Eng: Salient points of press conference of BJP National Spokesperson Shri Sambit Patra and Spokesperson on Economic affairs, Shri Gopal Krishna Agarwal on 01 Nov 2018

Press Release

Salient points of press conference of BJP National Spokesperson Shri Sambit Patra and Spokesperson on Economic affairs, Shri Gopal Krishna Agarwal


Bharatiya Janata Party Congratulates Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the historical achievement the country got while getting 77thposition in Ease of Doing Business


Congress’s economist Prime Minister had downgraded India on the Ease of Doing Business index. It went down to 142 which were lifted to 77th position by this government. It has given a new reputation to the country on the world map


For the second consecutive year India has been included in the top 10 reformist countries. India is number one in South Asia while during Sonia-Manmohan govt country was at 6th step


Under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Modi ji reformist decisions have been giving wonderful results while Congress was suffering from paralysis


Rahul Gandhi is Confused & Diffused



The National spokesperson of BJP Shri Sambit Patra and Party’s economic matters’ spokesperson Shri Gopal Krishna Agarwal today addressed media in Delhi and congratulated Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi for India’s historical jump in Ease of Doing Business ranking. 

Shri Patra said that during Sonia-Manmohan’s Congress rule India’s economist PM sent the ranking down from 132 to 142 while Prime Minister Narendra Modi with his revolutionary policies took it to 77 in merely four and half years which resulted in country’s enhanced reputation worldwide. India’s ranking improved to 30 positions last year while this year it has improved by 23 positions.  It was second consecutive year that India has remained in top 10 countries in this regard. India is well ahead of all the countries in South Asia. It must be mentioned here that during Congress’s Sonia-Manmohan regime India was at the sixth spot.

Shri Patra said that under the leadership of Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi NDA govt is giving excellent results in every sector while Congress govt was suffering from Policy paralysis. Today under the leadership of Modi ji, a corruption free, decisive and transparent government is working continuously for the i9nclusive growth of the nation.

Shri Gopal Agarwal , while addressing the media said that World Bank in his report has praised India on its historical economic  reforms. The Bank said that the biggest change has come through introduction of GST. It must be mentioned that in last year’s rating GST was not included. Along with GST, insolvency and bankruptcy code has improved India’s ranking. It was mentioned in the report that GST has made trading easy because now many application forms have been integrated into one single general incorporation form. It has increased the speed of process of registration. Now in has become easy in India to give taxes but also income tax slabs have gone down. It has also been mentioned in the report that in India custom and central excise officials have trained people setting agenda for reforms. India has formed custom clearance facilitation committees resulting in easily doing business on international level.

Shri Agarwal said that In 2014 Prime Minister Shri Modi has set a target of getting under 50th ranking in ease of doing business within five years.  Today entire world has seen how India has improved so much. In the last four years no country has improved this much. It is because of Prime Minister Shri Modi’s reformist policies that India has gone up by 65 positions and by 2019 it will be among top 50 countries in ease of doing business. He further said that today India has become 6th largest economy and before Lok Sabha elections it will reach to the 5th position.

Shri Patra said that at one side there is Modis ji’s decisive BJP government and on the other side is totally confused and defused Rahul Gandhi’s Congress Party.  As everyone knows that he is on bail in a Rs.5,000 crore fraud. Congress has become such a party that doesn’t have either any leader or policy or intention or even principles.

Shri Patra said that India’s jump in ease of doing business is because of Modi ji’s Govt’s consecutive policy related reforms. These reforms have contributed in encouraging industries, innovations and enterprise in the country. He said that today India is a business friendly country which is getting recognition as a public welfare state. This observation has not only been made by the party but also by prestigious organisations and agencies like The World Bank, IMF and Nemura.

(Mahendra Pandey)

Office Secretary


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