BJP memorandum submitted to ECI against Congress President, Sh Rahul Gandhi for repeated violation of the representation of People Act, 1951 & Model Code of Conduct.

Press Release


The Chief Election Commissioner & Election Commissioners

Election Commission of India

Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road

New Delhi-110001


Sub.:   Representation against Sh. Rahul Gandhi, President Indian National Congress for repeated violation of the Representation of People Act,  1951 & Model Code of Conduct


We wish to bring to your notice instances of serious and repeated violations of the Model Code of Conduct by Sh. Rahul Gandhi, the President of the Indian National Congress. While we have brought such instances to the notice of the commission from time to time, we had also hoped that the Election Observers, Returning Officers, District Election Officers and Chief Electoral Officers of the states would act suo-moto and take effective action to stop these senseless accusations.

In absence of any punitive or corrective action by the Commission officials at all levels, the political discourse and the language used by Shri Rahul Gandhi has not only vitiated the electoral atmosphere, it has also encouraged the Congress rank & file in further lowering the levels of propriety of the political discourse.

That the following will bring forth the instances (of violations) since the announcement of the General Election, 2019 whereby Shri Rahul Gandhi with complete brazenness continues to indulge in propagation of falsehood to mislead the general public and voter and to harm the reputation of Shri Narendra Modi & other senior leaders of BJP:

  1. That in the complaint dated 13.03.2019, we had clearly highlighted the violations of MCC & other electoral laws done by Shri Rahul Gandhi during his rally in Ahmedabad, Gujarat on 12th March 2019. An extract of his speech is reproduced herein as below:
  • नरेंद्र मोदी देश को यह नहीं बतातें की वायु सेना की जेब से ३०००० करोड़ रुपये चोरी कर के अनिल अम्बानी की जेब में डाला हैं
  • मोदी ने इंडियन एयर फाॅर्स का ३०००० करोड़ रुपये अनिल अम्बानी को दिए
  • राफेल जाँच होनी थी तब सीबीआई डायरेक्टर को हटा दिया
  • सरकार ने १५ लोगों को . लाख करोड़ का कर्जा माफ़ किया
  • देश के आम लोगों की जेब से पैसे निकालें और १५ लोगों को दे दिए
  • लोग इलाज करने के लिए जातें हैं और उनका पैसा भी १५ लोगों को दे दिया जाता हैं
  • बेरोजगार और किसानो को मदद नहीं किया 

(The video can be accessed at

A copy of complaint dated 13.03.2019 is annexed as Annexure 1 and CD containing the speech is enclosed herewith as Annexure 1A.

  1. That in the complaint dated 09.04.2019, we objected to the unverified, false &  frivolous statements made against the Hon’ble Prime Minister by Shri Rahul Gandhi in public on 04.04.2019 in Wayanad, Kerala relating to defence deals. An extract of the same is reproduced herein as below:

“…the country had faith in the PM when he said I will be the chowkidar, and the fact of the matter is that the chowkidar himself has given Anil Ambani 30000 crores of air force money. He has stolen money and given it to Anil Ambani.”

(The video can be accessed at

A copy of complaint dated 09.04.2019 is annexed as Annexure 2 & CD containing the speech of Shri Rahul Gandhi is enclosed herewith and marked as Annexure 2A.

  1. That in our representation dated 11.04.2019, we apprised the Election Commission about the baseless and mischievous allegations made by Shri Rahul Gandhi against the Hon’ble Prime Minister. His statement at Amethi, Uttar Pradesh on 10.04.2019 is reproduced herein as below:

नरेंद्र मोदीजी सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने आपके बारे में कहा है की आपने भ्रष्टाचार किया है आपने अनिल अम्बानी को 30000 करोड़ रूपये दिए ... की राफेल मामलें में खुल्लम खुल्ला भ्रष्टाचार हुआ है, चौकीदार जी ने अनिल अम्बानीजी को 30000 करोड़ रूपये दिए है I सुप्रीम कोर्ट हैज़ सेड चौकीदार ने चोरी की है ....... चौकीदार ने चोरी की है......”

