Joint press statement of Hon'ble Union Minister Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Shri V. Muraleedharan & BJP National Spokesperson Shri Tom Vadakkan

द्वारा श्री राजीव चंद्रशेखर -
Press Release


Joint Press Statement of Hon'ble Union Minister Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Shri V. Muraleedharan & BJP National Spokesperson Shri Tom Vadakkan


The needle of Suspicion is on CM Pinarayi Vijayan, his CMO and his family.

He must come clean on the Gold smuggling Case and these most recent allegations of his office and families involvement in it


For the first time In the history of Kerala politics and Indian Democracy, we are faced with the situation of a sitting Chief Minister and his family being accused of Corruption, Smuggling and compromising National security by using the Chief Ministers office and administration for the smuggling and then for the attempted coverup and/or intimidation


When the case of Gold smuggling via alleged Diplomatic channels had been exposed and the role of Chief Ministers office in the person of Mr Sivasankaran and his associates Swapna Suresh had been revealed, In Jul 2020, as the State Elections loomed in front of him, the CM wrote to the PM seeking the intervention of and investigation by the Central agencies


His words of Jul 2020 require repeating and reminding today


He termed the crime as “Extremely serious” and one with “Implications for the Nation” and as a crime that “warranted a thorough investigation”. “Every link should be unraveled. The state Government will provide all assistance”


In hindsight it is clear now to all, that PInarayi Vijayan was attempting to obfuscate the issue and ensure that it does not become an issue in the 2021 Elections as he portrayed himself as genuinely wanting to investigate it


But from that time to today, the Kerala Government under Pinarayi Vijayan has done everything to block the investigation into these criminal activities and serious crimes. He has used the State police to roadblock the central agencies who have the expertise at investigating and prosecuting these crimes

But recent revelations by media of Accused Swapna Suresh’s sworn 164 Statement in Court (Not mere allegations, but a sworn statement in front of a Court)  are explosive and unprecedented.


It has firmly pointed the needle of suspicion to CM Vijayan and his family as the fulcrum of this conspiracy that involves currency smuggling out of the country at request of CM’s office and the receiving of unexplained consignments of “Biryani” to his official residence by him and members of his family.  


The actions of CM Vijayan following this further reinforce the perception of guilt. Actions by senior and trusted officials of CM Pinarayi Vijayan to first bribe and then intimidate Ms Swapna Suresh and then her lawyer are now publicly known.  Swapna Suresh colleague Sarit was also arrested, and attempts were made to intimidate her via that.


The Kerala Police ADGP Vigilance – a position that is known to be close to CM – met with a Shaji Kiran for over 4 hours, before the same Shaji Kiran met Swapna Suresh to push for a “settlement” with offers of money and followed with intimidation. A carrot and stick approach. The audio recordings of these conversations of settlement and coercion are now known to all in the media and Kerala. The same officer has made over 33 calls to the intermediary during this period leaving no doubt that this meeting had official sanction and backing.


Serious questions and observations emerge from the conduct of Pinarayi Vijayan in the last few days.


1.     This crime has “Serious national implications” said the CM in the runup to the Elections 2021 when his own CMO involvement was exposed. A crime that involved selling out our national security for a few pieces of Gold?


2.     Why has CM gone from talking about “Every link should be unraveled and State government will give assistance” to now doing everything to silence, muzzle and intimidate those who are giving sworn statements to Courts? Why this U Turn when the needle of suspicion of this crime now has come to point in direction of himself and his office and family.


3.     Removing the ADGP Vigilance from his post at Midnight after the audio recordings broke seem to confirm rather than absolve, the CM and/or CMO and/or Family of their involvement of this use money and intimidations to thwart the truth.


4.     What is source of the money that Shaji Kiran was offering to Swapna for her silence? Whose money is that?



This is an unprecedented crisis in Kerala - state has seen many CPM/LDF CMs from EMS to Nayanar to VS Achuthanandan but has never had any CPM/LDF CM accused of using his Office and Senior Administration officials like Police as a part of criminal conspiracy.


In the interest of India and Kerala, the CM must come clean. Stop his intimidation of the process of investigation and law  and must permit a free and fair investigation of the case and prosecution of the Crime. A crime he himself referred to as having serious implications for nation. Those serious implications don’t change just because he and/or his CMO and/or family are involved.



Office Secretary




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