Points made by Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu on Shri Narendra Modi

Press Release

Points made by Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu, MP and former National President of the BJP at a press Conference
at Hyderabad on 19/11/2013

No one can block the sun bare hand,
and none can stop Narendra Modi with fiction and falsehood.


Writing on the wall is clear;
Congress will be out, there will be total rout and there is no doubt.


The Congress party is rattled with the declaration Sri Narendra Modi as the prime ministerial candidate and also by seeing the unprecedented massive upsurge in favour of his leadership. The meeting held in Bangalore two days ago was historic and so electrifying with the participation of lakhs of people, particularly 3.5 lakh people by paying Rs. 10/- each as entry fee. I have not seen a meeting of such liveliness. Sri Modi has become a phenomenon that people of all sections across the country see him as messiah who can save the country from the present chaos and ruination.

After witnessing the rallies in Hyderabad, Tiruchi and Bangalore, I am confident that the BJP will sweep the polls and get highest number of seats even in South by breaking all the past records of any non-congress combination so far.

The Congress’s desperation is evident and becoming more and more visible and louder day by day. It has become so frustrated that it went to the extent of asking the BJP to change its prime ministerial candidate and filed a petition before election commission to withdraw recognition of BJP as a ‘national party’. They are running away even before the polls have begun.

The Congress leaders are stooping to lowest levels by regularly abusing and personally attacking Sri Modi. The Congress president calls Narendra Modi as ‘merchant of death’ (mouth ka saudagar). Its vice president calls the BJP as ‘party of thieves’. One general secretary, Mr Digvijay Singh, calls him as ‘Ravana’ and another as ‘megalomaniac psychopath liar’. One spokesman, Mr Rashid Alvi, calls him “Yamaraj riding on a buffalo”. External affairs minister calls him ‘monkey’ and I&B minister, Mr Tiwari, compares him with ‘Dawood Ibrahim’. Family loyalist, Mr Manishankar Aiyer, dubs him as ‘snake and scorpion’. One Congress MP, refers him as ‘dog’ while another as ‘Hitler and Pol Pot’. Mrs Renuka Choudhary calls NaMo as ‘namonitis virus’.

All these abuse show that they are rattled, desperate and frustrated and a clear admission of their failure to counter him politically and ideologically. The raise of strong leader provoked the opponents to vilification.

Asking for CBI enquiry monitored by the Supreme Court, by five of its senior leaders, with a snooping charge on a woman is laughable, ridiculous, to say the least idiotic, when neither the woman nor her father had made any complaint. On the contrary, her father made a statement that he requested the government to take care of her security. This is the job of dirty tricks department of Congress ably supported by investigating agencies as it is everybody’s knowledge that these leakages are made by these agencies at the behest of Congress party.

The Congressmen should remember that their government recommended and the President commuted a death sentence to life imprisonment in four cases of rape and murder of three minor girls and where in the highest court of the land, Supreme Court, held that these cases are rarest of rare.

The Prime Minister as if he is suffering from selective amnesia gives pravachans to the BJP forgetting abuses and personal attacks by congressmen including his leader on their political opponents. But the people are wise enough to understand their desperation.

The Congress considers the country as its patrimony and as it realises now that it is fast losing ground is desperate and resorting to personal abuses at Sri Modi and also misusing the investigating agencies to defame and denigrate him. The hyper activeness by CBI in terrorist encounter is classic example of its misuse.

The Congress, which is neck-deep in corruption with record number of scams and scandals, facing enquiries, is not able to explain the people about the promises it made and subsequent betrayal is trying its best to divert the attention of the people from their failures and hence is resorting to cheap and mean campaign against Sri Modi. The BJP would like to caution the people that they may stoop down further.

For Congressmen, the writing on the wall is clear; ‘they will be out, it will be total rout and there is no doubt about it’. No one can block sun with bare hand, and no one can stop Sri Modi with fiction and falsehood.


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