 (The video can be accessed at

A copy of complaint dated 11.04.2019 is annexed as Annexure 3 & CD containing the speech is enclosed herewith and marked as Annexure 3A.

  1. That Shri Rahul Gandhi with impunity continuing his non-stop violation of MCC and electoral laws, on 11th April 2019 at Rae Baraeli stated:

नरेंद्र मोदी मुझे ये समझा दें .. की ये जो अनिल अंबानी हैं.. जो इनका मित्र है .. दोस्त है भाई है... जिसको ये भाई कहते हैं... इसने ज़िंदगी में कभी हवाई जहाज नहीं बनाया ... इसको राफेल का कांट्रेक्ट कैसे दे दिया... नरेंद्र मोदी जी मुझे ये समझाएं ... नरेंद्र मोदी जी मुझे ये भी समझा दें कि सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने इनवेस्टीगेट करना शुरु कर दिया है .. मोदी जी मुझे ये भी समझाएं कि फ्रांस के राष्ट्रपति ने ये क्यों बोला कि नरेंद्र मोदी ने.. हिन्दुस्तान के प्रधानमंत्री ने उन्हें कहा कि राफेल कांट्रेक्ट अनिल को मिलेगा ... 1600 करोड़ रुपये का कांट्रेक्ट … ………………………. Please answer why Anil Ambani was given 30 thousand crores? 

(The video can be accessed at

A CD containing the speech is enclosed herewith and marked as Annexure 4.

  1. That Shri Rahul Gandhi  tweeted on 17.03.2019 that,

“You can keep trying Mr Modi, but the truth cannot be extinguished. Every Indian is saying it. #ChowkidarChorHai P.S: Do force Sushma ji to add “Chowkidar” to her handle. It’s looking very bad.” (which can be accessed at (Screenshot of said Tweet is annexed as Annexure 5)


  1. That on 22.03.2019, Shri Rahul Gandhi tweeted, “BJP ke sare Chowkidar Chor Hai. NoMo Arun Jaitley Rajnath Singh.” (which can be accessed at ) (Screenshot of said Tweet annexed as Annexure 6)


  1. That on 09.04. 2019, Shri Rahul Gandhi tweeted that “Dear PM, Scared of debating me on corruption? I can make it easier for you. Let’s go open book, so you can prepare: 1. RAFALE+Anil Ambani 2. Nirav Modi 3. Amit Shah+Demonetisation #Scared2Debate”  (which can be accessed at ) (Screenshot of said Tweet is annexed as Annexure 7)
  2. That on 23.03.2019, Shri Rahul Gandhi stated “The slogan is also acceptance that our popular slogan “Chowkidar chor hai” has resonated among the people and the BJP felt it needed to be countered. From Modi to Piyush Goyal, Arun Jaitley, Amit Shah and his son Jay Shah, the list of those who stand accused of looting the nation, either directly or through their friends and family, but now pose as “chowkidars” is very long. People will not be fooled, because in their hearts every Indian knows that “Desh ka chowkidar chor hai”……. …….

“……..In going about the Rafale deal the way he did, the PM risked the security of the nation to help his friend Anil Ambani steal Rs 30,000 crore (Anil Ambani’s Reliance group has consistently denied the charge). Written documents prove that the PM was carrying out parallel negotiations. The dissenting notes of the negotiating committee have been made public and clearly show that the negotiating committee itself was arm-twisted into agreeing to a deal they had serious misgivings about…….” This has been published on the website of News Paper Telegraph and can be accessed on the following link: (Annexure 8)


  1. That on 24.03.2019, Shri Rahul Gandhi statedयह अभियान सबूत है कि "चौकीदार चोर है' का हमारा नारा जनता तक पहुंचा है। मोदीजी को अपराधबोध है, तभी भाजपा को इसे काउंटर करने की जरूरत पड़ी। अपने नाम के आगे चौकीदार लिखने वालों के नाम कितने घोटालों में हैं, ये रोज सामने रहा है। पीएम से लेकर अमित शाह, पीयूष गोयल, अरुण जेटली, जय शाह जैसे लोग प्रत्यक्ष या परोक्ष तौर पर देश को लूटने वाले लोगों के मददगार हैं या स्वयं आरोपी हैं। This has been published on the website of News Paper Bhaskar and can be accessed on the following link :  (Annexure 9)


