Salient points of the press conference of senior BJP Leader & Former Union Minister Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar

by Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar -
Press Release


Salient Points of Senior BJP Leader and former Union Minister Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar’s Press Conference

Congress party promises women’s safety before elections but remains silent on the atrocities, rapes, exploitation and heinous crimes against women happening in Kolkata, Kannauj and Kerala
Senior Congress leader Simi Rosebell claimed that women in Kerala Congress are subjected to exploitation and casting couch practices. Following her allegations, Simi Rosebell was immediately expelled from the Congress party
Expelled Senior Congress leader
Simi Rosebelle said that “in the congress party, there is no place for upright people.”


Women have the constitutional right to work with dignity under Article 21 of the Constitution, but the Congress party does not adhere to this principle
Priyanka Gandhi raises the slogan “Ladki Hoon, Lad Sakti Hoon,” and Rahul Gandhi discusses issues of rape and harassment in Jammu and Kashmir, but when it comes to their own Congress party, Rahul Gandhi does nothing
Congress party's pre-election promises on women's empowerment and their post-election actions are completely different. Both Congress and CPM have supported those who exploit and harass women, rather than the victims


Senior BJP leader and former Union Minister Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar addressed a press conference at the party’s headquarters in New Delhi, on Monday. During the conference, Shri Chandrasekhar criticized the Congress party for its hypocrisy, pointing out that despite pre-election promises of women safety and Priyanka Gandhi's claim of “Ladki Hoon, Lad Sakti Hoon,” Congress remains silent on serious issues of harassment and exploitation, especially within its own ranks in Kerala. He referenced the Hema Committee report and accused Congress of failing to investigate harassment claims, instead dismissing Simi Rosebell from the party.


Shri Chandrasekhar highlighted Congress' pattern of pre-election promises versus post-election actions. He pointed out Priyanka Gandhi’s pre-election slogan, "Ladki Hoon, Lad Sakti Hoon," and on the other hand Congress leader Rahul Gandhi was on a mission to 'save' the Constitution. But what's happening now is evident before everyone. Despite these promises, Congress leader Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi remain silent while harassment, rape and molestation continue in Kolkata, Kannauj and Kerala.


Senior BJP leader Shri Chandrasekhar noted that after five years of evasion, the Kerala government has been compelled to release the Hema Committee report. This report highlighted the widespread exploitation and harassment of women in the film industry under both the Congress and Left governments in Kerala. Simi Rosebell, a senior Congress leader in Kerala, has accused the party of exploitation and claimed there is a casting couch within the Kerala Congress. When she raised these concerns, she was swiftly dismissed from the party. In court, she stated that there is no place for principled individuals in the Congress party.  


Shri Chandrasekhar highlighted that, by law, any organization in India must form a Vishakha committee to investigate sexual harassment claims, ensuring minimum justice for women who have the constitutional right to work with dignity under Article 21. However, the Congress party does not adhere to this principle. When a female Congress leader alleges harassment or exploitation, the party does not investigate the claims, instead, it silences her and removes her from the party.


Senior BJP leader Shri Chandrasekhar stated that this is the same Congress party where Priyanka Gandhi said, “Ladki Hoon Lad Sakti Hoon,” and Rahul Gandhi addressed issues of rape and harassment during his visit to Jammu and Kashmir on January 30th this year. However, when it comes to his own party, Congress in Kerala, which has a long record of harassment complaints from various women members, he does nothing. Instead, he attempts to silence those raising concerns.


Shri Chandrasekhar remarked that there's much more to address, but it’s crucial to highlight the double standards and hypocrisy of the Congress. The Congress party's pre-election promises of women’s empowerment contrast sharply with their actions afterward. The truth is that the people of India deserve to know this. Kerala should be aware that both the CPM and Congress, as part of the INDI alliance, have a history of failing to protect women and uphold their dignity in the workplace. They have supported those who exploit and harass women instead.


Senior BJP leader Shri Chandrasekhar remarked that there is a noticeable pattern of silence from the Congress party in response to serious incidents. When a horrific attempted rape occurred in Kolkata, the Congress party remained silent. Similarly, during the rape incident in Kannauj, the party was silent. In Kerala, when the Hema Committee report was released, the Congress party initially stayed silent but joined in only after public outrage. When Simi Rosebell raised her concerns, the same Congress leaders who previously championed the “Ladki Hoon, Lad Sakti Hoon” slogan remained not only silent but also dismissed her without offering her the basic justice of an investigation into her complaint. If such an incident had happened in any other organization, then Congress and INDI Alliance would have made it a big issue by saying bad things about that organization.




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