Salient points of press conference of Senior BJP Leader and former Union Minister, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad.

by Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad -
Press Release


Salient points of the press conference of the Senior Bhartiya Janta Party Leader and former Union Minister Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad  ji held today at the party headquarters in New Delhi.



The booklet of the Congress party titled "Nau Saal, Nau Sawal" is nothing but a bunch of white lies. The Congress party and its leaders have totally gone mentally bankrupt and are blatantly pursuing the politics of lies.


It has become a habit of the Congress party and its leaders to mindlessly oppose the Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji, so much so that the Congress party has been speaking against our armed forces and other constitutional organisations. If this trend continues then it is certain that the fate of the Congress party in 2024 general elections would be even worse then what it faced in 2019 and 2014 Lok Sabha elections.


The questions raised by the Congress party are not the criticism of the Bharatiya Janata Party government, they in fact reflect their deep rooted hatred against India's most popular Prime Minister. Such baseless questions also show the Congress party's low thinking and their mental bankruptcy.


The Congress party calls itself a supporter and well wisher of our PSUs but it repeatedly opposes our country's important financial institutions like LIC and SBI.


According to media reports the profit of LIC in March quarter was around Rs 13,428 crores. Which means that the profit of LIC has increased by 466 per cent. In March quarter last year the profit of LIC was Rs 2371 crores.


Similarly, the profit of the State Bank of India in financial year 2022-23 is Rs 50,232 crores, which has increased by 58.8 crores. Irony is that the public sector companies which are working well and are giving excellent results the Congress party is even criticising those institutions.


It has become a habit of the Congress party and its leaders to criticize all those who are contributing in our nation's development and growth and are serving our country and our society. The Congress said there was mismanagement during the Corona pandemic, and by doing this the Congress party insulted and demeaned our lakhs of health workers, paramedical staff, volunteers and other people who worked round the clock serving the sick and needy people during the Corona pandemic. The Bharatiya Janata Party strongly condemns such highly irresponsible act of the Congress party.


During the Congress party government led by Dr Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi India was included in 'fragile five' economies in the world. And now under the leadership and guidance of our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji in the past 9 years India has reached top 5 economies in the world. This is the real difference between the Bharatiya Janata Party government and the Congress party government.


Today our economy has crossed $ 3.5 trillion mark . Today India's foreign exchange reserves is over Rs 50 lakh crores. In 2022-23 India's exports crossed over Rs 36 lakh crores, whereas in 2014 it stood at just Rs 19.05 lakh crores. All this reflects the robustness and growing strength of the Indian economy under the Narendra Modi Government.


India's annual retail inflation in April 2023 was at 4.7 per cent while wholesale inflation stood at minus 0.92 per cent. On the other hand the rate of inflation of other developed and big economies like the US, Germany, France and Australia is much higher than us. Our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji has been able to keep inflation under control this giving relief to all Indians particularly the poor and middle class.


The Congress is blatantly lying about MSP and trying to mislead our farmers. The Congress party should first check facts and figures before giving any misleading and false statements. Under the Narendra Modi Government the MSP of almost all the crops has increased by atleast 1.5 times. Our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji has been successful in fulfilling his commitment of increasing the income of our farmers, particularly the subsistence farming community.


The Congress party says India's manufacturing sector has weakened , but the truth is that India has been able to export defence equipment and items worth over Rs 16,000 crores. India today is the world's second largest manufacturer in the mobile sector. Through the production linked initiative (PLI), the "Make In India " initiative of our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji is showing great results and India is fast emerging as a global manufacturing hub covering all the major sectors.


The GST has been a remarkable success story of the Narendra Modi Government. In April the GST collection stood at Rs 1.87 lakh crores, which is an all time high. On April 20 , the GST collection on single day was worth Rs 68,288 crores . But the Congress party cannot see this and its leader Rahul Gandhi mocks GST and calls it 'Gabbar Singh tax', which reflects his real maturity level and his understanding of economics of our country.


Under DBT the Narendra Modi Government disbursed over Rs 6.68 lakh crores in 2022-23 covering 312 various welfare schemes and programmes. All this money was directly transferred into the bank accounts of poor people without getting usurped by middlemen and commission agents. All this helped in savings of Rs 2.53 lakh crores which otherwise would have been looted by middlemen and commission agents.


India's fintech market today is the world's largest. In 2021 it stood at $50 billion and by 2025 will be reach $159 billion. Digital payments today in the country stands at over $10 billion. It all shows the strength of our economy and the participation of every Indian in this which has been made possible by the effective policies of our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji.



The Congress party government era is known for all sorts of scams and financial frauds which include the 2G scam, Commonwealth Games scam, Bofors and submarine scams, helicopter and fighter planes purchase frauds . There were frauds and scams in all sectors and fields . And today the irony is that the Congress party, which has a long history of scams and frauds, is shamelessly taking about corruption and is levelling baseless false allegations of corruption.


The Congress party has chosen for itself 4 'C' grading -- cut, corruption and commission means Congress. Our body is made of 5 basic elements-- earth, water, fire, air and space. True to its character, the Congress party is known for doing corruption in all the 5 basic elements. And there are numerous examples of it.


It was under the Congress party government that India has to lose its land to China. But today under the strong and decisive leadership of our Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji , our brave armed forces have held Indian flag high in Galwan and Doklam. Today our enemies does not dare to challenge our country and our gallant soldiers.


If the Congress party truly believes in our vibrant democracy then it should do constructive criticism and it should not stoop to new lows every day to demean our healthy politics. Going through the tweets of senior Congress leader Jairam Ramesh I have no hesitation in saying that the Congress party has taken our politics and political discourse to a new low. The Bharatiya Janata Party strongly condemns the highly irresponsible and derogatory statement of Jairam Ramesh.


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