  1. That on 10.04.2019, Shri Rahul Gandhi statedसुप्रीम कोर्ट ने भी अब मान लिया है कि राफेल डील में घोटाला हुआ था और चौकीदार ने चोरी की है”.which has been published on the news website of Aaj Tak Channel and can be accessed at the following link: (Annexure 10)


That the tweets/statements made by Shri Rahul Gandhi, President, INC has been widely published in electronic, print and social media, has made the above mentioned statements deliberately without verifying the truth and are not only false, baseless but also presumptive in nature and clearly prohibited by the MCC and the various provisions of the Representation of the People Act, 1951. Para 2 of the sub-heading ‘General Conduct’ of the MCC for the guidance of political parties and candidates reads as follows:

“Criticism of other political parties, when made, shall be confined to their policies and programme, past record and work. Parties and Candidates shall refrain from criticism of all aspects of private life, not connected with the public activities of the leaders or workers of other parties. Criticism of other parties or their workers based on unverified allegations or distortion shall be avoided.”

That not only has Shri Rahul Gandhi indulged in spreading web of lies, in his continued tirade he has attempted to drag in respectable institutions such as Supreme Court of India in his cheap political mudslinging, by mis-interpreting and imagining orders of the Hon’ble Court.

That the Election Commission is empowered under Article 324 of the Constitution of India to ensure that no one indulges in making false, unverified, baseless allegations to violate electoral laws and indulge in behavior which tear apart the sanctity of MCC.

That the above-mentioned instances are false, fraudulent, derogatory allegations and are made without any basis in law or in fact. A smear campaign is being run to tarnish the image & reputation of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji and BJP, with the intent to spread misinformation and thereby influence the voters in a wrongful manner i.e. with a willful intention to mislead them for his own electoral benefits.

That we request the Election Commission to intervene urgently by taking appropriate legal action against Shri Rahul Gandhi, President Indian National Congress for his continued fraudulent, baseless and abusive practice and to pass a prohibitory order, otherwise it might spoil the electoral environment, where abusing and spreading false news will become inevitable.





  1. Annexure 1 - Copy of Complaint dated 13.03.2019 | Annexure 1A- CD containing video of Rahul Gandhi at Ahmedabad on 12th March 2019
  2. Annexure 2 - Copy of Complaint dated 09.04.2019 | Annexure 2A-  CD containing video of Rahul Gandhi at Wayanad on 4th April 2019
  3. Annexure 3 - Copy of Representation dated 11.04.2019 | Annexure 3A-   CD containing video of Rahul Gandhi at Amethi on 10th April 2019
  4. CD containing video of Rahul Gandhi at Rae Baraeli on 11th April 2019
  5. Screenshot of tweet of Rahul Gandhi dated 17.03.2009
  6. Screenshot of tweet of Rahul Gandhi dated 22.03.2009
  7. Screenshot of tweet of Rahul Gandhi dated 09.04.2009
  8. News Article dated 23rd March 2019-
  11. Copy of Order in Review Petition (Criminal) No. 46 Of 2019 In Writ Petition (Criminal) No. 298 Of 2018



April 12th 2019


The Chief Election Commissioner of India and Election Commissioners 

Nirvachan Sadan

Ashoka Road

New Delhi – 110001


Subject: Violence & Booth Rigging in First Phase of Polling in Lok Sabha Elections West Bengal at Cooch Behar and Alipurduar Constituencies   




The historic elections to the 17th Lok Sabha got underway amidst unprecedented enthusiasm amongst voters.  Voters started queuing from 0500 hrs. onwards to cast their votes. Overall the turnout has been heartening and we thank the Election Commission of India for its continuous endeavours to ensure free and fair polls in West Bengal.


However, certain incidents of hooliganism, intimidation by TMC cadre were reported yesterday that we deem necessary to bring it to the Commission’s attention.  


