English : Salient points of press conference of BJP National Spokesperson Dr. Sambit Patra on 25 Jan 2019

Press Release



Salient Points of the Press Conference of BJP National Spokesperson Dr Sambit Patra

The cat is out of bag. Rahul Gandhi has himself admitted meeting with a couple of Chinese minister during Mansarovar Yatra.


BJP has that time expressed the apprehension that Rahul Gandhi has met Chinese ministers but he hid the fact which is a very serious matter.


Rahul Gandhi and his family during Doklam standoff met Chinese envoy also.


Country wants to know what transpired between Mr Gandhi and Chinese ministers?


Rahul Gandhi is acting as Chinese propagandist. Why is he all the time appreciating China and condemning India?


People of this country are watching these revelations and will give him befitting reply.


Congress has a mindset of revenge and it was clear during the press conference of Mr Anand Sharma who threatened CBI officers raiding premises of corrupt officials. This is against the constitution.



BJP National Spokesperson Dr Sambit Patra on Friday launched an attack on Congress president Rahul Gandhi for hiding the truth that he met a couple of ministers of Chinese Government during his Mansarovar Yatra and said he has betrayed India.


BJP National Spokesperson said, Rahul Gandhi today himself admitted in a Press Conference in Odisha that he during his Mansarovar Yatra has met a couple of Chinese ministers. The cat is out of the bag. Mr Patra said that BJP that time also wanted to know whether he met Chinese ministers, he simply refused. In fact that time a letter from a Chinese minister was received by the MEA about a meeting between Chinese Minister and Mr Rahul Gandhi but the permission was denied as this was out of protocol.


Dr Patra said, now our apprehensions proved to be true. He has himself admitted to this. Whatever we said that time proved to be true today. BJP national spokesperson said his party and country wants to know what transpired between the Chinese ministers and Rahul Gandhi. It is now clear that he has betrayed the country. Mr Patra raised sharp questions and said “Why he didn’t inform Indian officials about his meeting, why he didn’t take Indian Embassy in the loop and why he broke protocol? He said our party has taken serious view of this and would like to know who those ministers were and what transpired between them.”


Dr Patra said Mr Rahul Gandhi is not an ordinary citizen; he is the head of a national political party. An independent person can do anything but the fact remains that he is the head of a political party and he is supposed to work under a protocol. He further said that during Doklam standoff also Rahul Gandhi with his sister went to meet Chinese envoy.


BJP National President asked why Rahul Gandhi is working like a propagandist of China. Why is he all the time appreciating China all the time and condemning India? He says that democracy is in peril In India. People of this country will give him a befitting reply when the time comes.


Mr Patra also condemned Congress spokesperson Anand Sharma for threatening CBI and saying that after his party comes into power it will take action those who do such assignments. BJP national spokesperson said that no one can threat officers on duty, this is against the constitution. Irony is that the Congress feels that corruption is their birthright. They indulge in politics of revenge. When they didn’t get a favourable decision from the Supreme Court they started impeachment process against the CJI, when the EC didn’t bow to them they did a press conference in London to attack the credibility of EC. Shri Patra said Congress has a mindset to attack anyone who opposes them. He further said People of this country are watching this all and will give befitting reply on time.


He said Rahul has a RSS phobia. He is the person who while abroad compared RSS with Muslim Brotherhood. He believes in dynasty, Casteism and appeasement.


(Mahendra Pandey)

Office Secretary

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