Resolution on Welfare of the Poor passed in BJP National Convention at Ramlila Ground, New Delhi on 12.01.2019

Press Release



BharatiyaJanata Party

National Council Meeting

11th-12th January 2019




This National Council of the BharatiyaJanata Party praises the Central Government led by ShriNarendraModi for the initiative taken for the welfare of the poor and for the schemes implemented and its far fetching policies towards their social and economic upliftment. It is as a result of the clearpolicies, noble intention and decisive leadership of the BJP Government that we have been able to improve the lives of the poor in the country. There is a clear cut difference within the last four and half years, before and after the formation of this Government led by ShriNarendraModi.

The Congress Party stayed in power for a very long time after independence, but neither the lives of the poor improved nor did they get the social justice they deserved. Congress party always treated the poor of the country as their vote bank. The Congress Party only gave some temporary entitlements from time to time but it did not work towards finding a farreaching and basic solution to the problems of the poor in the country. This is a simple reason that the poor never got empowered and they never got their basic rights as they should have rightfully gotten. However, our Prime Minister,ShriNarendraModi, who comes from a poor background, commitedlyworked towards making a change for the poor, with the specific aims of antyodaya and welfare of the poor, along with bringing a paradigm change in the situation of the poor and the economically and socially weaker sections of the country. ThisGoverment took many historical decisions in the last four and a half years to change the conditions of the poor. 

BhartiyaJanta Party believes that the welfare of the poor leads to the betterment of the country. It believes that if we have to increase our capacities for the development of the countryand take it to new heights, we need to develop and prosper each and every section of the society. For achieving this, with his slogan of ‘SabkaSaath-SabkaVikas’, Prime Minister ShriNarendraModi worked towards the empowerment of the last persons of this society, who have been suffering from social and economic backwardness for past several decades. The BharatiyaJanata Party in its last four and half years has worked much more than what the Congress could do in last 60 years for the betterment of the dalit, poor and the downtrodden of the country. This National Council of the BhartiyaJanta Party praises Prime Minister,ShriNarendraModi for the schemes, policies and decisions that he has initiated for the welfare of the poor of this country.


The Congress Party gave the slogan of ‘GaribiHatao’ immediately after independence, but it only remained a slogan. The poor remained limited to an electoral slogan in the development indicators of the CongressParty.Former Prime Minister Shri Rajiv Gandhi of the Congress Party used to say that only 15 rupees of the 100 rupees which is sent from Delhi reaches the poor of the country. These were the times when Congress was in power in most of the places from Panchayat to Parliament. Thus, it is not very difficult to deduce where the 85 rupees was going during those days. Today, the situation is remarkably different. This picture has completely changed because of the steps taken by the Government under the leadership of Prime Minister ShriNarendraModi of the BJP.

The BJP Government implemented Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) to ensure that the rights of the poor reach to their accounts directly. It is the result of this DBT that 5.50 lakh crore rupees under 434 schemesis reaching the accounts of the poor directly without any middle man. This change reflects that the 15 rupees which was reaching the poor in the times of ShriRajiv Gandhi, is now a complete 100 rupees out of 100, which is reaching directly to the poor.


Prime Minister,ShriNarendraModihas a multidimensional perspective for the welfare of the poor. This is the reason that he started the cycle of development by giving an identity to the poor of the country.Today 122 crore people of this country have gottenAADHAR cards. This is being praised all over the world because no other country has been able to give identity cards to such a large population ever. Prime Minister,ShriNarendraModi has given a kind of development badge to the poor of the country in 25 lakh habitations across 6 lakh villages of the country. TheAadhar card has not only given an identity to the poor of the country, but it has also paved the way for their overall development.