  1. At Sitalkuchi booth no. 257 (Cooch Behar) women were stopped from voting by TMC cadres despite presence of State Police force [ABP Ananda Video footage Link]
  2. At Sitalkuchi booth no. 272 (Cooch Behar) ‘Chappa’ votes (rigging) was witnessed on camera whereby a TMC cadre worker was seen accompanying a voter to the EVM. 
  3. At Cooch Behar, around 4pm, certain TMC cadres who had camped near a polling booth fled after seeing the Central forces marching towards them to verify their identity.
  4. State Police force clashed with Central forces in a Cooch Behar polling booth.
  5. At Dinhata (Cooch Behar), 1500 hrs., EVM Machines kept inside polling booths were attacked and broken by around 200 TMC cadres as State Police personnel were mere onlookers. No Central forces were posted at this booth. Polling remained suspended at this booth after the incident [ABP Ananda Video footage Link]  
  6. TMC MLA Rabindranath Ghosh entered the polling booth in Cooch Behar along with a number of his supporters and caused disturbance in the smooth polling process. 
  7. Polling agents of the Bharatiya Janata Party at several places were forced out of the polling booths without any intervention by either the Presiding Officers or the State police force. 
  8. The notorious ‘Bike Bahini’ of the Trinamool cadres were seen at around 1500 hours trying to prevent voters from proceeding to the polling booths. [ABP Ananda Video footage Link]   
  9. Cello tape was pasted on the EVM buttons to prevent votes to be recorded in favour of BJP at booths 145, 146 in Kumargram Assembly as well as in Nagrakata booth no. 161 of Alipurduar. When pointed out, the opposition cadres attacked BJP supporters with sticks, broke their phones No Central forces were present at these booths. [ABP Ananda Video footage link]
  10. Many booths were affected by “chappa” vote as reported by our polling agents due to absence of Central forces. TMC cadres here ran amock in collusion with the State Police and helpless polling agents did not interfere. Details of these affected booths are shown in the table below along with the assembly name and booth numbers:

Cooch Behar

S No.

Assembly Name and Number

Booth Numbers


02- Mathabhanga

87, 91, 101, 103, 178, 231, 232, 245, 246, 249, 217, 198, 136, 256, 44, 122, 124, 249, 196,


03- Cooch Behar Uttar

18, 99, 100, 1, 6, 9, 22, 193, 197, 152, 163, 164, 85, 84, 189, 212, 213, 201, 210, 205, 211, 85, 204, 217, 28, 206, 203, 216, 265,  


04- Cooch Behar Dakshin Sitalkhuchi


138, 140, 137, 183, 141, 121, 177, 131, 23, 62, 88, 145, 148, 149, 01, 21, 52, 01, 85, 86, 09, 70, 27, 17, 18, 19, 20, 54, 57, 63, 64, 66, 70, 126, 127,128,123, 117, 84, 75, 49, 141, 46, 50  


05- Sitalkhuchi


120, 121, 122, 203, 161, 250, 251, 221, 155, 30, 36, 241, 276, 27, 143, 70, 71, 128, 103, 278, 39, 40, 31, 263, 121, 25, 260, 254, 26, 73, 257, 183,265, 208, 4, 265, 204, 105, 170, 246, 18, 260, 37, 31, 32, 33, 179, 181, 257, 265, 173, 262, 189, 160, 148, 181, 189, 136, 249, 160, (Total 72)


06 - Sitai

(more booth numbers to be added)

46, 48, 18, 25, 36, 42, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 70, 71, 67, 60, 66, 128, 130, 26, 262, 276, 203, 257, 244, 245, 255, 257, 258, 268, 269, 41, 44, 261, 63, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 24, 26, 25, 40, 44, 46, 47 etc.


07 - Dinhata

267, 268, 259, 292, 293, 166, 224, 178, 128, 129, 269, 255, 261, 179, 248, 280, 154, 175, 176, 177, 43, 44, 215, 247, 151, 173, 171, 165, 166, 183, 184, 156, 157, 271, 272, 151, 153, 170, 179, 280, 166, 206, 207, 182, 245, 242, 293, 254, 255, 296, 182, 245, 242, 293, 32, 182, 254, 284, etc,


08- Natabari

99, 76, 134, 57, 247, 249, 257, , 256, 270, 86, 59, 101, 102, 107, 174, 245, 104, 77, 108, 109, 07, 167, 168, 176, 181, 100,174, 288, 96, 60, 



S No.

