and affection for China has been very evident. Their anti India campaign on foreign soil and through foreign media was part of a well designed campaign and propaganda machinery.




Much before NYT, India has been telling the world that Newsclick is a dangerous Chinese tool of global propaganda. It has been funded by a global media organisation of China. Today this has been revealed yet again by those global newspapers which have always been lauded by the Congress party and other opposition parties.




In 2021 we had exposed Newsclick that how it was running an anti India campaign with foreign funding. Then the Congress party and Left Front and so called liberals had come out in support of Newsclick which was running break India and anti India campaign.




When the Indian law enforcement agencies had raided the website office in 2022 based on solid evidence, it was revealed that one foreigner Neville Roy Singham was funding Newsclick.




Neville Roy Singham is being funded by China and he has direct links with the propaganda arm of CPC and with a Chinese media company Maku Group.




The Chinese companies were funding Newsclick through Neville Roy Singham, and some Indians had become it's salesmen. To create narrative for China, fake news was being served in the name of free news. And the Congress party and some other parties were supporting them under the garb of freedom of speech.




As per media reports and investigations it has come to light that Neville Roy Singham gave Newsclick around Rs 38 crores, and out of this over Rs 20 lakhs went to Gautam Navlakha.




Newsclick was also funded by an NGO where Arvind Kejriwal and Manish Sisodiya are partners. Why doesn't Arvind Kejriwal speaks on this ?




When ED takes action against Newsclick, these people stand against our own investigation agencies. It is very obvious why the Congress party is defending Neville Roy Singham and Newsclick because for its top leadership national interests does not matter.




Those who supported Newsclick when the website was unleashing it's anti India propaganda, and now when a foreign newspaper has exposed their agenda what explanation these people have to offer to our citizens?




I want to ask them where was the money of Rajiv Gandhi Foundation spent? What happened high level talks were held with China? Is the Congress party part of the Newsclick's anti India umbilical cord? I also want to ask the arrogant coalition of the opposition parties that what have gained from all of this ?




Is it not the same Congress party which in 2008 has signed an MoU with the CPC to further Chinese interests in our country and had reportedly received huge funds from the Chinese embassy for the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation?




UPA can change its name thousands of times, but the people of India knows that our country cannot remain safe in the hands of 'ghamandiya' (arrogant) coalition.



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