Immediately after taking the power in his hands,ShriNarendraModi gave a right to the poor,thereby reinstating the faith and trust of the Government on the citizen, and of the citizens on the Government. ShriNarendraModihas put an end to the tradition of ‘attestion’, which was started under the British rule and was continued by the Congress regime. Common citizen had to go to a Government official to get any document ‘attested’. Prime Minister ShriNarendraModihasput an end to this process by giving the right of this ‘attestation’ to the person himself. Now any person of the country can verify his or her own documents. This is an example of the empowerment of citizens of the country.


This was an irony that even after seven decades of independence,a very large section of the population couldn't become a part of the mainstream economy of the country. Many decades ago, the Congress Party did ‘Nationalisation’ of banks in the name of poor but even after 47 years of this ‘Nationalization’, there were crores of families which never got the chance to open a bank account. Prime Minister,ShriNarendraModi with the ‘Jan DhanYojana’ brought crores of such families into the banking system of the country by opening their bank accounts. Within a very short span of time, 33crore people opened theirbank accounts.  The country saved 87,000crorerupees through these 32 crore accounts within a very short span of time. The poor of the country benefited from becoming a part of the banking system by removing the middleman. Now the poor have started receiving the money that they deserved, directly into their accounts. Thishas also curbed the corruption which was present in the system. On an average, the middlemen were getting almost 90,000crore rupees which has now stopped and is available for the development of the country.

BJP Government took the decision of starting the ‘Post Payment’ Bank in the banking system. This was a landmark decision in the history of the banking system. The banks which were not available for the poor of the country for decades even after independence, were now open for the poor and this happened only through the commitment of ShriNarendraModi. 1.5 lakh new banking centres were opened and the banking system opened its door for the common people in the country. Now the ‘Postman’ who used to deliver letters, started exchange of money and other banking related services. The simplification of banking system which is happening under the leadership of ShriNarendraModiis historic and unprecedented. TheModi Government has made the banking services available at the door of the poor in the country.


Economic security to the poor of the country has been at top priority for this Government. Under the leadership of ShriNarendraModi, insurance security was provided under the PradhanMantriSurakshaBimaYojana. 14 crore people got 2 lakh rupees accidental insurance benefit by paying only 12 rupees per year. A total of 29,000 people have gotten 580 crore rupees in claims under this scheme up till now. Similarly,JeevanJyotiBima scheme has become very popular, under which a poor person can pay only 9 rupees per day premium and his family becomes entitled to2 lakh rupees in insurance claim, upon his natural expiry. This is the cheapest premium in the world. 5.50 crore poor people have bought this policy and up till now 1,24,000 families have benefited in cases of natural death of the policyholder, in which 2,480 crores rupees have been disbursed till now. Similarly under the Atal Pension Scheme, by depositing only 7 rupees per day, anyone can get 5000 rupees per month in pension after the age of 60 years. Uptill now 1 crore 24 lakh accounts have been opened under the scheme, in which the poor people are saving for their secured future. Underthe EPS-95 scheme, the labourer was getting Rs. 100,Rs. 200 or Rs. 300 pension per month until now. The BJP Government has increased it to 1000 rupees and 36 lakh pension holders are taking the benefit of this now.

The Modi Government of the BhartiyaJanta Party has established high standards of public welfare and economic security for the poorthrough these schemes and initiatives. The example set by the Government for being welfare centric, development oriented and pro-poor, is highly appreciable.


Ayushman Scheme: The poor face  the biggest difficulty when someone from his or her family becomes ill. By introducing and implementing the most novel health scheme ‘Ayushman Bharat SwasthYojana’, Prime Minister,ShriNarendraModi has given the gift of health to 10 crore families and 50 crore population of the country. Under this scheme, the poor of the country are getting benefits of up to 5 lakh rupees for free treatment of 1350 types of diseases. For this, the poor are getting a card and even if they have not gotten the card, they can get benefits of the scheme on the basis of their Aadhaar identity card.In first 100 days of this scheme, more than 6 lakh poor people have gotten free healthcare in private and public hospitals across the country. This relief to 50 crore people is crucial, because in the circumstance ofnon availability of money for treatment, the poor had no option but to sell their land or house or take loans from different non-institutional sources,creating significant financial burden on the poor families. Now without spending a single penny, the poor people are getting sufficient healthcare. The Ayushman Bharat scheme has given a new life to the poor people of this country, after 70 years of independence. Along with this, many  wellness centres have also been established, where the poor are getting good healthcare and medical advice, after different free tests.