Assembly Name and Number

Booth Numbers and (Total)


10- Kumargram 

122, 123, 129, 130, 133, 134, 144, 75, 146, 145, 294


9- Tufanganj

4, 107, 206, 212


21- Nagrakata

161, 162



154, 238, 236, 11, 37, 151, 152, 115,



5, 145, 35, 134, 85, 9, 218,219, 2, 80, 241, 36, 54, 35,



13, 124, 35,


(Apart from the aforesaid booth numbers, there are numerous other booths)            

The above table shows that more than 300 booths were affected yesterday as a result of hooliganism by TMC cadres. These incidents and booth numbers were brought to the attention of the State /District Electoral Officers immediately.


The Commission is requested to review the aforesaid videographed footage of both inside and outside the polling stations in presence of the Complainant and order re-poll accordingly. Further to our several requests in the past for posting a State level Senior observer to oversee the functioning of CEOs, DEOs and other polling officials, we reiterate our request for a Special Chief State Observer to be posted in West Bengal without delay.


Yours Sincerely








Ref: 18/BJP-MP/ECI/2019                                                            Date :- 11-April-2019

Chief Election Commissioner
Imphal, Manipur

Subject: Request to conduct repoll in various polling booth of the districts of Senapati, Ukhrul, Tamenglong& Chandel for Outer Manipur Parliamentary Constituency

Respected Sir,

It is with a very heavy heart and in a state of hopelessness we would like to report unprecedented and disproportionate rigging and booth capture by NSCN(IM) cadres in the Naga dominated areas.

  1. In several places in Ukhrul and Senapati, BJP workers, ADC members and leaders have been kept under house arrest by the NSCN(IM) cadres. They were not allowed to cast their votes or get their supporters to cast votes. At several polling stations, BJP polling agents were not allowed access to the polling stations.
  2. NSCN (IM) cadres have been spotted by voters inside several polling stations especially in the districts of Tamenglong and Chandel. Some of the pictures shared by our workers and voters are attached for your kind perusal in Annexure 1.
  3. In various polling stations in Tamenglong and Senapati, the Presiding Officers and Poll Agents were asked to be replaced by IM cadres. The booths were eventually manned by IM cadres throughout the polling.
  4. There are several polling stations which reported above 80% of polling by noon. Given the past precedents this seems highly unnatural. We request the commission to look into the CCTV footage of such polling booths.
  5. BJP workers have reported enormous rigging, booth capture and threat in various polling booths. As per reports the Naga districts of Senapati, Ukhrul and Tamenglong have experienced 80% booth capture done in the most sophisticated manner to avoid immediate suspicion. We, hereby, request the Election Commission to look into the CCTV footage and conduct repoll in the 184 polling booths whose list attached in Annexure 2. We are request you to share the CCTV footage so that we can help ascertain the rigging in the polling.

We sincerely request you to kindly consider our request for repolling. This will help restore faith in the democratic process of free and fair polls in Manipur.

Yours Sincerely,



(K Bhabananda Singh)
State President,
Bharatiya Janata Party Manipur Pradesh






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  1. 41/16 Japhou Bazaar (A)
  2. 41/17 Japhou Bazaar (C)
  3. 41/18 Japhou Bazaar (B)
  4. 41/19 Kanankhu
  5. 41/20 Chengkhu
  6. 41/23 Japhou Village
  7. 41/27 Chandel Christian
  8. 41/28 Modi
  9. 41/30  Mahoutera
  10. 41/31 Tonsen
  11. 41/32 Unupat
  12. 41/45 Tampi
  13. 41/46 Anal khunou
  14. 41/49 Chapkikarong
  15. 41/52 Akape


  1. 42/42Rilram Center
  2. 42/43Kambong Khulen
  3. 42/45Leibi
  4. 42/48 Angbrasu


  1. 43/11   Loutei Riha P.S
  2. 43/6    Lungphu PS
  3. 43/8    Thawai PS
  4. 43/12   Chadong (T) PS
  5. 43/13   Ramrei Khullen PS
  6. 43/16   Tangkhul Hungdung PS
  7. 43/18   Singkam PS
  8. 43/24   Khongjal/Loushing PS
  9. 43/26   Ngaprum PS
  10. 43/29   Sorbung PS
  11. 43/32   Kasong Khullen PS
  12. 43/33   Khamlang PS
  13. 43/34   Mawai PS
  14. 43/35   Kasong khunou PS
  15. 43/41   K. Leihaoram PS
  16. 43/43   Nambashi Khullen PS
  17. 43/50   Kangpat Khunou/ Khullen PS
  18. 43/60   Ningthi PS
  19. 43/62   Maku PS
  20. 43/56   Grihang PS
  21. 43/67   Chatric khullen PS



  1. 44/2    Sanakeithel (A) P.S
  2. 44/8    New Canaan PS
  3. 44/15   Tushen (A) PS
  4. 44/16   Tushen (B) PS
  5. 44/18   Lambui PS
  6. 44/21   Shamgshak Kn. PS
  7. 44/25   Seikhor PS
  8. 44/26   Pharung Shimtang PS
  9. 44/53   Mapum PS
  10. 44/57   Choithar PS
  11. 44/59   Shiroi Chingthak PS
  12. 44/63   Khamason PS
  13. 44/61   Lunghar PS
  14. 44/67   Sihai Khulen PS
  15. 44/27   Lamlang PS
  16. 44/32   Hamleikhong PS
  17. 44/35   Awongtang PS



  1. 45/30 - Paoyi Govt. Jr. High School (N/W)
  2. 45/31 - Paoyi Govt. Jr. High School (S/W)
  3. 45/37 - Tallui Elite Christian English School (N/W)
  4. 45/38 - Tallui Elite Christian English School (S/W)
  5. 45/39 - Tallui Phungton Primary School (N/W)
  6. 45/40 - Tallui Phungton Primary School (S/W)
  7. 45/41 - Kachai Govt. High School (N/W)
  8. 45/42 - Kachai Govt. High School (S/W)
  9. 45/51 - Teinem Primary School (N/W)
  10. 45/52 - Teinem Primary School (S/W)
  11. 45/53 - Teinem Govt. High School (N/W)
  12. 45/54 - Teinem Govt. High School (N/W)
  13. 45/61 - Huining Govt. Jr. High School (N/W)
  14. 45/62 - Huining Ara Primary School
  15. 45/63 - Huining Govt. Jr. High School (S/W)



  1. 46/40   LaikoiChing PS
  2. 46/42   Island PS
  3. 46/47 Keihao Tangkhul
  4. 46/48 Lower Bongbal (captured by KNF(N))
  5. 46/50 Heinganglok
  6. 46/52 Somrei



  1. 47/1    Koide(A) PS
  2. 47/2    Koide (B) PS
  3. 47/3    Koide (C)
  4. 47/4    Koide (D)
  5. 47/6    Maiba (A)
  6. 47/7    Maiba (B)
  7. 47/8    Phuba Khuman (A-1)
  8. 47/9    Phuba Khuman (A-2)
  9. 47/10   Phuba Khuman (B)
  10. 47/11   Phuba Khuman (C-1)
  11. 47/12   Phuba Khuman (C-II)
  12. 47/13   Phuba Thapham (A)
  13. 47/15   Phuba Thapham (C)
  14. 47/16   Phaibung Khullen (A)
  15. 47/17   Phaibung Khullen (B)
  16. 47/18   Phaibung Khullen (C)
  17. 47/19   Phaibung Khunou
  18. 47/20   Lower Phaibung
  19. 47/21   Lakhamai (A)
  20. 47/22   Lakhamai (B)
  21. 47/23   Lakhamai (C)
  22. 47/32   Oinam (A-I)
  23. 47/33   Oinam (A-II)
  24. 47/34   Oinam (B-I)
  25. 47/35   Oinam (B-II)
  26. 47/36   Kodom Khullen
  27. 47/39   Ngari Khullen
  28. 47/40   Ngari Lishang
  29. 47/41   Ngari Raidilumei (A)
  30. 47/42   Ngari Raidilumei (B)
  31. 47/43   Thiwa
  32. 47/47   Ngamju
  33. 47/48   Thingba Khullen(A)
  34. 47/49   Thingba Khullen(B)
  35. 47/52   Thingba Khunou(A)
  36. 47/53   Thingba Khunou
  37. 47/55   Sadim Naga
  38. 47/56   Karong (A)
  39. 47/58   Karong (B)
  40. 47/60   Senapati (A)
  41. 47/61   Senapati Bazar
  42. 47/62   Senapati (B-I)
  43. 47/65   Khamsom Mathak
  44. 47/66   Khamsom Makha
  45. 47/67   Ngatan
  46. 47/68   Sorbung