QualityAnd Accessible Healthacre For The Poor:The efforts made by the BJP Government to make essential medicine and healthcare cheaper and accessible are highly appreciable. In last four and half years, prices of 1085 essential medicines were reduced, which has reducedupto15000 crore rupees in expenditure from the pocket of the poor. In addition to this, 4300 Jan AushadhiKendras were opened, where most of the medicines are sold at 50% less price. The Government has also reduced the price of stents to Rs. 20,000 -Rs. 30,000 from 1.5 -2 lakh rupees to reduce the cost of heart surgeries.This has straightaway benefited the poor. In another such decision, the Modi Government has reduced the price of knee replacement surgery upto 60%-70%. In cases of diseases related to cancer and heart, the price of medicines were very high. Now with Amrit pharmacy, these medicines are being sold at 70%-80% discount to the people. In 500 districts across the country,‘free for poor and cheaper for others’ dialysis facilities were also made available.

Mission Indradhanush: 4 crore infants are given health facilities through ‘Mission Indradhanush’ with five kind of vaccines. More than 50 lakh pregnant women are getting 6000 rupees per year for better health and nourishment. Along with this, a program for better nourishment of children is being implemented very successfully. All these schemes and facilities are giving health security to the people of the country.


When the BJP came to power in the Central Government in 2014, there were 18000 villages in the country,which were not electrified yet.ShriNarendraModi  took  the commitment of completing this aim in 1000 days. People in these thousands of villages have never seen electricity in their lives. Even if electricity was available in many other villages, it was not reaching every house of the village. The ModiGovernment took the decision of taking free electricity to each and every household of these villages. Through the SaubhagyaYojana, the Government identified 4 croresuchhouseholds across the country and aimed to provide all of these 4crorehousehold free electricity within 1000 days. The Government has by now reached 2.5 croresuchhouseholds and provided them free electricity. In the states of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Jammu Kashmir,Uttarakhand, Tripura, Mizoram, Sikkim, etc, not a single home is without electricity now. The work which the Congress Government could not do in 70 years, the Modi Government has done in just 4 years and has created an identity of its own for this.  


Today, over 6 crore women across the country have gottena gas connection, a cooking gas stove and the first free cylinder under the UjjwalaYojana. Before this, these women were inhaling the amount of smoke equivalent to 400 cigarettes per day by burning wood for fuel. The poor women were becoming accustomed to suffering from the same. A pro-poor and sensitive Modi Government unerstood this pain of the poor and found solutions. The smoke from the lives and homes of the poor waned away and they got light in the real meaning. Along with this, 6 crore more connections were given to different other sections of the society. Untill nownow, 12 crore connections were distributed in a span of 5 years. This is an unprecedented achievement.


Another significant need of human life is a shelter or residence. Under the Prime Minister Rural Housing Scheme, the poor were getting 70-75,000 rupees to make their homes, which has now become 1,25,000 rupees under the Modi led BJP Government. This Government is working towards the aim of giving a good house to the poorest of the poor. The poor arenow getting 12000 rupees to make a toilet in their house. Today more than 1.5 crore people have got their own houses. This is a big achievement of the PradhanmantriAwasYojna. In urban areas, affordable housing scheme has been initiated which is helping the middle class and the lower class in the cities to get their own flats. The Government is giving 3 lakh rupees towards the interest on loan for housing in these places.


Another primary need of the poor is food. In the times of the Congress regime, only 32 crore people across 11 states were coverd underAnna SurakshaYojana. Under the leadership of Prime Minister, ShriNarendraModi, this Anna SurakshaYojana has been extended to all 29 States and 7 Union Territories. Now 80 crore poor and other category people are getting benefit of this scheme. Under this scheme Rs.2/Kgwheat and Rs.3/Kgrice is being made available to the poor sections of the society.