  1. 48/1    Pudunamei (A) PS
  2. 48/2    Pudunamei (B) PS
  3. 48/3    Pudunamei (C) PS
  4. 48/4    Punanamei PS
  5. 48/5    Punanamei PS
  6. 48/6    Punanamei (B) PS
  7. 48/7    Punanamei (B-1) PS
  8. 48/8    Punanamei (C) PS
  9. 48/9    Rubunamei (A) PS
  10. 48/10   Rubunamei (B) PS
  11. 48/11   Chawainu PS
  12. 48/13   Kalinamai PS
  13. 48/14   Kalinamai PS
  14. 48/15   Kalinamai PS
  15. 48/16   Kalinamai PS
  16. 48/17   Phikomai PS
  17. 48/18   Songsong (A-1) PS
  18. 48/19   Songsong (A-2) PS
  19. 48/20-Song Song (B) (UW)
  20. 48/21-Song Song (C-1) (L Ar)
  21. 48/22-Song Song (C-2)
  22. 48/23-Song Song( D-1) (NA/V)
  23. 48/24   Songsong (D-2) PS
  24. 48/25   Sajouba (A) PS
  25. 48/29   Sajouba (C) PS
  26. 48/32   Makhel Keibi PS.
  27. 48/33   Makhel Kaibi PS
  28. 48/36   Tubumei Mei PS
  29. 48/37   Tungam Khullen (A) PS
  30. 48/38   Tungam Khullen (B) PS
  31. 48/39   Tugam Khullen (C) PS
  32. 48/40   Tungam Khullen (D) PS
  33. 48/41   Paomata/ Makufii (A) PS
  34. 48/42   Paomata/ Makufii (B) PS
  35. 48/43   Saranamei(A) PS
  36. 48/44   Saranamei (C) PS
  37. 48/45   Saranamei (B) PS
  38. 48/48   Tungjoy (A-1) PS
  39. 48/49   Tungjoy (B-1) PS
  40. 48/51   Tungjoy (E) PS
  41. 48/53   Tungjoy (D) PS
  42. 48/54   Tungjoy (D-1) PS
  43. 48/55   Liyai Khunou PS
  44. 48/56   Liyai Khullen (A) PS
  45. 48/57   Liyai Khullen (B) PS
  46. 48/60   Liyai Khullen (D) PS
  47. 48/61   Chingmei Khunou (A) PS
  48. 48/64   Chingmei Khunou (B) PS
  49. 48/65   Laii (A) PS
  50. 48/68   Laii (C) PS
  51. 48/70   Laii (D) PS



  1. 49/12- Chakumai (A) (L /V)
  2. 49/13- Chakumai(B)(RAld)
  3. 49/9-Tadubi(A) RA/V
  4. 49/10-Tadubi(A-l) NAI/
  5. 49/11-Tadubi (B) RAIV



  1. 51/62- Makhan PS
  2. 51/63 Khunkho Naga



  1. 53/19 – Gadai Primary School
  2. 53/28 Bhallok
  3. 53/58 Marangjing
  4. 53/59 Makhom 1
  5. 53/54 Kaikao
  6. 53/47 Haochong
  7. 53/38 puching
  8. 53/40 Akhui




  1. 54/5 okoklong
  2. 54/1 khongsang
  3. 54/19 kumbiron
  4. 54/17 kekru naga
  5. 54/31 mukti khulen
  6. 54/6 thingou




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