In 2014, only 27000 crore rupees were spent on the MNREGA, which has now increased to 54000 crore rupees in 2018.  This has led to creation of 142 crore man days of labour under the scheme to provide employment to the poor. Now women share 56% of the total scheme beneficiaries. Earlier payments under this scheme took many months to reach to the poor; now the Government has made fundamental changes. It now deposits the money directly into the accounts of these labourers within 15 days. This has reduced corruption and other leakages under this scheme. The Government has also increased minimum wages to 42% more than the earlier times to ensure that the poor shall get fair wage for his labour. This has benefited more than 60 lakh labourers directly.

The Government hasprovided a unique account number for Provident Fund for every worker in the country, which has facilitated a smooth change of job and place for the poor person. Under the MUDRA scheme,which offers loan upto1 lakh rupees without any collateral,15 crore poor and middle class people have gotten more than 7 lakh crore rupees. Among these 74% are women, who have gotten loans and have started small businesses. In the last four and half years, more than 1 crore E-rickshaws were introduced which has put an end to inhuman expolitation, increased employment and saved the environment. When the Congress mocks the poor by calling them chaiwala orpakodewala, theModi Government gives them ways to earn a respectable livelihood. This is the difference between the BJP and the Congress.


Construction of Roads: The first and primary condition of development is improvement in basic infrastructure. Under the Congress Government, only 70 kms per day of rural roads were constructed; now it has doubled to 140 kms per day. In the last 4 years, 1,80,000 kilometres of roads were constructed. In May 2014, the rural roads were reahing only 56% of villages, now they have reached 91% of villagesuptil August 2018.

Communication System: Communication is an essential and important service. Today a lot of government services and works are being done online. For this, in last 4 years, 2,25,000 new service centres were established. Today, these service centres have reached more than 3 lakh in total.This government has put a network of 3 lakh km of optical fibre cable in 1,22,000villagepanchayats across the country. In 2014 this number was just 59 village panchayats.Now the village panchayats are working on mobile and many villages have got Wi-Fi facilities.

Aviation: This was a dream of our Prime Minister ShriNarendraModithat a person who is wearing sleepers, should be able to fly in an aeroplane. To realise this dream,UDAAN scheme was launched with rupees 2500 airfare for many areas. In last 4 years, 25 new airports were made and put to use. After the Independence, the aviation sector has registered the highest growth in last 4 years.

Regional Development:Many areas across the country were lagging behind in the race of development. 150 such district were identified by the Modi government and were called Aspirational Districts. In this district, a scheme was launched for making 7 different types of services like banking,insurance,gas, electricity, health and roads, available for each and everyone in the district. This scheme was successful in 75,000 villages across the country.Modiji has conceptualised that a balanced development of the country will only happen when all the areas and regions of the country will develop together. For this purpose,these aspirational districts were facilitated for good education, health, transport and development related service on a fast pace.

Identification And Utilisation Of Resources:TheModi government took a historical decision to spend the money earned through mining activities of a district in the same district. 150 such districts were identified in the country.This has made available, 18000 crore rupees for development of these 150 districts. Along with this, under the AntyodayaYojana, the poorest of the poor of the 2.5 lakh village panchayats across the country are integrally linked to different schemes of livelihood to improve their lives.


The government has achieved big success in the ‘BetiBachaoBetiPadhaoAbhiyan’. This has led to increased respect for girl child and in 104 districts, sex ratio has also improved.Schools for girls have increased in number and the government has made more scholarships available for their studies. Under the SukanyaSamridhiYojna, 1.30 crore accounts were open for the girl child for their education uptilltheir marriage. This has helped to make the women more empowered and respected in the society. To provide a safe and secured life to women is an important aspect of the society and the government has taken some stern decisions in this regard. Nowcapital punishment for rape has been introduced by this government. 

The Kasturba Gandhi girls schools for an integral education of girl child of the lower sections of the society, have had education and hostel facility only upto class 8th till now. Now these have been extended up till class 12th. Now 5,97,000 girl child in 597 such hostels will study upto class 12th. Similarly, for the poor rural male students, 39 new NavodayaVidyalayas have been opened in last 4 years by the government. Along with this, in this week the government has also taken another big decision by increasing the number of seats in all Navodaya Schools by 5088. This will benefit a large number of students who are going to take admission in the coming academic year. The government has also opened 109 new KendriyaVidyalaya in last 4 years.

The women working in the Anganbariwere getting less paid. Now for such 27 lakhAnganwadi working women, the monthly remuneration has been increased to 1500 rupees per month. Similarly, 1.5 Lakh Asha workers have also got their monthly remuneration to 2,000 rupees under this government.Additionally,nowthese women are also getting insurance benefits under social security schemes of the government.


A new scheme of integral education to increase the standard of education in the government schools was launched under the scheme of ‘SabkoShikshaAchiShiksha’. With this, the government has worked towards quality education in government schools where learning outcomes shall also beraised. Along with this, different types of scholarships have also been increased upto 50%.4 lakh toilets were made in girls schools and in schools where the toilets were less in numbers, 12.5 lakh new toilets have been added.11 lakh government schools have got Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 20,000 annually for development of library and sports facilities under the ‘Padhe Bharat-Badhe Bharat, Khele India-Khile India’. 


This government has taken a revolutionary and historic decision for the poor and middle classes of the country. The economically weaker sections will now get 10% reservation in jobs and higher education on the basis of their income. Aconstitutional amendment has been made in this regard. This benefit will be made available to the poor of every religion and to groups who were not getting reservation uptil now, like Brahmin, Baniya, Kapu, Maratha, Patel, Jat and Rajputs. This demand of the poor was never met in the last 70 years, which is now being met. This National Council appreciate Prime Minister Sh. NarendraModi and congratules him for this historic and revolutionary decision.


3 to 5percent of people in our society have some or other physical disability. Thisgovernment has brought Sugamya Bharat Scheme to make all the government buildings accessible by making ramps in these buildings. More than 8 lakh Divyangs have got different instruments and equipments in more than 7000 camps in last 4 years. This government has increased the reservation for Divyangs to 4% from 3%.Scholarship for technical education for Divyangshave also increased. The country has got it’s first research centre for Sign Languages. Earlier only 7 type of disabilities were identified to put a person in a Divyang category, which have now become 21 types of disabilities.

This government has for the first time made provisions of minimum support price (MSP) for forest produce for the tribals, which has helped increase their incomes. The tribals have benefitted from different schemes under the ‘Van Bandhu’ program. The government has given entitlements (Van patta) over many lakh hectares of forest land to tribal communities for agriculture. 

The Janmabhoomi, Shikshabhoomi,Karmabhoomi, Deekshabhoomi and Mahaparinirvanbhoomi of Dr.BabasahebAmbedkar have now been developed into ‘Panchteerths’ by the government by making Smarak in these places. This government has also started Ambedkar International Centre. A separate budget of 95,000 crore rupees for different schemes fordalits and tribals was allocated. Forthe welfare of OBC, the budget has been increased by 41%. This government has also completed the dream of formation of OBC commission

The country gets empowered only through the empowerment of the poor. The country will not progress until each and every section of the society does not get equal opportunity for development.Modi Government in last four and half years has tried to increase the pace of development and bring everyone in the process of development. So much has been done for the welfare of the poor under the leadership of Sh. NarendraModi in these 5 years, that this period has become the most significant time-period in last 70 years history of development of the country. This National Council of the BhartiyaJanta Party once again congratulatesour Prime Minister Sh. NarendraModi for these significant and important achievements.





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